Aussie ISP's finally unblocked Jow Forums.
Aussie ISP's finally unblocked Jow Forums
do you know why? I noticed i can post again now
No idea. It was supposed to only be temporary after the Christchurch shooting, however they left it blocked for months so I thought it was gonna be forever. I changed my DNS at home to get around it and used a VPN on my phone. But today when I tried on my work PC I could get access again, and then I tested my phone and it worked too. The phone carrier and my work ISP are different tho so it's weird they'd both unblock at the exact same time.
thank god. just in time for the shitposters to save this dying board.
Lmao that’s China tier
Can’t believe a Western country would resort to such levels of censorship.
>The phone carrier and my work ISP are different tho so it's weird they'd both unblock at the exact same time.
hint: government great wall.
i still cant post from my phone. im with optus
do they believe in link though?
if not block them again jannies
Bloody fuckn oath ya buncha mongrel cunts
Ausland is hardly all it's cracked up to be. Mad max gave the wrong impression, it's nowhere near lawless.
We're a shitty nanny state
so they can watch you and other brendan tarrants
aus is a banana republic. irrelevant and backwards, plus our politicians are even dumber than yanks. rolling over for pissant chinese bribes
Thank God, ban evading was such a hassle
just use it to shitpost and not get banned.
the politicians aren't necessarily dumb, they're just selfish cunts that want money. They literally need to be purged (haha just kidding, i mean figuratively, don't arrest me big brother)
Full on haha spree, in minecraft.
Could shitpost from home but not from my phone. Guess I'll try my phone :^)
it was a dns block you dumbfucks, all you had to do was change your dns to Takes like 2 minutes
wtf is it true??
holy fucking shit nigger. I couldnt even post with a vpn i was just forced to lurk. I have so much catching up to do
except Fraser Anning
Yeah it's been days. No more it was fucking up my auto update on google apps
this holy fuck
I'm with telechoice (Telstra) can confirm.
Thanks big bro!
Not possible on mobile ..
Oi oi oi we're back boys
Every Western country has explicit censorship laws except for the USA.
The USA needs to do all of it's censorship via private companies because of muh constitution.
We've been transformed into a bunch of weak poofters. I'm in Ballarat right now and the shit that is happening to this poor country town is enough to make your eyes water.
We need a recession and we need one now. Wash away the shit.
welcome back frens
I await an uptick in quality shitposting
ok w/e you do this time koalabear dont go around start shooting people again
>the politicians aren't necessarily dumb, they're just selfish cunts that want money.
No, they are dumb as fuck. We could have terraformed the continent and became a superpower. Instead we're all huddled on the coast and living in poorly constructed dogboxes.
What liberals aim for is short term economic gain, fuck long term thinking. A country like Australia that has as much LNG as we do should NOT be dependent on foreign oil. Not one bit.
the only reason they're acting like keynsians is cause it looks good for them and gets them paid. They're selfish, they're aware of what they're doing. It's why I don't think they're dumb.
Yeah....I'd leave that VPN on if I were you.
reminder that when this what written in the constitution what they really meant was give control of the money to a unelected bank where you have no political representation and if you think otherwise you are a brendan tarrant supporter
Awww sht finally the Australian delegation has decided to show up and help with these all these REDDIT fags infiltrating, typical lazy fucking kangaroo fckers always showing up last
I can post again
It’s been months of sitting on the side lines silenced as I watched pajeet’s overtake the board
I'm in Ballarat too, what's turned us all into poofters?
Convict past. Everyone was living on parole more or less and could lose everything if they stirred up trouble. The more land they acquired and the more gentry-like they became, the more the squatocracy had to lose.
the rba and ato
Can somebody enlighten me on what's happened to ballarat? I'm stuck in Hellbourne
Yeah that's what I'm trying to find out. These answers are all well and good, but I want to know what this guy thinks has happened to my town. Melbourne is getting worse by the day though. The CBD is dirty and overcrowded and any suburb worth living in will cost you more than a million for anything larger than a shack with a 10 square metre backyard.
Perth welcomes you user fren
there is no limit to how cheap consumer prices can get
we make our currency worth less 3% faster than consumer prices get cheaper
housing could go down 2% faster than consumer goods and they would be getting 1% more expensive when priced in dollars
we are all fucked worldwide unless people demand prices/wages/everything be denominated in gold
Sweet now I can samefag post again
Wow you are so cool user!