Other urls found in this thread:
oooooooooooo time for the singularity
sergeyis just trying to buy back for link awakening
went from watching it bleed out to super saiyan in a heartbeat
based sensu
We're breaking $2. It's fucking happening right now. Check em.
imagine if LINK soars to 2.40 over the next 72 hours
i sold the bottom
I will be quite pissed, but will buy anyways
Typical Jow Forums, hope you learned your lesson.
checked. strap in boys.
when will you learn? you can't escape.
Fucking checked.
>200 links
So you essentially sold nothing? Are nulinkers stacks really this small?
>200 link
holyyyyyyyyyy shit
>tfw when I only hold 207 link
>almost 100k volume
somethings happenin
i may or may not have bought at 1.62
I will never consider swinging link again.
It's happening.
>get loan
>buy linkies
>wagecuck until loan is gone
>sell the top
i believe in u user
Holy fuck it just won't stop
should I pay the coinbase fee to buy instantly??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
it's pumping like crazy....the fuck is going?!
How get loan if neet? Do they do that
how do you do that
no i'm a nulinker, bought a week ago. and i have 25k not all nulinkers are poor
there's an option to add your credit/debit card...
This is some fucking Rocky Balboa shit. Every time they dump it recovers almost immediately. Holy fucking shit.
I normally use bank account but that shit takes 10 fucking days. I initiated it last week and I'm still fucking waiting. I don't see a debit card option and Im using CoinbasePro. Are you using normal coinbase?
aussie detected
GET TO FUCKING WORK YOU LAZY CUNT. 200 link is literally 400$. HUSTLE OR DIE man.
For real. put some work in your own life user.
I think you have to use normalfag coinbase
Then you can send whatever to GDAX
That's how I've always done it, maybe there's a more streamlined way now, but I can't access debit card from CBPro only normalfag CB
>200 links
>sold at the bottom
HAHAHAHA holy fuck biz is this what newfags look like? You had TWO years
link moonin
only reg lets you instantly buy, but for a markup
checked kek wills it
Uhh if you look at the minute chart someone dumped a stack at 1.85 at market price washing all the way down to 1.7. So, someone sold and you fags all run to biz to make this post? Absolute state.
yes you nigger
what the fuck are you talking about faggot? lol
Just click deposit while on trade view in GDAX and it will give you instructions for how to deposit directly there.
You still have to wait though. Quickest option is a wire transfer, but that still isn't instantaneous
>Swingies cant be bullish
Someone explain where this meme came from
Yes good sir, you can deposit directly into GDAX, but only through bank transfer
The other user inquired about doing debit from there, I didn't think you could
oh you're a NEET probably not sorry bro
consider it karma for all the comfy wagie taunt threads I guess
My bad, that was reply to , not 15638864
t. autistic and type thread no by hand when replying
Because LINK is known for these sudden pumps for no absolute reason, it's hypothesized that one day there will be a pump so large that swinglinkers will kill themselves for missing out smugly believing it will crash any second now only to continue pumping out green dildos
My bad--fucking up all over the place tonight.
I think you're right user, idt you can deposit from debit to GDAX
Well that's their fault for having zero skill reading charts. I sold at $3.6 and If a 70% retrace to $1.56 wasn't the most obvious buy signal ever then they were too retarded to ride an utterly predictable surge way upwards
700k incoming
This. Sergey is watching
It's just a meme, user
Well memes aside I'm not too good at reading charts either, but I found bollinger bands are pretty good at predicting the top of pumps. Personally I believe that the swinglinkers get the rope meme was actually made by the discord trannies to keep people from selling (taking profit) but it also rings well with the "lol hodl bro" crowd which is why it works. I don't remember even seeing the swinglinkers get the rope meme until that fag whalekiller made the supposed whale bot killing thread back in May
Where did you learn to read charts user, experience?
I'm fucking scared shitless right now.
>reads his charts in USD
swinglinkers get the rope is a meme to prevent NEETs like you from doubling your stack. There are people interested in you not having any more linkies so they tell you to hold from 5 all the way down to 1.50. Imagine if you had taken profit at 4 then bought more at 1.50 you would have more linkies right now. The singularity happening out of the blue with zero market movement or indications is a meme
That's what I just said, also I'm not a NEET
>tfw added to my stack @ $1.55
Me too buddy!
I'm really proud of you.
I have a stack that'll do me fine, but of course more is always better
i have 15k link. do you have more than me fren
i'm unironically thinking we're back
>I got em at 1.63
>not great, not terrible
>i sold at 3.6
post proof faggot
Not even close. But when link is 500$ we will all be rich. I live a modest life. Congrats on your stack tho. I'm happy for you man. We are all gunna make it
This what happened
no actually it didnt.
I started with philakone's 2 courses which someone shared the megaupload in a Jow Forums thread, then watched a fuck ton of elliot wave videos which is my bread and butter.
Yes I'm now realizing I got memed on with "swinglinkers get the rope" and it was all a false flag all along from swingies to perpetrate bagholders, carry on.
LINK is going to be volatile for years. It makes more sense to trade when you're rolling in shekels than now when you could get left behind.
Wouldn't be surprised if link hit $20 by the end of this month.
As much as I would love to see that happen, that would mean I've made it which I can't imagine happening so soon. Sorry, user
11x in 2 weeks. get the FUCK out of here
don't mind me,just selling a quarter of my LINK at the 2$ EOY ;)
you both dont know jack shit about chainlink
A scam that's what you fag