Why is the rate of incels mooning?

Why is the rate of incels mooning?

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Women only want high tier men and nobody else. It's basic nature at work.

777 we crashing soon

Nearly 1 in 5 femanons not getting laid either so I would guess it's because everyone has unrealistic standards from spending too much time online.

Can't wait to see the 2019 numbers. I used to have no problem dating/having sex. Now I can't get so much as a single match on dating apps.

unironically because technology. women do get some more but as the graph shows, this has been the case since decades so that is natural.

anyways, internet alienates

sex is like so 1900s who bothers talking to females anymore. I dont.

internet also has given the possibility to sustain weirdos by bringing them a sense of community online which gives them less incentive to mingle with normal people.

Quantitative easing of course.

its a cybernetic feedback loop which sucks in organic feedback loops like humans and soon other animals (seen cats playing with touch screen games??)

Sex is BS your mind tricks you into really wanting it but honestly it is not so special. Not enough to justify the burning desire to fuck something that plagues me.

heck, you dont even need a conspiracy theory to see this.
just compare all this technology with fire. we still dont know how to handle fire properly (forest fires, village fires). this is even worse


funny thing also, the graph shows a dip when Iphone was released. since then, it's a bullrun

why are there 18% femcels btw? makes no sense women are getting plowed 24/7 you must be clinically reatared if youre female and cant get laid.

Maybe they're content not getting dicked? Like they're just focusing on their female hobbies and fapping to female porn

I like these guesses, but I would say it's more the result of the disappearance of mate-matching by families and local communities. Really the disappearance of local community in general.

they are as much victims of technological saturation as men are minus their natural sexual advantage

>technological saturation
meaning what exactly?
a woman can get dick 24/7 just call up some random dude in her phone list and tell him shes horny and she will get dicked down within the hour

>the disappearance of local community
this doesnt make much sense either what is this supposed to mean? my dad met my mom at judo class and Im pretty sure theres still judo classes today. you faggots keep throwing these buzzwords around but I have no idea what youre talking about

yes, that is disappearing more and more because of 'mobility'

look around you m8

If you only knew how bad things truly are.

Attached: quantitativeeasingyouth.jpg (924x882, 81K)

What is causing this exactly, are they all killing themselves?

local community is so vital to wellbeing. I didn't even realise until I was back in the small rural town where i grew up and was volunteering with a bunch of boomers. they were all such good people and so welcoming. I was accepted simply because my family was from the area and everyone knew everyone. I really miss that shit in the city.

the thing which is the hardest to see is change itself. when you go about your day or week or even month. people are too distracted to see the change and each year, the distractions pile up so you see even less.

you are a frog in a kettle of water slowly warming up.

Society has become more promiscuous so women are basically taking turns fucking the same men.

Deaths of despair ie lifestyle choices like drugs (booze, meth, opiods), some suicide

good shit user

posts like this is why i cant stop coming to chans for 11 years now

no, we're getting murdered by diversity and bringing everyone together

the elites have always looked for ways to distract the population with work being the main occupation. now there are movies, sex, cars (if you can afford), social networks, twitter activism, drugs,

if your brain was a program it would have a million security holes


"Another study of Danish men produced similar findings, with double-digit declines among men born in the 1960s compared to those born in the 1920s."

yeah, the kettle is on since longer than we think too...

Seems to be a general problem since female's percentage rate's going up.

Men tend to exaggerate their sexual activity, women tend to minimize their own (typically a one night stand somewhat doesn't count as a partner for them).

The real numbers must be more around 40% for men and 10% for women.

If this was today your mom would be a tattooed skank fucked by 2 matches on Tinder just this week and your father wouldn't even have proposed her out.


Except this was always true but the women get more open about their sexual adventures. So the number should actually go down.

not an argument
not every woman out there is a tatted ultraskank and why would young men care abuot partner counts they just want to get laid. your tech-destroyed-dating narrative doesnt make much sense

also basically youre saying women have more sex now so men want them less. but according to that incel chart women have LESS sex. this incel propaganda narrative just doesnt add up maybe men have just become low t pussies and dont go for the poontang anymore like they used to.

If you count the men who actually PAID for sex, the number of incels would be much higher

people don't have the time or money to seek out partners as they have to spend the majority of their time waging, a lot of people still forced to live with their parents, etc

People are using low-effort hacks on their dopamine reward system

I think we all can agree on one thing.

We are fucked! (not in the good way)

I've found a lot of fags on Grindr to fuck...


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It has nothing to do with sport classes and everything to do with everyone knowing everyone else in their village.

user maybe in the middle ages my parents grew up in a big city and met at a sports class whats holding you back from joining a sport club and hitting on bitches? you incels are really grasping for straws at this point.

Dating apps and social media in general have totally fucked up everything about how we interact with people irl

Dating apps are a scam. 99% of the "women" on those apps are bots. They exist solely to trap desperate men so they can be sold advertisements.


I will tell you why.

The average guy comes home back from work, jerks it off, takes a nap, eats processed food and then proceeds to play video games till 1AM. The next day is the same bullshit. People are getting bombarded by all kinds of consumer shit and 90% of all men go down that path because it is simply easier and they gain instant gratification and cheap dopamine rush.
Far easier than going to the gym, going out meeting women and in general working on yourself. All of those things require some sort of dedication and offer no instant result.
It is all about the instant results in modern times, no one is willing to put the effort into something which will prove beneficial in a wider time frame.
This is how I view the current situation based on personal experience and peer observation from living in Eastern Europe. I can imagine that it is worse in the developed countries.

Yep I quit Tinder when I realized this. Once they introduced paid tiers and boosts it became clear it was just a scam to syphon money from betas. The fact remains though that after college if you aren't already shacked up with someone the dating game changes quite a bit. I know many people that have gotten into relationships from Tinder and social media. I haven't been that lucky with it for anything serious but I have gotten laid off it. It just isn't worth the time, money or effort for me to swipe through dozens of bots and women who won't ever reply just to get laid once in a while.

60% of women are tattooed (and that was back in 2012, probably more by now).

Tattoos are linked with higher rates of promiscuity

My point is that your mom was probably a Plain Jane in the 80s/90s who had 1 or 2 partners before meeting your dad, today she would have much much much higher chance of being a Cock Shocked roastie who took between 10 and 30 different dicks before 25 because of the cultural change.

Men are lower T indeed, but add Tinder (which is the most hypergamic/limbic excitator software ever designed), feminism and the overall hypersexualization of society and you get a cocktail where hypergamy is left completely unchecked.

>also basically youre saying women have more sex now so men want them less
Men want just as much sex as they ever did and they are just as disgusted as having a long term relationship with a slut as they have always been.

We have been programmed by millions of years of evolution so that a promiscuous woman = more chances to be cucked = investing energy and ressources in an offspring which doesn't carry your DNA.

The incel meme is just the beginning of a civilizational problem most of you don't even imagine.
Women are getting mental illness from promiscuity, men are not marrying and sometimes even opting out of society (as they have no family and so no stake in it).

Right now everything is put under the rug because there is no short term issue, these women are still young and fertile, they think it will continue forever, so if you speak about it then you're obviously a frustrated nazi misogynistic incel.
Just wait for boomers to die and millenials to enter in their 40s, the Wine Aunt will make the majority of the population which mean there will be even more competition for zoomer girls which mean even more hypergamy etc....

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why do you guys not see the obvious??

the sex drive is top 3 drive together with hunger and sleep.

if this is going down it means something is rotten and I dont mean incels vs stacies or black people invasion or jewz conspiracy. dont you think the same thing is happening in the rest of the world where technology is top priority? the japanese dont know how to make kids anymore. the chinese are fucked, the americans are fucked, the europeans are fucked, when africa will deepen its technological dependency (which it will for sure) similar things will happen there too. since the industrial revolution, human behavior is changing dramatically. see the obvious! all these obese incels and femcels are just a symptom of the same grand disease.

>feminism and the overall hypersexualization of society
i always hear the same incel meme analysis but this still doesnt explain why women have less sex. according to incel propagand they should be out there getting railed by a rotation of chads 24/7

It's only going to get worse.

The sexual marketplace is now completely decentralized.

What does this mean?

It means that women can leave their life situation at any point and go pursue the top 10-20% of men within the urban centers. And, that's exactly what they do. Women are also completely down with polygamy as a mating strategy. They have no problems sharing a top 5% man (he fucks them all).

What wants a bottom 80% guy? Bad genes bruh.

Literally this.

Can confirm, I'm a good looking guy who's notorious in town for being amazing in bed. Only a couple of years ago, girls would avoid me out of respect for their bff's I'd banged. These days I'm actually *approached* by the same chicks, because women have no sense of loyalty or self respect anymore.

Women used to be content with whatever schmuck made them feel wanted at the bar or after a date or 2. Tinder showed them how easily they can sleep with attractive guys (and this inflates their ego into thinking they could also marry the same guys, but they can't)

>Inb4 larp

Go ahead and believe that, but the sooner you believe me, the sooner you can use these facts to your advantage

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The flip side is that the humans who do breed under these conditions will be hyperfocused ubermensch.

you dummies keep ignoring that OPs chart shows women have less sex too. YOUR OWN INCEL DATA CONTRADICTS YOUR MEME NARRATIVE!

take some time and listen to this guy and go read his book! exactly the themes we are talking about here.

checked and this is actually a good point for once. men have become so low T that women are only going for the gigachads. based females are literally rescuing us from a dysgenic apocalypse. this would also explain why women have less sex they have stiffer competition for a smaller pool of men now.


Normal distribution. The bottom 5-10% of women have problems.

Here's an updated graphic, for you!

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>from living in Eastern Europe.
Do you mind saying which country?
I am from Germany and thought the East wouldn't be fucked that much already. But seems to be wrong.
Holy fuck, how should you even start a family or find a girl under those circumstances??

>Normal distribution
literally just look at OPs chart instead of drawing lines on it. female sexlessnes has gone up significantly since 2008. women cant be out there slutting it up and being incels both at the same time user. your propaganda is inconsistent.

>how should you even start a family or find a girl under those circumstances??
by going out and talking to girls. which I guarantee 99% of incel losers never do, theyre too busy making up bullshit excuses on right wing frog breeding forums.

With any luck, based females will self-select leftist degeneracy out of the gene pool within a couple generations as well:

not saying the other guy is right but you seem to have very little grasp of statistics. there is natural variance in the numbers that give the appearance of trends and so other macro-trends like distributions are important. The bell curve for example

>you can use these facts to your advantage
Literally how???

>"Why can't men put some effort?"
>t. every woman who ever existed across all ages

If no suitable man is available, women won't have sex at all. Not having testosterone coursing thru their veins is a helluva deterrent when all that's walking around is the untermensch (i.e. you).

Ugly women will always have problems having sex and locking down partners- especially within a decentralized sexual marketplace where top women are sharing the top guys.

Guys have absolutely gotten fatter, less masculine, and more unemployed since 2008 (average x'er -> average millenial). Women also crossed 51%+ of the workforce within the Obama era.

Men are becoming more unappealing.

>Be milenial
>Reach adulthood
>Quantitative easing on steroids
>This is fine.jpg
>Get a job
>Want to become independant
>A fucking house costs 300 years of savigns
>This is fine.jpg

>muh statistical mumbo jumbo
user femcels are literally at a 30 year high and all you incels are pretending they are out there too busy getting railed by chad to have sex with you

I am from Bulgaria

>Men are becoming more unappealing.
so then they should start making some cash, hitting the gym and talking to bitches. most incels refuse to even get a nice haircut. no wonder these losers arent getting laid. women are doing us a service by strenghtening the genepool if they only breed with high T chads that is literally how mother nature designed them.

Does cutting your own hair count?

>Proves my points.

Well alright then. Bye bye.

what is more likely is that the bottom 5-10% became the bottom 10-15% and the rest will continue to date for some time.
so you're not completely wrong I was just pointing out a dumbass comment you made

Dating apps are the worst, you have a better chance at hooking up with women in real life.

Less sex because women used to have boyfriends and get married early. Couples/married people have about 7 times more sex than singles. I many girls who haven't had sex in 6 months or years, because they got tired of casual sex. That would be unheard of in the 60s.

> Maude in 1950:
didn't discuss sex in the open, couldn't access the pill, couldn't abort and had societal pressure to find a man. At age 20 she's still a virgin and horny as hell when she meets Johnny. He's an average guy, but at this point Maude just need stability and dick. She married him after 4 months, and they start fucking every day. After 7 years of sex every other day, Maude has 4 kids. The sex slows down, but she still let's Johnny tap a few times a week.

> Margot in 2019:
Lost her virginity when she was 14. From then til 20 she had a couple of boyfriends,
but none lasted. In her 20's Margot went out every weekend,and usually went home with some dude.
By the time Margot is 27, she's slept with around 70 guys. But most of them were one night stands.

Who do you think had the most sex, Maude who fucked the same guy for about 100-200 times per year, or Margot who had around 15 one night stands per year?

>the bottom 5-10% became the bottom 10-15%
oh my and its so hard to not be in the bottom 15% of men.

user that chart says 18% of women havent had sex in the past YEAR. its not even about overall volume. does any of you incels even read the propagand you put out here? you think women are turbosluts and somehow also chaste for years on end?

The frequency of sexual intercourse for women is meaningless, the important part is the number of partners. Beside the increase in sexlessness is marginal for women while it's explosive for men.

>incel propagand
Imagine being so brainwashed by MSM and normie peer pressure that you don't see the most obvious social trend of our generation.

>they should be out there getting railed by a rotation of chads 24/7
t. nofriend shutin
Did you ever get to college or parties in your life lol? I've seen guys fuck 4 different chicks over the course of a weekend.
One of my buddy was juggling with 5 girls at a time during a semester and I saw 3 of them from my own eyes exiting the flat.

You are absolutely clueless to how much 8-9/10 guys fuck.

Attached: Promiscuity.jpg (633x360, 56K)

Work out and go out there and you'll definitely get laid, after you're tired fo that, you can easily spot the whores from the keepers

>the increase in sexlessness is marginal for women
its literally at a 30 year high
>The frequency of sexual intercourse for women is meaningless
see >Did you ever get to college or parties in your life lol?
user I ran with chads in my 20s who banged multiple women in a day sometimes, I know the realities out there. but I also knwo that if youre not a complete loser and actually go out and talk to women you can get laid. if you faggots spent half as much time creating meme analysis in actually chasing girls you might change your tune as well. literally one in five women out there hasnt had sex in a year according to OPs meme chart and youre pretending theyre all turbosloots getting passed around by chad, like what is it now?

I went out and approached girls.
Fucking everywhere.
You know what I got?
Some makeouts in Clubs with some ugly ass bitches and a lot of numbers on the street, where 99% flaked on me when I asked them out for a date.
You would know that, if you would have actually tried it yourself as an average looking dude

Only two options I have left at this point are either Asia or a plastic surgery, if I want to find a somewhat sane wife

>You would know that, if you would have actually tried it yourself
I mean you wont believe me anyway but I was deep into PUAfaggotry at some point and banged dozens of girls from street approaches. most noobs get only flakes because they act like autistic retards and then they just give up before they can ever push through that phase.

Guess what?

Chad works at McDonalds now.

Haha get rekt.

>but I was deep into PUAfaggotry at some point
Same. Dude I travelled a shitload alone and was forced to meet new people all day. Some places were easier, some places it was Impossible (including my honetown)
I am not a virgin. It is just that the game changed a whole lot in the 3 to 5 years

Get a load of this retard.

Yeah you meet people doing superficial consumerist bullshit

ill try to give a succint answer:

education has since the 1970s been continually more and more geared towards minorities and women. this means that males are pretty much neglected by the educational institution and left to fend for themselves. this means more males leave high school unsure of what to do, and they either work a dead end job or go to college and rack up massive amounts of debt in a shitty degree for a very niche field they wont find a job in. a lot of males today are struggling financially because of this, unable to move out of their parents household. this makes them extremely economically unattractive to women, who above all desire money and stability when they want to marry.

part 2 metoo

the metoo movement has done a lot of damage to relationships. the average male is afraid of approaching women at school or work because they know she can absolutely get him fired/expelled if she really wanted to. women now know they have the power to ruin a mans life at the drop of a hat. this makes men way less likely to approach women, and this hollywood hookup culture suddenly only includes the top tier of men who virtually all women would let do dirty nasty things to them.

part 3 women in the workforce

women now make up over half the workforce. this kinda feeds into the first part, women now have stable jobs and many are making more money than men. women will always seek men who have higher income than them. women go as high as they can on the scale of men before eventually settling if they cant land one. this massive influx of women with decent-high paying jobs suddenly makes men making a lot of more even more sought after. men have all the choice they want in a wife if they make enough money/are attractive enough, but average males are now highly excluded. these women will eventually either settle in their 30s or become crazy cat ladies. most women settle, but they are far from perfect wives because they have no homemaking skills.

part 4 women and the internet

women use the internet to farm attention. one of womens main drives in life is to seek attention. a womens worth is typically measured by her prettiness. we know this because how much money a woman makes does not matter at all to most men. its only her beauty and homemaking skills that affect her worth. nowadays with the internet connecting more people than ever, as well as the ability to have fashion/high quality makeup tips at your fingertips any 3/10 woman can with proper makeup and clothes/posing/lighting trick people on the internet into thinking they are 8s or 9s. these women suddenly get inflated egos and try to go after the super hot guys who will always either reject them or pump and dump em, leaving them bitter and less likely to enter the dating pool. this is the real travesty, because these average women should be dating average men but right now they think they are hot shit. so those are the 4 main reasons why we are the loneliest generation and also why the rate of incels are rising drastically.

Feminism and selective socialist systems that only benefit women make it so they don't need a provider.

simply its not worth the risk

OK, so let's call 2008 the "floor".
Yes. Share of men AND women reporting no sex since 2008 has increased. Which one increased more? Men.

There is obviously some level of correlation between the graphs, since it takes both groups to have sex. But if one man's sexless nature equates to one women being taken out of the sexual market, the lines would match evenly. They don't.

From this we could assume something like the following.
If all men rated 5/10 and below could never get laid, we could assume women 2.5/10 and above still could. The idea that this graph disproves "sluts" is wrong. It just means the very bottom end of the sexual market is drying up, while anything above the cut off point could be hyper promiscuous.

This is literal statistical proof that hypergamy is real and the 80/20 dating pool is becoming a realiy

Then you need to improve your game. Energy and personality trumps everything. When i was poor and underweight I had more success getting dates, going home with girls because I was out trying to pick up chicks at least three nights a week. One shit example about energy- tried to chat up a girl stuck in my head cold and tired. Rejected. Next week spot same girl in the club. Spit some nonsense, grab her and makeout then a couple of others. Good time had by all.
I feel bad for guys who don't get into it and end up settling with someone form their immediate social circle.

>I feel bad for guys who don't get into it and end up settling with someone form their immediate social circle.
What's wrong with this exactly? That they could do better?

this one is me

Because you touch yourself

Yep. They haven't had the chance to experience a variety of women and pick the person they're most compatible with. They don't go through the crucible of breaking down their own ego and overcoming fears and becoming naturally attractive and happier as a result. They end up plugging holes withing themselves with an easily obtainable partner. Just because something works or lasts, doesn't mean it's great.