Should I study Finance?
Should I study Finance?
Yes, and use your degree to scam others.
What is there to study? You just buy BSV lmao
dude wtf can a dumb school teach you that your Jow Forumsbros can't? name one thing. i'll wait.
I'm doing my masters in finance right now.
If you're good at math and find company valuations, due diligence, stock markets and crypto interesting, then finance will be something for you. Keep in mind that it's a lot of math and statistics.
Excellent excel and/or R skills are necessary.
>Should I study Finance?
>Should I pay tens of thousands of Federal Reserve Notes for the privilege to study it in a Jewniversity?
Does finance pay well? How saturated is the market? Is it full of poos or is it asians and whites?
study finance but not at college
It's very competitive. Where I'm from you'll never see any pajeets doing skilled work, maybe entering some numbers into spreadsheets.
All the people I met where from UK, Germany and France. I hate French people.
Most of them made 80k/year straight after their bachelor studies. Performance bonuses can go up to 500k per year in your first years.
It always depends on where you work. Larger companies or banks will pay better wages.
Speaking English properly, I at least hope.
finance is NOT math
i studied CS too and business degrees are a joke
>he thinks CS is math
I'm a big finance conference right now, from what I've learned from being in finance for a few years now is that it's mostly about charisma.
Yeah? At least in germany you study the first 3 semsters with math students and if you want you can even select math as minor subject after
>studying literally anything
Do you go to a target school? -> Bureau of Labor Statistics -> Look up potential wages in the appropriate metro (NYC)
I'll save you time. No. Finance as it used to be (pre-2010) is a declining industry. Declining profits. Passive investing beating out most active investors over a 10 year period.
Fintech is the future (i.e. computer science) of finance. Not finance majors. Just look up Jamie Dimon's latest thoughts in regards this and where JP Morgan is putting their $$$.
i graduated as an english major but developed an interest in finance - read up on it, too actions based on what i learned, and now im rich.
college is little more than a sleight of hand jewish scam.
everything in america is a business, including death.
Oh, and Deutche Bank just laid off 18,000 finance bros 2 months ago.
It's over for Finance majors. Learn to code.
Study finance on Jow Forums
>Learn to code.
It doesn't have the same bite on finance majors because they are actually smart enough to learn to code. Comes across more like genuine career advice.
>Comes across more like genuine career advice.
That was the intention.
Oh, and what would be the result of majoring in finance -> not attending a target school -> not breaking into M&A, I-banking, etc. (irreversibly declining industries).
Answer: A dead-end job at a regional banking branch (non-HQ) that will require further education (debt) to "POTENTIALLY" break into a higher paying job.
Finance is full of people with survival bias. That is to say that you only hear about the people that survive, you don't hear from the people that died (figuratively and literally).
work and buy btc
Fiance as a profession? No. Not unless you go to an ivy league school and can network your way into a top tier firm. Accounting will provide you with more options.
>Most of them made 80k/year straight after their bachelor studies. Performance bonuses can go up to 500k per year in your first years.
lol! most people in finance do not go into investment banking. Also, only guys at the top get those kind of bonuses and get used to working 100 hours a week (not a typo) in NYC for ~150k your analyst years.
>1 post by this ID
LMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes, but curb your expectations about earnings after graduation
Also learn SQl and maybe some python before you graduate and thank me later
Everything I hear from guys in finance I know is that you're going to have to work 100 hours a week for that comparatively measly $80-100k.
I would rather suck cocks for a living. It's one of the most "who you know" industries around.
>I would rather suck cocks for a living.
It's best to stick with what you know eh?
You better study memetics and pull off some pnd on biz brainlets. This post is not ironic