After the insane amount of shilling and fudding of bsv/csw I decided to do my own research and stumbled upon this documentary on Bitcoin in Australia featuring csw BEFORE he claimed being Satoshi. I have not concluded on the whole satoshi or not, but the interview of him is really interesting and the knowledge and vision he had for bitcoin already in 2014 triggers me
CSW 2014 interview
Other urls found in this thread:
>This was the first time i had seen Satoshi
The craig right shilling started before he claimed to be satoshi , even back then people suspected he was satoshi.
fucking warosu is still down.
would be interesting to see when the first time his name comes up on biz
The man is a fraud , back then there was even a book about his life , they just elevated the scam from earning money shilling about him to a fucking fork.
That said it's a great idea.
what year?
link book
Probably pre 2014-2015 , he was in the "suspects" of being satoshi but the weird story about him is that there where lot's of articles shilling a weird shory about him i don't remember atm but it was glorifying him.
Anyone have the usergroups/whatever forum from waaay back in the day where CSW consistantly spells it out as Bit Coin and seems to have no idea what he's talking about
Also not signing from the genesis block by now is 100% proof he's a fraud. Any normal person couldve told you though that his personality is proof enough that he is nowhere near that of satoshi (though they could both be working for the same alphabet org tbf)
>Bit Coin
it was BitCoin in alpha
This is the oldest data i found on bitcointalk about him.
This is weird as fuck , oldest article about him is about him opening a bank(which does not exist) , and his bsv shilling is about muh legal bitcoin muh against illegal transactions.
This guy is shady as fuck.
That's not what I was looking for, try again. It was a consistent "Bit Coin"
Lmao this is new to me
the guy really has a history over overpromising and underdelivering. still waiting for him to reveal the fatal segwit flaw that he promised to announce early 2019
>his brown hair neatly parted
>Wright paused for three full seconds. “Um. I’ve been involved with all this for a long time,” he stuttered. “I—try and stay—I keep my head down. Um…”
lol the guy is so autistic, keep em coming user
maybe you should try again with actual evidence instead of baseless accusations.
he provably worked on bitcoin for many years, even your gregory maxwell worked for him, retard.
none of this is detrimental to him and only adds evidence to his claims
The story is contradictory , the guy wanted to be hidden and first info of him on the web is about him opening a crypto bank from nowhere?
It's shady in many ways.
What claims , he wanted to remain hidden and then appears out of nowhere about speaking with australian regulations about opening a bank?
It's weird.
Then you have this shit
It was posted here before. What is that old google forum called again then? I'll find it myself loser
Here there will probably be info about him from other autists during that time i will read that later when there is time.
he didn't want to come out as satoshi does not contradict wanting to start a bitcoin bank
unironically, why do you persist greg
hahahah by searching info around those dates i found this.
He cancelled his crypto bank and claimed he was goxed kek.
This shit's hillarious.
Gregory, I'm still waiting.
Fucking Kek WTF
Was this dude doing money laundering why the fuck he was making companies non stop and faking everything lol.
Holy s...! All this in just 1 hour. You seriously have mental problems. I'm starting to believe the Greg Maxwell memes. All what you posts are someone talking about craig in a negative way, presumably to dissuade anyone to listen to the interview and hear it from the horses mouth themselves. This kind of fudding and sliding is actually insane to experience first hand
of course its greg where have you been? guy is mentally unstable
once you realize that satoshi had to reveal himself because bitcoin was taken over by blockstream who is trying to destroy the way bitcoin works...
the only thing gregory does is spamming those threads, just look any thread, that does not happen on anything else. not even solely bsv threads (besides some sheeps).
what is your endgame greg.
how the fuck are you gonna get out of what you've gotten yourself into?
the lightning network is designed to launder money
>the lightning network is designed to launder money
>implying thats a bad thing and bearish for BTC
blockstream's patent that says bitcoins code is broken which is why they need lightning network.
Listen to the interview i don't give a shit , all i am saying this guy is shaddy as fuck , i seriously doubt cuckstream pay shills anyway , if anything btc and bch are the less shilled coins.
Regarding the sliding the bsv pajeets do this kind of shit about "muh i am starting to believe in craig" , you can be talking about going to take a shit and they start "correct sirs taking a shit is what craig say which is why bsv will win".
The entire board is sick of bsv shills i just wanted to look more into craig history because i remembered a little from the early days.
Satoshi did not coded the alpha of bitcoin pajeet it was a finish guy.
Fucking Kek.
Exactly this fucking cucks want 1gb blocks so the blockchain get's petabyte size in one year then only 10 nodes remain and they can kill it.
It's fucking obvious , bitcoin was created to increase economic freedom for the world not to be a cucked centralized shit.
Also fuck blockstream , let the best coin win , but not with retarded shilling.
Do you have a technical background? Oh you work in a call center? Why do you think you have any idea what you're talking about?
Put your patents inside your ass shill all that crap i saying is that forking is dangerous and that improving scalability destroys descentralization which is why bitcoin cash won't go over 32mb blocks.
It also says that there is a lack of safe upgrade path , no shit , look what hapened with bch forkings and entire army of pajeets shilling a scam was unleashed.
Thanks fucking god that blockstream cucks never forked.
define a node
define centralized
Nodes are not miners and do it for free , miners don't need nodes as they use pools to mine and only pools need nodes.
If only pools ran nodes in btc , bch ,bsv or ltc there would be only 10 nodes which could be destroyed by governments.
you didn't define what a node is
you didn't define centralized
Satoshi wrote that nodes are miners.
A node without mining has absolutely nothing to say.
There are far betters leads pointing to Satoshi Nakamoto to be found.
Check out
LOL who are you even trying to persuade with arguments like this? Is this some kind of reverse psychology and you are actually a bsv shill larping as a retard fudding bsv so everyone will think everyone who oppose bsv are stupid?
Thanks for the Blockstream info. I didn't know about the patent. Interesting info. The "it's the bilderberg jooosh" seems a bit farfetched though
it is impossible to do what a miner does for free because of the block reward and fees.
a node without hashpower cannot do what a miner can do.
non mining nodes do nothing, they have no hashpower, bitcoin is proof of work not proof of stake
If you had to choose to loose 90% of the btc miners or 90% of the non mining nodes which would you choose
define centralized
You fucking retard miners don't use nodes anymore , not even in BSV , since the creation of mining pools miners are no longer forced to run nodes.
>you didn't define centralized
8 nodes run by bsv pools
>you didn't define what a node is
"Lack of incentive
Unlike bitcoin mining, where participants are rewarded for confirming transactions, running a bitcoin node does not provide any incentive. The only benefit for someone to run a node is to help protect the network, and based on the Bitnodes data, the number of people interested in supporting the network with a full node is waning.
There could be a number of reasons for that.
For one thing, running a full node utilizes the resources of a machine for basically no monetary return. Plus, the collapse of Mt. Gox has likely left many people with less desire to support the digital currency.
Furthermore, the popularity of the bitcoin core client in China, where it was for a time immensely popular, has tapered off given the contentious regulatory environment there."
I am sure many people will run petabyte size nodes for fun.
I know the recession in india must be hard atm but don't sell your soul it's not worthy.
>non mining nodes do nothing, they have no hashpower, bitcoin is proof of work not proof of stake
If you truly believe that then bsv will end up with 8 nodes
Since as you say "only those using hashrate will need them" , aka those 8 pools.
Have fun when someone fucks those 8 nodes causing the destruction of the bsv blockchain.
>8 nodes run by bsv pools
that is not a general definition, how do you define whether a blockchain is centralised or not
you could have a blockchain with every person on earth running a node and 1 miner. The miner would still control the blockchain. Bitcoin is governed by proof of work nodes with no hashpower have no vote i.e they can do nothing
you advocate for a 1mb block to make non mining nodes cheap.
define cheap
It seems you don't get the concept , hashpower and nodes where separated when mining pools appear.
You could run a massive asic farm without even downloading the blockchain , since miners work in pools and only the pool owners are forced to run a node.
Bitcoin has 10k nodes because people do it for free since it's only 300gb of space.
With 1gb blocks you are speaking about 1.4tb size blockchain per year.
Even now with small blockchain size bsv only has 400 nodes vs 10k btc.
With petabyte size it will only need to have 8 to operate and those 8 are weak points ,if the nodes stop working the chain dies.
>Bitcoin has 10k nodes because people do it for free since it's only 300gb of space.
non mining nodes are not doing what miners are doing.
a non mining node cannot do what a miner does because it has no hashpower. How can you deny this, it's madness.
I don't advocate for 1 mb blocks 32mb as litecoin or bch have is the right size as it would mean 1.6 tb with full blocks per year , good for our current hard disk.
Petabyte sizes is pure insanity.
> to make non mining nodes cheap.
With the exception of those 8 bsv pool nodes or the 14 btc pool nodes all other nodes are "non mining".
That's right only 14 of 10k nodes are mining nodes as absurd as this sound.
Satoshi never expected mining pools , this is why the whole block debate started , it's not about the miners or fees it's about the nodes being centralized with big blocks.
>Satoshi never expected mining pools
It's literally written in the abstract.
> The longest chain not only serves as proof of the sequence ofevents witnessed, but proof that it came from the largest pool of CPU power.
PoW doesn't care if you're running a pool or 1 machine, it's the hashpower that defines it. AND SOLELY HASH POWER, RETARD
define blocksize limit as a function of non mining nodes then
So you believe if someone decreased the ratio of mining nodes to non mining nodes on bsv past that of btc you would consider bsv more decentralised than btc?
By pool he meant farms which is why he spoke of 1 cpu 1 vote.
The mining pools we are talking today are disconnected from the asics.
You run the mining in chile and the pool with the node could be in china.
It's not what satoshi spoke you idiotic shill.
no, by pool it means the bigger part of hashpower decides, not 1 farm, fucking retarded braindead blockstream shill
Nodes atm 460
Imagine how much nodes bsv would have runing at max capacity , the 8 fucking pools it would collapse with no survivors.
blockstream shill is unironically saying that you would be able to do a 51% attack without any mining, just with non mining nodes.
how fucking braindead are you?
so you believe there is no growth in the capacity of IT infrastructure to increase btc growth while maintaining a non mining node to mining node ratio (that you will not define)
I think there's a word for this kind of blatant lying and denying of reality.... starts with a C.... hmmmmm
Oh that's right. COPE
look at this dude worrying about the decentralization meme when he should be wondering how miners will make profits after the halving with caped transactions
wew lad, god speed.
No, you see, CSW has been playing the long game since 2011. He's arguably the greatest scammer of all time, seeing as though he's read up on cryptography, some programming, economics, even got a bunch of degrees. All to impersonate Satoj so he could... Uh... Buy BSV himself and make others buy it so he could pump up the price and dump on us. Yeah, that bullshit story sounds plausible enough to trick a couple of retards.
CSW is Satoj ainec.
>since 2011
The sarcastic first paragraph doesn't work for the retards' story if he started Satojin' before 2009.
there is no way to define a blocksize limit that results in a 1mb cap
>gets btfo
>changes topic
hi greg, not enough from before?
He walks like Satoshi
Talks like Satoshi
Has Satoshi's keys
Protects Satoshi's Bitcoin vision as laid out in the WP
He know more about Bitcoin than anyone else
He is just like Satoshi in every single aspect,
But you see, it is actually just an very elaborate plan to scam the court into forcing him to pay Ira Kleiman 50% of the Satoshi coins.
Wow, just wow. The Craig derangement syndrome is really strong in this one. I wish you a swift recovery
coingeek is calvins crapchute... coingeek """outed""" craig as satoshi add 2+2 together they have been working on this since 2013.
Lol I posted before I read your whole post. You sounded just like a Greg, so I assumed you were hehe
>He walks like Satoshi
>Talks like Satoshi
>Has Satoshi's keys
bullshit you made up
>Protects Satoshi's Bitcoin vision as laid out in the WP
arguably false this is a very subjective matter, some talking points coincide with parts of the wp some actions and ideas are loudly against the wp vision
>He know more about Bitcoin than anyone else
bullshit and provably so craig was always pretty clueless about technical things
>He is just like Satoshi in every single aspect
except he is an abusive drunk ass shitposter troll who didn't code a line in his life.
>trusting documents from wright
heres a little email that he leaked to the public from 2008, the problem was the domain his email came from wasnt registered in his name until 2009
its from a public mailing list, retard.
typical 1 post id gregory.
>he thinks he’s smart
fucking retard... since when is an unencrypted hash/digest a signature?
>when the "everybody I dont like is greg maxwell" spam backfires and you end up calling out your own team
there is roughly you can double the block size with every halving. we should be at 4mb blocks.
The best leads to Satoshi Nakamoto can be found on
Craig is not even mentioned
How can you take that site seriously if it doesn't even mention the most talked about person when it comes to Satoshi's identity? Sounds like a site with an agenda and a narrative to push.
he is talked about only because of his niggerish behavior not because he is a likely candidate
Disinfo site built by blockstream faggots.
>he most talked about person when it comes to Satoshi's identity?
Yes, in biz, anywhere else, no.
He's so perfect, bros.
Israel has no right to exist.
>implying thats a bad thing and bearish for BTC
It's amazing how literally none of you retards understand how Bitcoin operates.
>Nodes are not miners and do it for free
5. Network
The steps to run the network are as follows:
1) New transactions are broadcast to all nodes.
2) Each node collects new transactions into a block.
3) Each node works on finding a difficult proof-of-work for its block.
4) When a node finds a proof-of-work, it broadcasts the block to all nodes.
5) Nodes accept the block only if all transactions in it are valid and not already spent.
6) Nodes express their acceptance of the block by working on creating the next block in the
chain, using the hash of the accepted block as the previous hash.
There's a whole whitepaper on this you should read.
>Bitcoin has 10k nodes because people do it for free
Only a node backed by hashpower is a node. Mining pools don't invalidate the definition or the whitepaper, cunt.
He didn't expect them to be geographically separate as they are now. He never expected people to literally run 100s or 1000s of harddrives or SSDs for each and every miner.
Where is the source from that
>does programming for bitcoin
>3) Each node works on finding a difficult proof-of-work for its block.
>4) When a node finds a proof-of-work, it broadcasts the block to all nodes.
Does a raspberry py do the hashing for that POW for its block? No, that is the miner that does it.
A node is a miner. If a node cannot do POW, then it is not a node. Only a miner can do POW, ergo it is the only one that is a node.
Your shitty casanode is just that, an overpriced raspy with a stupid cable doing a looptiloop.
Fluffy pony is not even good as a fluffer... maybe thats the reason why he left XMR.
Privacy coins already getting delisted... have fun in the dark pits of humanity, Bitcoin will Leverage the light part.
how the fuck is this decentralized? 70% of hashing power comes from china.... If the CCP deems BTC unworthy of living those miners get confiscated, casa node or not. The minute those mining factories go offline the BTC chain suffers a chain death spiral. Difficulty adjustment is not in 2 weeks, it is every 2016 blocks, that translate under normal circumstances into 2 weeks. Once Hashing power is however not enough to keep the 10 min avereage block time those two weeks could turn into months or even years. HEDGE YOUR FUCKING BETS!!!!
i always said creg was a late adopter gox baby
A higher limit can be phased in once we have actual use closer to the limit and make sure it's working OK.
Eventually when we have client-only implementations, the block chain size won't matter much. Until then, while all users still have to download the entire block chain to start, it's nice if we can keep it down to a reasonable size.
With very high transaction volume, network nodes would consolidate and there would be more pooled mining and GPU farms, and users would run client-only. With dev work on optimising and parallelising, it can keep scaling up.
Whatever the current capacity of the software is, it automatically grows at the rate of Moore's Law, about 60% per year.
2010 Satoshi
Blockstream and core says there should be a blocksize limit so to maintain an undefined ratio of non mining nodes to mining nodes.
You say blocksize limit should be a function of inflation rate, why?
Do you believe ((blockstream)) or Satoshi??
4TB HDD cost less then 100$ now.