Australia will be the only country to survive the crash
The lucky country
Its Internet is so bad it will take so long for the crash to reach it
mom gay
That’s because they’re always underperforming
Dumb samefag
Is Australia the only good country in the world?
nah it's shit
Oh yeah, our economy is looking rock solid. All our young people are highly educated and being effectively directed into growth industries, we have a strong competitive entrepreneurial culture, we're hard working and smart. We retain all our top talent and bring top talent from overseas. We're always looking 20 and 50 years ahead to anticipate how we will adapt.
And when you realise that literally nothing I just said is true, you realise that literally the only chance to "make it" in this country is to win the crypto lottery and set up an off-grid farm before it all completely collapses.
This but unironically, apparently:
There's some important discussion still to be had about what kind of budgeting our economy actually needs but this is nevertheless an entirely unexpected piece of good news. Even the libs themselves were predicting an increase in the deficit up until now.
It belongs to China now so no
if you like multiculturalism, political cronyism, sucking chinas dick, slow internet, government surveillance, self flagellation for muh indigenous people, sucking up to homos, and you simultaneously think the future is female, islam is a religion of peace, and any speech that hurts someones feels is hate speech...
then you'll be fine
Political cronyism, China, and the surveillance state are the only issues you've mentioned that matter. Everything else is just identity politics bullshit designed to keep people arguing instead of going after the real issues.
>thermal image of dog's head
>didn't buyed the based rippen pilled
it only missed the crash last time because of labors keynesian idea of injecting money into the economy and increasing spending. this cannot happen again because the government does not have the surplus due to the coalition loving the idea of debt and wanting to be just like america. they've had 10 years to get the budget back in surplus and they have delibrately decided not to do so.
Economically speaking Australia is completely and utterly fucked. We had the potential for a long term economic plan 20 odd years ago but instead our we figured it would be better to create an absurd housing speculation bubble for a laugh and sell off the vast majority of industry and infrastructure to foreign interests to make a quick buck. Meanwhile we are told that we should expect to retire later and dont even think about getting a pension like your mom and dad did.
Holy shit..........they will never recover from this will they
Execute all drop kick bogans
Wow, checked banter. But the fact of a nation succumbing to such blatant political subversion is probably the most distressing issue of all. So basically the opposite of your point, green ID
>muh surplus
Yeah nah yeah yeah nah yeah nah yeah nah yeah nah nah yeah yeah nah mate
been in a bull market 27 years!! it's going to crasher hard
lol, creating a group of soft weak men (or just giving the jobs to women) by subverting culture. Literally is the reason all you "actual issues" are even there.
I've been writing the most boring essay in the world about floods and droughts in Eastern Australia
Got our number.
How many houses can you buy on an unpaid internship? Foreign capital into real estate ponzi is declining, young Australians are shut out except for rich kids and degenerate gamblers with interest only loans, we've stopped training young Aussies at tafe and just get overseas contract skilled labour instead; so we can fuck them off as soon as the work is done. And the employment figures are completely cooked as underemployment and the gig economy is rife. We're doing nothing to pivot our economy from "dig it up" which is being automated anyway, we have no startup or entrepreneurial culture at all (look at our block chain projects lmao), we have no vision for the future (when is the last time a polly made a speech where they actually articulated any sort of plan mid term?), and our multi-billion dollar tourist attraction reef is dying and we're like lol whatever. And meanwhile the media doesn't give a fuck, the only media apparatus that ever bothered to try bring these things up has been usurped by government cronies and the federal police ffs. Civil rights are a laughing stock and people are getting strip searched in Sydney central station by police dog teams that have an 80% failure rate to detect drugs. We're an idiotic, backwards political laughing stock with a slow and completely apathetic slide into authoritarianism and absolutely zero indication that we are bothering to consider, let alone address, the multitude of looming and potentially devastating issues around employment, social cohesion, the environment and anything else. And if you raise any of these things with 80% of the country you're just a whinger snowflake who is suspicious for giving a fuck instead of just watching the footy. We're completely fucked, user, it's only going to get worse.
The Australian stock market is at it's all time highs
Is it making a double top here, just before it collapses?
Or will it breakout to new highs after America and China do a new round of stimulus?
Only time will tell.
The more important question is which crypto is Australia balls deep in?
That will provide the answer to whether Australia crashes or not
Well said
Check this post: We really are the lucky country, even a government as incompetent as ours isn't actually incompetent enough to stop everything working out alright anyways
Struth. The only thing that would make this country better would be if young people round up all the boomers and libs in the streets and execute them. Life on earth is gonna die out, we should be executing climate change deniers for the greater good.
What about Chile tho
Figuratively execute of course.
I have read this before
Stupid faggot. You honestly want to execute people who have a reasonable respect for the environment rather than nuke Asia? Yeah let's just execute 12 million whites and replace them with chinks and poos who will be great stewards of the planet.
Got a dart mate?
>Survives the crash
>Still has to live around other Australians
I would rather take a Nuclear apocalyptic African wasteland thanks.
KEK, stop burning Australian fags so hard hour melting the polar ice caps
Is australia just desolate canada?
How many houses can you buy on an unpaid internship? Foreign capital into real estate ponzi is declining, young Australians are shut out except for rich kids and degenerate gamblers with interest only loans, we've stopped training young Aussies at tafe and just get overseas contract skilled labour instead; so we can fuck them off as soon as the work is done. And the employment figures are completely cooked as underemployment and the gig economy is rife. We're doing nothing to pivot our economy from "dig it up" which is being automated anyway, we have no startup or entrepreneurial culture at all (look at our block chain projects lmao), we have no vision for the future (when is the last time a polly made a speech where they actually articulated any sort of plan mid term?), and our multi-billion dollar tourist attraction reef is dying and we're like lol whatever. And meanwhile the media doesn't give a fuck, the only media apparatus that ever bothered to try bring these things up has been usurped by government cronies and the federal police ffs. Civil rights are a laughing stock and people are getting strip searched in Sydney central station by police dog teams that have an 80% failure rate to detect drugs. We're an idiotic, backwards political laughing stock with a slow and completely apathetic slide into authoritarianism and absolutely zero indication that we are bothering to consider, let alone address, the multitude of looming and potentially devastating issues around employment, social cohesion, the environment and anything else. And if you raise any of these things with 80% of the country you're just a whinger snowflake who is suspicious for giving a fuck instead of just watching the footy. We're completely fucked, user, it's only going to get worse.
SO!! TRUE it's not funny
it's good to have you back, ausanons
Hey I’m American should we nuke you?
Cheers cunt
>let's execute climate change deniers
lmao cucked aussie libtards confirmed.
Nailed it, thankfully I have over 100k link. Fuck you to everyone who ruined what was a great country, I remember when it was and now it's decline is inevitable.
It's already declined, but I mean further.