>hey bro, you hardly touched your plate... mind if I take it?
>help yourself bro I'm not hungry...
Hey bro, you hardly touched your plate... mind if I take it?
der coomer
wait a minute. isnt that skinny guy the one who endorsed the shitcoin scam omisego? I guess he never learns.
>bro, mind if i take your woman?
Imagine expecting these 2 to destroy the banking industry.
I imagine some sort of majin boo fusion scenario
kek, would be a good comedy
>jonah hill as money belly
>michael cera as money skelly
look at those guys
peak millennial bodies
absolute soi bois
cast Craig Wright a.k.a. Satoshi
The only time Craig could be Satoshi
who knows man, we live in a clown world
Sergey eats Vitalik?
why does sergei always wear that shirt ffs, is it peak autism?
>money bell & money skelly got a qtpiazngf
What do YOU have?
Is that rob and big?
lel of course kikes have to play the role of eastern euros
Look at her body language. She could not be more into Vitalik.
he's rich as fuck. i'm surprised these guys even leave the house.
she is just mirroring vitaliks body language. her feet position is a mirror image. now look at serg. he looks like a third wheel. fuck im gonna market sell my 4k linkies right the fuck now
cyka blyat meet
they are both really into eachother user. poor sergey