this will pump to 250, retrace a bit and then moon faggot
Tfw you believe any fud about the king
eth 2.0 is coming literally next year, what difference does it make whether you buy at 200, 220 or 250 when it will be at least 1k by early next year
One day one ETH crypto currency will be worth 6 million federal reserves notes
Only here will you find literally NIGGERS talking shit about probably the most important crypto. Double digit shitcoin huh. Suck my cock, I'm ready to cash out another 100k.
phase 0. no sharding. no smart contracts. mooooon
See you faggots when we hit quad digits
Wait for ATH in Jan to confirm bullrun.
Double digit shitcoin- phrase coined by literally nigger running scam insider pnd btc exchandge only place it caught up is btc maxi shillspace and biz
Pic related
I own ETH and fud it ironically here all the time. To be fair a lot of the fud is valid I just think it's hilarious talking shit about my own bags anonymously
How do you think ETH 2.0 will influence Ethereum Classic?
>eth 2.0 is coming literally next year
Youuuuu misleading faggot. ETH2.0 is ETH 2.0 when the finished product is released... and that is MULTIPLE YEARS AWAY. Delivering a fractional of an imagined product shilled as ETH 2.0 and then pretending that that fraction of a product is ETH 2.0 is pajeet tier desperate and pathetic and dishonest. How fucking fearful do you have to be to pull shit like that?
In 2-3 years when ETH 2.0 is finally built? no.
Haven't sold any ETH since ICO aside from chainlink ICO. My arms of steel made me delay at December top. But I did sell BTC.
1-2 years
phase 0 is like 4 months away user
> biz doesn't know shit
biz fud is a bullish signlal, always
I find it funny when people talk shit about tone because he didn't open a short until 5600, but it subsequently dropped to 3k and he made a shitload of money on it. He only opens trades hes 90%+ sure about.
2 Years is the absolute earliest retard.
>I'm sure there will be no further delays
>phase 0 releasing in 4 months (fingers crossed) doesn't change the 2 years you have to wait for ETH 2.0
...but obsess over phase 0 like the sad little bagholding pajeet that you are
Once it's $750 + you can think twice, anything below is good to go.
wish moneyskelly would take his rapping more seriously it would be good exposure for the normies