Imagine missing the guaranteed moon mission of 2019/2020
>no software
>no hardware
>no shoes
>two years and nothing but an ERC20 and shilling
You wont get another pump out of this boomer vaporware.
This. Also checked
This, I had faith but there is still next to nothing and the projects that raised money to build on them are just launching on their own node software now.
are you fucking retarded? the order book is always empty because all bids are kept within one or two sats of the spread. it's always been like this. it's a low sat coin. buy at x, sell at x+1. buy at x, sell at x+1. this is what everyone does.
biz has the same answer for everything
have you lost your mind bro? Ive been watching holo since last year. its just 20-30 btc each sat up. a year ago it was 150 btc each step up. theres no more holo for sale at these levels till at least 30+. its gonna 5x
The pump is going to take everyone by surprise.
text me your address and I will send you a few pairs of socks
its already discretely being accumulated. wouldnt be surprised if 25 sat is the new floor
This is just a paid shil group or some pathetic bagholders that know they are stuck with this garbage. They are exit scamming right now. There is no software and the hardware they sold and never delivered is outdated now.
>This is just a paid fud group or some pathetic wagie that know they are fucking retarded. They are building right now. There is software and the hardware they sold and delivered to storage, is coming soon.
This is my last attempt to help you. The dream is unironically dead. Since the beginning of the year the HOLO team have embarrassed themselves in various ways, including but not limited to selling people hardware and not delivering it. Unfortunately this was probably their best move. If they would have shipped the (now outdated) warehouse PCs they sold people, it would be painfully obvious that they have no working software and no cryptocurrency outside of an ERC20 token. Holoports would have been declared paperweights and the dream would have been dead six months ago. So not delivering looks bad, and it killed the project, but it gave them six months to squeeze out that last PnD so they could at least dump on you fuckers. At this point there is zero hope for this zombie project and the slow exit scam is underway. I guess that's what happens when you steal your product strategy from a parody show about Silicon Valley. RIP Hippies.
>This is just a paid shil group or some pathetic bagholders that know they are stuck with this garbage. They are exit scamming right now. There is no software and the hardware they sold and never delivered is outdated now.
>Exit scamming
It's amazing the amount of work these guys are putting into an exit scam. They have multiple updates each week and are doing hackathons and meet ups all around the globe. Crazy effort going into this scam, they must be stopped. Plus they are white Americans....we all know that crypto is full of white American scams , r-r-right guys?
meanwhile we are just 20 BTC away from 10 sat
something isnt quite adding up with your FUD
That billionaire patent troll who wants the holochain trademark is obviously fake as well
already touched 10 today - 15 eow
Going to 5 sats confirmed. Check telegram.
Holo is everything wrong with crypto
OMG I thought that russians are scammers, I’m russian myself LOL
I mean.. it’s not really crypto. It’s just an example of a shitty scam.