Why are normies so uninteresting? I know this is Jow Forums and we’re all edgy INTJ’s but seriously the average normie is boring af. All they know is booze, sports and top 40. No wonder they call us “quiet” or “antisocial”
Why are normies so uninteresting...
Sports are fun though.
The truth of the matter is that you're a boring person, OP. Normies are having the time of their lives, while you're stuck on this board as psuedo intellectual trading chink shitcoins PnDs.
>is a contrarian
>thinks he isn’t an NPC normie
Many such cases! Sad!
it is because society lacks cohesion there needs to be an event to trigger cohesion again, it could be hate but it certainly won't be love. destruction brings order.
It's because they're not real people. They are soulless automatons with zero self-awareness.
>Uses le_donald catch phrases
Yikes! No wonder no one wants to be your friend.
>uses cliches like “the Donald” and “yikes”
>STILL thinks he isn’t an NPC
This is called cognitive dissonance btw
ENTJ here.
Humans are useless for their meaningless interactions. But really valuable for their connections.
Meet people to meet other people, those people might be interesting, better yet those people might want to give you a job because you know somebody they do.
Eventually you'll know so many people you'll have cars stopping when your downtown to wave and just say hi, do that. Humans like to be desired.
Hahaha what did that incel say?
They live in perpetual bliss so they don't get anxiety to drive them towards the unknown
the only anxiety the have is leaving that bliss
thats why many in adulthood turn to alcoholism and can't escape it, meanwhile a truly masterrace schizoid only turns to alcoholism to enhance the immersion of his own fantasy world
Be honest - you’ve never had sex, right?
>hello fellow goyim, I also don't fit in anywhere, I am an outcast like you, oy vey, maybe I will commit a shooting spree
I wonder who could be behind THIS demorilization thread?
Reddit are npc too idiot
Found the normie
I feel you
The way they are so happy in soul crushing jobs sickens me aswell
They have slave genes
lol imagine thinking alcoholism was an enhancement of fantasy
ENFP here
Playing video games and listening to podcasts doesn't make you special.
Normies have more of an ability to just enjoy eachothers company, they have thoughts and feelings but why would you bog people down with that shit when you can just shout at the TV watching some athletes and get silly.
Having depression doesn't make you interesting user.
imagine thinking you were an interesting person just because you never talk to anyone. KYS while you still can faggot
This is a lie. Only normies living it up are chads and pre wall girls. Most normies are coping very hard with distractions like video games and alcohol. Shits fucked
NPC here I just follow the crowd and have strong feelings of my own. What's wrong with you people? Just be yourself? Live life love lmao!
>We're all one of only 16 unique personalities
>Why is everyone else so boring
normies are the plague
Normies are boring as fuck. Don't listen to these edgy redditors OP. The average office wageslave's life is completely devoid of anything worthy of note. And I am not exaggerating, I have wageslaved for 8 years and never met a single interesting person that hasn't got the most banal of interests, views, thoughts, aspirations, hopes or dreams.
This was a legit convo at the cage:
>so do you watch sports user?
>not really a fan of watching sports to be honest
>what the hell do you do in your free time then?
>well what does anyone do in their free time?
>watch sports
They're called normies because they're normal, for Kek's sake.
>most of us are more complex then we let on, and insecurity and lack of communication skills allow others to categorize us quickly against our wills
>however, once you are calloused to pain and suffering to a moderate degree, this doesn't matter anymore. nothing does