How do you day trade???
How do you day trade???
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Damn thats a hot ass
No it isn't you faggot
By not being a cumbrain. To make a 2x a year you need to make 2% a week. That's like 0.3% a day. Then you do this every day for years and after 10 years you're a multimillionaire.
Let me smell it, ley me breathe it in
Well the problem is I can't get trades right and when i do it's all wasted in trading fee.
Read this book:
Alexander Elder - Trading for a Living
Watch this guy:
It's very, very, hard but not impossible
What happens exactly
thats why you target 4% swing trades.
typically with buy/sells to the tune of $2k each so when you do make that in/out you are looking at $100-200 in profit.
Stop selling 10 minutes after you buy.
Anons is this normal or am I lucky? Or is it because my bag is just small?
>two weeks ago
>buy $40 worth of a shitcoin
>day trade everyday at 4-5% profit, didn't meat quota everyday but not a single day of loss
>bag at $83
can i somehow do this with bigger amounts?
You dont
>Day trading
A nice way to lose everything. Just put it in dividend stock and let it compound over 20 years.
>weeks of nothing
>random 5% dildo
>nothing the next day
>another random 5% dildo followed by another random 5% dildo
Fuck this untradeable market.
thats why you hold you fucking reddit retard, if you own 10+ btc all you need to do is literally nothing but wait. The idiots who put their bitcoin on bitmex/deribit and use over 5x leverage are all degenerate gamblers, not day traders.
Why did you reply to me? Are you autistic?
the result would have been the same with a bigger amount of money.
I sell high and buy back in lower. Then I sell high again and repeat the process. But crypto prices are dropping faster than my trading gains and my gaining margins are not big enough.
really no source ...
who is this?
the problem isnt the market, its you. You need to go back to le.ddit
Because your bag is small. You won't have the same liquidity and volume to get those trades consistently in shit coins. And blue crypto coins move way too fast or don't move fast enough for your trading strategy
dear god, please SAUCE
Vyvan le
you talking about doing this with stocks or crypto
just pedos like asians
>not buying TRUE for 61% cheaper than other exchanges
>Doesn't know how to use real decentralized IDEXs
> Not shorting OKeX
No wonder you're poor
that's why you focus on stocks that move everyday like ETFS, at least you have the volatility to daytrade.
Any guidance on learning how to spot good arbitrage opportunities? Any good tutorials / guides on this stuff you'd suggest?
It's not gambling at all. It's easy money. Most people are lazy or don't know how to use dex so they dont bother. You can make serious profit
unironically scored some gud arbitraging thanks user
Flipped 6eth absolutely based desu
Dude dont share shit like this with biz here user delete delete! just keep it on tg fuck normies
Nigga you are too new to be fucking with margin.
absolute fucking legend
I'm already doing this for 45+ large scale exchanges + smaller unheard ones too. Both CEX and DEX. It's surprisingly saturated still, and there are not good arbs unless you're watching it & stressing 24/7. Using automated trading is always NO for arbing, but still, it's not a long-term solution to riches. Currently, you can find ONE good arb per day if you're hustling.
thanks user
dropped a hard eth, thx desu
this shit is a gem but w.e. biz buying wojakcoin
thanks dude
Do you fucking boomers realize the world will end in 20 years or your expectancy of life will be considerably lower because of massive health issues worldwide, fuck off, you either make it in 10 years or you will just eat shit all your life
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