>solves oracle problem
>connects real world data to smart contracts
>aggregates price data
>only 650m mcap
How is nobody talking about this token?
>solves oracle problem
>connects real world data to smart contracts
>aggregates price data
>only 650m mcap
How is nobody talking about this token?
Because it's a fucking scam you idiot
Great question OP. I’ve been trying to drum up some excitement around these parts but no one seems to care.
Highly expensive JSON calls.
Its a scam moron
Biz wouldn't get it OP, I just started a subreddit for the more cultured of us.
OG linker here, I, like most, simply don’t care to respond to fud anymore or make intelligent posts which wind up bombarded by braindead fud. Most of the biz elite are all in LINK, we have no reason to discuss anything anymore. Just waiting.
It’s weird how under the radar it is. It’s literally on the front page of Coinbase, but people are acting like it’s on Etherdelta still
I know op, this gem is still so underrated..
The real reason IMO is two-fold.
Consider the guy in Berlin that made fun of the fact that Sergey had Libra in his slides. To a large portion of people in crypto, Chainlink is too corporate seeming. They have a techno utopian vision in their heads and think the titans of yesteryear should be slayed, not incorporated into their crypto revolution.
The other big crypto group Chainlink has yet to attract are the giant retards who like it when teams shill on Twitter.
Somehow, we’re still in stealth mode.
Marcetcap is 1.8 billion, if anything it’s a little generous guven the limited functionality and lack of adoption. Not fud desu, but 1.8 billion is a lot.
Up 10%, get in while you still can!(lol)
>Somehow, we’re still in stealth mode.
Yeah and it's unbe_fucking_lievable.
Because Blockchain adoption is far away.
Ask to any big company about Blockchain and you should understand it.
can confirm, mostly browsing out of habit now
Because we already did, We know it's revolutionary and we all have our ducks in a row. This happened in 2017- early 2018 and now we wait. We are the people saying never sell, We are the same people saying it's a scam.
Brainlet here, what is the oracle problem?
>We are the people saying never sell, We are the same people saying it's a scam
this x10
Is 14k link enough to do something?
2 years from today, you will have so much money that you will look down on normalfags as playthings for your amusement, their suffering and deaths no more important than a video game character's
>Ask to any big company about internet and you should understand it.
Because it's just first steps in development.
We had a chance to enter early.
See you in 5 years.
You will be signing smart contract with your landlord then.
See you in 5 years.
The oracle problem is when you have an actress in your first movie of a trilogy and she dies so you have to come up with an excuse for why she doesn’t look like the same actress in the sequels and hope the audience buys it.
The "oracle problem" is a type of paradox: the "perfect oracle" is not needing an oracle at all.
Blockchains allow for things real-world assets cannot do (trustless programmable transactions), and they can do this BECAUSE they operate on a different level (deterministic) from real-world assets (non-deterministic).
These two worlds can and should never merge, so you need a conduit between them.
Which will always necessarily be "imperfect" to a degree.
Just like in ancient Greece, oracles were humans who went into a trance to transmit messages from the gods.
Their messages were flawed, cryptic, vague, ... but they were considered the best possible conduit to the gods, since direct communication would be impossible because gods operate on an entirely different level from normal humans.
In other words: oracles will always be somewhat flawed because they form a bridge between two completely distinct worlds.
The "oracle problem" implies that you can tweak an oracle to near-perfection (Chainlink), but it cannot and never will be a perfect bridge.
You are in 1989
Have you seen the documents of KPMG, deloitte, and many others not only mentioning chainlink by name but researching how to implement smart contracts into their business?
In 2006 you could have asked any of your fellow country men the same thing and they would have been equally confused, Durgesh
Based post. Thank you for this.
based & hopiumpilled
Is only research, big companies requires 5 years for any big change.
> Im SAP developer
you retards will understand 2020 is the year of the entreprise blockchain
I just read all the its a scam posts as sarcasm everyone is on LINK
>Oracle mechanisms, like Chainlink’s, can provide reliable data and information from external sources to blockchain smart contracts. They represent an ideal compromise for mainstream companies that are interested in leveraging DLT, but reluctant to transition to a radically different and unfamiliar system.
>“We’re selling this idea of decentralization to these folks,” Nazarov said. The way to do that, he emphasized, is through oracles, which allow companies to only use as much of the new technology as they feel comfortable with.
>“All these types of platforms don’t really want to solve this problem,” explained Nazarov. “It’s not a core base layer-one type of problem, but it is going to be something that stops developers building certain types of applications that people are excited about.”
>It takes roughly half a day for most projects to integrate Chainlink’s oracle mechanism, effectively outsourcing the problem of how to make those projects interact with the wider world.
>half a day
>5 years
>half a day
>but it cannot and never will be a perfect bridge
That's the beauty of it, it doesn't have to be perfect...nothing in life is; however, if it is good enough for enterprise usage, then it's time to go interstellar.
>if it is good enough for enterprise usage, then it's time to go interstellar.
>2 years from today
Just curious as to why you think this will be the case? Do you believe Q4 of 2021 will be the peak of the next bullrun?
That's just when I think we hit $1000 per link, personal opinion only
>thinking link will PnD like every other crypto
yup.. js waiting... come here occasionally for breadcrumbs
>Ask to anyway
Yeah m8 thats fucking bullshit and you know it. The only reason bitcoin or any of these cryptos are worth as much as they are is because of fucking hype. Chainlink still hasn't hit its huge hype phase but its getting there.
>thinking link will PnD like every other crypto
How did you infer this?
from >peak of the next bullrun
1000$ will come from corporate use, not retail
>1000$ will come from corporate use
Even if this is the case, wouldn't it be safe to assume that after the peak of the next bullrun, the price will tank somewhat when the market implodes like it did in 2018?
Also assuming corporate use is still a few years away...it's difficult to assume smart contracts and oracles will be ubiquitous at the enterprise level in just 2 years.
It is a scam
t. 50k bagholder
The next bulltun will only be a select amount of crypto. Many will die off completely.
>Chainlink is too corporate seeming
>6 millennials headed by a philosophy grad who refuses to change clothes like a Steve Jobs wannabe faggot
>corporate seeming
Are you mentally retarded?
So assuming that link is one of the chose few that will thrive and also assuming that corporate use is not part of the picture, would it be wise to assume that Q4 of 2021 will be the peak of the next bullrun?
Si why the partners and other suits at those firms are not buying enough link to pump the price?
>How is nobody talking about this token?
Isn't that Chainlink, the pump and dump scam the news talked about?
nobody can predict that with a certainty. but likely before then we will have a big bull market
it's actually $1.8billion market cap if you count the 650,000,000 sergey printed himself, and considering they have close to 0 users and do not actually solve the oracle problem yet, that is incredibly overpriced.
because Chainlink is mostly fake partnerships. Swift/Google/Oracle are not real partners. And the rest of the partners are literal whos who only partnered to get some media attention. They won't be using LINK.
20 teams you faggot
The real marketcap is 1,8 billions, 650 millions.
Here comes all the tranny discord fud
I concur as a 19¢ average buyer. Biz is shit now but I still look in to gauge general sentiment.
same, sometimes larp as a nulinker or fud it out of boredom
implying steve jobs was not a greedy corporate FUCK
>t. desperate linkers pretending everything is OK
This, most, if not all of them are complete failures. it's their last hope, when they finally accept that they have been had they will anhero en masse
Because everybody who has the MONEY will not share it with payeets just because new tech is out
Moneygram and other wiresystems already use internal clones of ETH and similar to maximize their profits. Thanks for the open source
But they don't the SHIT care for your "digital asset management" whitepaper that you put out so you can justify laughing about the idiots who helped you becoming rich with an ICO
"They really believed I will be better than X with my shitty oracle safe network satoshiX crapfest"
kek nice desperate fud i'd necc if i were u