Do these two people belong to the same species?
Do these two people belong to the same species?
The first guy looks like a fun fren to have, the second guy looks like an uptight faggot on the phone to his bf
well I bet the first guy doesn't waste his time making shitty Jow Forums threads on Jow Forums.
nah people that look like the first pic need to get shot
Get a shot of whiskey and a high five, yea
>bipedal ape
>hairless face
>wears garments to hide disgusting body devoid of fur
yep they're humans alright
why does the first guy keep coming where the second guy is, instead of staying in his space? not even talking "muh immigration", there's literally no reason for you shitskins to invade digital places like Jow Forums if you're so happy amongst each other
Why is the second guy so insecure that he has to look down upon anybody who is different?
it's about acting different; no one can see your face here, but it's easy to detect a pajeet, even one born in the West.
guy on the left seems more fun to hang with. terrible business advice, though. guy on the right would probably invest in bitcoin or ethereum.
If you hang out with people beneath you then you're never gonna make it.
your difference is not your skin color, but your retardation. dealing with your retardation day in day out is tiresome
imagine being around children, 5-6 years old. maybe it's enjoyable every once in a while. but imagine those children follow you around everywhere. you're going for a drink - children. you're going to play sports - children. you want to have a serious talk with someone - children interrupt you with their babble
all analogies are flawed: children can be annoying but they're adorable. you, on the other hand, are a grown man filled with some odd mix of insecurity and resentment you project at every chance. and you invade white spaces not to contribute to a great common project, but to lust after white women and to scam other men to try to get ahead
so you're a negative force as a population. the best amongst you are honest but still suffer from intellectual/emotional shortcomings, and plague any sort of discussion between rational individuals even with the best intentions
in truth, you will never understand the extent of the effect you have because there is a special connection you will never be privvy to. you have to judge us by your standards and assume some form of hate or whatever, whereas the white man (that is, the reasonably intelligent white man and not some bastardised form of it) earnestly wishes you would shape up so we could move on from inanity
we were supposed to colonize the stars. instead we have social justice
Cherry pick
what about these two?
Ancestor cry
seems to be the norm to me
Based post lad.
The man on the right makes millions of dollars a year, has a statue outside a college, and was an olympic-level athlete.
Unarguably Chad. The reason you can't compete isn't because of some fetish, it's because you're pathetic.
Most indians look like shit, there are rare exceptions though.
damn good post
Only higher IQ whites are truly capable of appreciating that race is not only not just skin deep, it cuts directly to the soul.
When our ancestors spoke of the "inferior races" they were not talking about intelligence, though it is true that the lesser races are less intelligent, but rather the absence of something much deeper and profound: a soul capable of understanding, feeling and grasping the world at the same level that we do. It is a difficult concept to articulate, but on some level everyone, even the more intelligent non-whites get "it" and understand that "it" is what enabled us to build a civilization (unfortunately still only theoretically) capable of interplanetary travel.
So many motherfucking differences in 21st century, that's why I am balls deep with jews and xrp, jew's race mixing idea will be death of human differences, new world fucking order, brother hood never seen before, future will be like 5th element movie
VERY based lad
Pajeet eternally BTFO
cherry picking and feeling superior, how pathetic are you
It's not cherry picking when whites on average are far more attractive.
thats some 'more than skin deep' cringe you've got going on there bro
you just virtue signaled and then patted yourself on the back for a job well done
The left one looks more white greek/italian than the inbreed. The average Indian don't look like this. You know the Indo-Greek Kingdom right?
> he fell for the species meme
right one is gay, too
That's what you want to believe, you need to go out and actually meet people over there and btw if you visit don't go cherrypicking lookin in slums to validate your bias
Imagine coming from the same race as the majority (IF NOT ALL) of mass/school shooters. There's nothing more pathetic and insulting than that. The real question is why haven't you "superior" white males killed yourselves yet? There's nothing superior about you anyways. Black people and Mexicans are stronger than you. Asians and--dare I say it-- INDIANS are smarter than you. Before you say it, no, you're not more attractive than other races. In fact, I would say you're the most UNATTRACTIVE race. You're all so bland and just white. There are a few good looking brunette men but almost ALL blonde men are ugly, with your blonde beards and blonde pubes. Mega yikes. Obese and emotionally unstable. Hey all I'm saying is you have a couple more years of the good life before you're seen as the lowest quality of humans. All we need is for people to memify the downfall of the white man. Good luck out there albinos
The more Indo-European admixture, the hotter the shitskin, EVERY SINGLE TIME
>is a difficult concept to articulate
that's because it's totally presumptive, uncritical and self-serving pseudotwaddle
He probably have greek blood "Greco-Bactrian Kingdom" or Persian at least. But a lot of greeks today looks turkish, because the ottomans raped them
I'm not denying that there aren't handsome indian men. They are just much rarer. How often do you see chadpreets like picrelated? This is why Pakistanis are also much more fairer/beautiful than Indians because they have managed to mantain their gene pool to an extent and not pollute it.
You're welcome for the technology and language that enables you to run your mouth over the internet. And having 99 % of you guys not starve.
And the schools where the shootings happen, lol
Some ME are unironically more "white" (features like nose, chin) than east-whites with their mongol blood (Poles, Ukranians and Russians)
Pakistan and India used to be the same country (India) before Britain partitioned it.
That guy is mostly/completely Pakistani descent. Not Indian.
Imagine being this deluded to think all white people are burgers. LOL
keep coping
A bunch of ugly whores. The same time Chads take your best women
My bad. Picrelated would be a more fitting description of an indian chad. Do you have any clue as to WHY pakistanis generally look better than indians despite once living under the same flag? Is it simply due to geographical reasons or is there more history to it? I am curious.
thats haram infidel
It is able to produce words, yet there is nothing of substance there.
Pajeet from Bangladesh here. I have nothing of value to add but I do have a blonde haired blue eyed polish gf who just started letting me bust in her asshole. My "friend" who's Italian Portuguese is gonna give me a lap dance for closing a big deal in literally 15 minutes. Im still working on working on my English but I never knew white women were this easy
t. Ugly white guy
What if I told you if I was of indian descent?
t. Ugly self hating Indian guy who hasn’t talked to a single girl in his life and whines about his failures on r/braincels.
Grow some balls you cunt. Also, have sex.
I am not an ugly incel and I'm more than likely fairer and better looking than you too. Jimmies rustled?
You literally said it yourself that you're unable to articulate the distinction between whites and other races, you just 'feel' or 'sense' your superiority over others. I'm just highlighting the 'nothing of substance' that you (of your own admission) posted.
Its also an honest observation. The indians who look good dont look like indians either.
> “Indians” who look good don’t look like “Indians”
Inferiority complex detected. Have sex incel. Go back to r/braincels and pretend to feel superior again
Oh and increase your IQ for that ridiculous “good looking INDIANS don’t look like INDIANS” statement
It is true. Only a butthurt shitskin like yourself would be all riled up lmao. I'm sorry you dont have persian admixture like me.
Prove me wrong.
they both are Caucasian. left mixed obviously but they're loosely the same race, just one is brown and the other is white.
but I don't see how you can compare an ugly guy to a male model and say "oh my god why are they so different are they different species". The vast majority of any race are unattractive/average looking people
rofl that guy is a twink and black girls chose him over the black man
>everyone more attractive than me is a homosexual
The world's oldest cope
Real business men aren't indian.
Nice propaganda buddy
black girls will often choose a white man. more than that a white girl will choose a black man. black girls do this for a simple reason - it gives them a higher status, it's an entry into white social circles and they can buy expensive items with white guy's credit card. black women dating a white guy are always very materialistic. white guys dating black women are most of the time cucks and they are libtards too with a fetish for black pussy