I got my mom thott pregnant. im just a broke colege kid with like 200$ in crypto. she says she wants to keep the baby. wtf do i do. how do iget out of this fuked up situation
I got my mom thott pregnant. im just a broke colege kid with like 200$ in crypto. she says she wants to keep the baby...
Rape her. Then Kill her.
Hide the whore's body and pretend you had nothing to do with it
>get your DNA all over and in someone before killing them
You really didn't think that one through
Just be gay next time
Have sex.
>you can cream pie her for months and get her addicted to being dongled
By the time that babby is pooped out, she'll be wrapped around your finger and begging for more.
Congratulations on having sex!
Tfw I did exactly as op and am closest fag
Planned parenthood. Kill the baby, stop fucking whores. That simple.
put abortion pills in her food while she's not looking
Marry her and be the man of her house. You’ll be free again in 25yrs
Post her pics so we can decide. Also post your race.
>mom thott
How profit of coom in mother prostitute
get in a time machine and slap the shit out of yourself before you coom inside mom thots
she is richer than you
marry her and get half of her assets
You make a her a big ole chocolate congratulations prego health smoothie with half of this bag poured into it and watch her drink all of it :^)
Make sure there is a toilet available, Enjoy friend.
>she says she wants to keep the baby.
threaten to leave the country and never pay for shit for that baby. like the pathetic loser you are, she will probably realize fucking you was a big mistake, and keeping the baby is a bigger mistake. what a fucking dumbass for even considering a child in 2019, they are the worst investments ever, and literally the poorfags making minimum wage cannot afford them. financial suicide.
she could also be fucking with you to see how you react.
Man the fuck up
Continue fucking her. Support her emotionally as convenient but not financially, explaining that you must focus on attaining your degree to provide your offspring with a better life. When the baby is born, look at the color of it's skin. The baby is clearly black. A bigger coomed inside your thot mommi and she now has another baby who is not your progeny. Demand a paternity test to confirm. Sue her for lying to you in order to exploit your kindness. You win.
>tl;dr: she's having tyrone's babby
>or maybe jamal's, no way to tell
Predictive text is anathema to recreational racism.
We need a green text of sexy time for research purposes
What race is it?
you are a father now, embrace it
the fact that you even thought of murdering your child is sickening, and will disgust you when you remember it in a few years
ask your close family for guidance, not the retard Jow Forums gambling board
best of luck may God be with you
human probably
ya dun goofed. Im a citizen of 3 countries so if i were you id move
>I got my mom thott pregnant.
What do you mean=
Did you commit incest?
Be a man and marry her.
It's not yours, she just told you it was because the dad never went to college.
Jk, marry her bro