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Based and wtfwasthatpilled

Honestly, fuck this coin for now. I'm gonna pretend I'm not holding it and just wallow in depression (bought at 2.19).

checked but not based

based but not checked

checked and based on nothing

checked and bluepilled

Checked and purple ID'd.

Not checked and poo ID'd

Bought at $2.5 lmao

>t. bought at $4.99

Oh, more profit
Thats nice
t. 28c buyer

That's not how it works unless you sell

Honestly nobody cares all the cool people bought at .40, price action means nothing to us only the faggots are getting worked up over the eventual dips and moons to $1000.

>he still believes $1000 EOY

Exactly. It's $10000 EOY now bitches.

the cool people bought at .19-.22 USD, get it straight

The real question is why did you stop buying at .19? I bought at .17 and continued through up to $3; sure I raised my avg, but I guarantee I have more link than you.

Based. Imagine not buying more LINK so you can fill your garage with more supercars.

I stopped at 4k, that ought to be a sure thing, no need to add more risk

real talk, what is max potential for link if we have another 2017? will we see link going for a 100?

Yeah....I'm thinking we're back

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I do
Every month
Cos im not a child


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Pump and dump

dump and pump