>let’s get drinks tonight
>let’s get some drinks at that new restaurant!
>wanna get some drinks after work?
>happy hour drinks?
>drinks drink drinks drinks
Fuck normalfaggots, I’m tired of their alcohol obsession. Fuck your “drinks”.
>let’s get drinks tonight
>let’s get some drinks at that new restaurant!
>wanna get some drinks after work?
>happy hour drinks?
>drinks drink drinks drinks
Fuck normalfaggots, I’m tired of their alcohol obsession. Fuck your “drinks”.
Other urls found in this thread:
I don't like alcohol either, user. But it is so prevalent it's hopeless.
Wouldn't be so bad if normies actually drank and did something fun but instead it's 2 drinks and then going to the most expensive packed club in town with tonnes of niggers and shuffling awkwardly to music and saying "WHAT?" for hours.
Woah ease up dude don't shoot up your mom's basement incel
Drinks sucks I agree op
fuck off
kys, alcohol good. Makes bitches naked.
You could just order non-alcoholic drinks (and grossly overpay for them) just to keep yourself in the loop, assuming that there is such value in going to the bar. However, you'll probably never be able to get away from the overwhelming noise.
They need alcohol in order to forget their shitty existences. All they understand is how to consume. They live, eat, sleep, and shit by the idea that they should spend as much as they can because that makes them normal. "What?? You aren't buying the new Iphone?" "What do you mean you didn't go to college? It's an investment in your future! Sure I can't pay off the debt, but I never could have earned this 50k per year salary without that 150k debt piece of paper!" They save nothing, and they drown in their own poor decisions. So, they blame everyone else, like a rabid dog trapped in a corner. They lash out like beasts because that's what they are, animals.
>LOL everyone is a sheep. Everyone but me hehe
They're idiots. They were raised by idiots, and will have idiot kids with idiots, and will die idiots. Be different.
>"ah! Norman Faggot, yes I'd love to get drinks. Does your father still have that position open at Normal Corp? I'm looking for work now that my LINK investment failed... No I haven't invested in NANO yet."
and you know what you do with rabid animals? You put them down user.
>>LOL everyone is a sheep. Everyone but me hehe
How fucking ironic, what the fuck do you spend all your time consuming, videogames? Sports? Rap music? lol
Based retard
I read, meditate, and exercise. I focus on learning on my own terms what I deem important. I learn about real estate, stocks, news in crypto, and focus on increasing my financial awareness and literacy mainly. Sometimes I play chess. Sometimes I draw. Depends on the day I suppose
cringe. OP was me during university and my early 20's.
Thank God I'm not such a fucking loser any more, and I actually drink (and do drugs) and join the fuck in and HAVE SEX quite a lot.
Have a drink, OP.
LOL. Wanna know what happens when you go out with these retards for their little drinks? You HAVE to have alcohol or they won’t stop feeling like insecure retards and bringing it up every three seconds.
>come on man, have a drink, it’s no fun for ME if we’re not all drinking
I used to give these fucking morons the benefit of the doubt, they’re probably lonely from the soul crushing cycle of work-eat-shit-sleep, they just wanted some genuine social interactions. But nope, the SECOND you don’t behave exactly like them their dumb fucking insecurities come out and they have to make you just like them. You “ruin” their time if you choose to sit down and have a glass of water while you talk to them, you have to drink their little faggot “drinks” or they’ll feel insecure. FUCK NORMALFAGGOTS AND FUCK “DRINKS”.
What?!? I can't hear you! T-this music!
Nobody above age 21 does this.
Im 27 and all my friends still do it. We have nice homes and whenever my and my gf host we always cook a really high quality dinner, make cocktails, have a good music system, games etc but the second people can they always start asking when we're going to some shitty club where the nigger music ruptures your eardrums and it costs £15 for one methanol infused drink.
Youre so fucking blind to your own pathetic existence its disgusting. KYS today or forever live in misery. You don't understand the basic dilemma of working for a living and enjoying the down time vs. suffocating on your own goals.
KYS today! Everyone around you wishes you already had
yeah, you sound about 19.
FUCKING KYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lol you live in england
>my values are more important than everyone elses
your interest may be less common, but thats because people like you dont have kids, so you die feeling superior, and thats that.
you have the right idea but the wrong energy user, basically your mind is in a good place but your heart isn't, be honest with yourself, it's okay to be a loner but not okay to be it in spite of others, for example im a loner but it's because i enjoy indulging in immersive media and escapism, i just enjoy tripping ideas man, some people want to immerse themselves in their lives and thats ok
Spotted the alcoholics.
Alcohol is overrated
Get a liquor license
Sad as it is, such is the case. People here love to go spend £200 at the local vodka revs with the poos and pakis surrounding the dance floor looking for the finest drunk girls and then give one singalong + tip to the bog wog for some lynx deodorant.
>everyone who disagrees with me is hitler
yup you're 19 alright
I also enjoy a drink from time to time, mainly when i have nothing to do, i just get a buzz where i know i won't get completely hangover next day and then full immerse myself into some movie, video game or book, i feel it's a good use of my time and i end up happy everytime i do it enjoying new ideas or maybe reflections about myself
now some people get drunk out of spite of others and that's just sad user
See this is why I hate normies, because there is no judgement I don’t care what you do as long as you leave me the fuck alone, however as soon as I say I’m not interested your insecurities come through and you instantly get butthurt
Imagine thinking I’m comparing an alcoholic to hitler. OP describes normies perfect and it’s so boring, predictable, and not even entertaining. No I don’t think I’m better than them I think that it’s simply not my cup of tea and while they get butthurt I couldn’t care less.
I member being 19.. i was getting laid unlike you pathetic faggots.
28 now and have had enough pussy to satisfy for decades. Sad as that may be, take a step back and ask yourself why youre wasting your youth
no i dont want to drink and be a belligerent loud mouth and put up with loud neurotypical people
i just want to smoke weed and listen to music/ watch anime/ eat tasty food
when will it be legal
>gets a DUI
How do you make it clear you don't want to do stuff outside work with your coworkers without coming off as an asshole? At my old job they would keep trying to invite me to do karaoke at some shitty barbecue place, and I just came up with excuses why I was busy every time.
Don't forget me to thank me sir
I feel you user, fucking hate normalfaggots
Dont be friendly and no one will invite you to shit you LARPing faggot
Obvious projection
It's just fun to make fun of insufferable pseudo intellectual faggots. You can spot them a fucking mile away. Nobody gives a fuck what you do but if you complain about how nobody is as smart or interesting as you, you are not perceptive, you are just an autistic geek with an unjustifiable ego problem. You get that a lot with shut ins.
Enjoy your delusional reality for a few more years user ;)
OP needs to have some sex or something, maybe having a drink or two will help, fucking loser lmao!
Alcohol is just empty calories and carbs. Next time you're at a bar, look around at how many FAT people are there. Displaying their disgusting beer bellies. Women with multiple fat rolls. Eating wings and fried food and drinking 250 calorie "craft beers".
Empty calories is completely incoherent.
>I'm looking for work now that my LINK investment failed
Have another IPA faggot
OP is a fucking virgin loser
I haven't seen cope like this in a while.
anime is fucking gay
I don't get how people can act "differently" when they are drunk. Like I'm still the same guy, just less giving fucks and more socialising, mostly cuz everyone else is more open to socialising as well. But some people are completely fucking different. It's like they are fake all the time and now suddenly show their real selves.
Something else that I dont get is how you can drink heavily every fucking week. I'm just 19, some people that I know my age are just constantly working, going out, drinking, gaming and basically the cycle repeats. Like ok once a month drinking with the gang is nice and fun, but since we aren't rich we shouldn't be spending all this money on fucking alcohol.
Obviously your not from Canada sucks to suck amerimut
a shitty liver masks the issues with hangover
How is an empty carb different from a full carb?
Drinking is fine
But going to a bar where there are niggers or anyone brown is absolutely degenerate.
Top kek. BTFO
It is in Canada :)
When you're 19 you don't typically care for money. You care about having fun with friends and getting girls.
so are your gay normalfag conversations
Maybe when you're 16. Bitches I know are all hardened drinkers these days.
I'm weird then
I always cared about money even as a baby
Sometimes I throw that out there because I don't know of any other way to ask someone to hang out outside of work.
You need to take it as a compliment dude.
Drinking alcohol is literally a Ponzi scheme of social conditioning. remember to invest in liver cancer drugs
I just want to DANCE
What's your surname suffix?
Sounds like someone needs a stiff drink hehehhehe
When I was 16/17/18 I used to go out drinking every weekend, sometimes 2 or 3 nights a week. I'd drink half a litre of vodka at least before even going out, where I'd drink more vodka throughout the night. Looking back I have no idea how I did it. It was disgusting. The hangovers are fucking terrible and full of regret. Some of them were so bad I'd spend all day the next day puking my guts out in the toilet. Absolutely fucking gross. I stopped partying by 21ish though, I just had enough. Now I rarely drink alcohol, and whenever I do it's limited to 2 bottles of beer at the most. Any more than that and it just starts to feel gross. Alcohol is a disgusting drug.
>he's not a faggot like me... I'll call him a normie!
KEK i'm from the uk and this was a bit too true, hit home too much..
>your interest may be less common, but thats because people like you dont have kids, so you die feeling superior, and thats that.
I know people that have kids and regret every day of it. Having kids made them shitty, miserable people that just make the world worse for the rest of us.
Just got drinks with some co-workers, had a good time because they're interesting and not incels. Plus one of the girls had the full librarian look going, and you know, flirting is fun because I have sex.
people like you make mass shootings look like natural selection
hopefully you die in one soon
Truth hurts doesn't it
>28, still on Jow Forums
>LARPing about getting laid
>considering anything like this something to be proud of
the only pathetic faggot here is you and can't even realize it
>normie gets his logic challenged and proven wrong
like i said, natural selection
hope you die in a shooting soon
Sorry cuz. Maybe you should connect with your community more. Take up a martial art, then you can get close to people and understand them better and you won't feel so superior and disconnected all the time, and you might also learn some humility and lose some weight.
Assmad af. have sex incel
Sounds like they were always shitty people.
>You are a normie
>I am special
>I hope you get shot up by some incel like me
Ok sperg
My friend group is the same. Its the single guys that want to go downtown. Its mating behavior.
youre a pathetic fucking loser dude
get a grip
the next step is to realise normie failure is your opportunity
most successful business models are built out of exploiting consumerism
i think Jow Forums users (the smart ones anyway) have this weird duality of seeing normies for what they are but also are reluctant to manipulate people, because they intuitively think of themselves as the baseline (as we all do)
it's important to realise normies are different, they want to be led around and controlled. of course, you don't frame it that way but the point remains
you can build a business exploiting normie impulses and normies will get genuine value from it, so it's a win/win for everyone and morally sound
sure, in an ideal world you'd educate the normie to rise above their condition. except it's impossible. trying to force them to be something they can be ends up in inevitable failure, for you and for them, and the normie hates being confronted with failure (just look at the lashing out itt)
don't hate the normie for being a normie
instead learn how to develop a mutually beneficial relationship
>mfw I have my own personal vices, but they're infinitely cheaper than alcohol
Alcohol, never cared for it. I do like tobacco though. I love smoking and chewing in the vicinity of those same normalpaggots.
good thread
Well i guess the worrying thing is the ones who always push for it are girls with boyfriends. Though ones i identified long long ago as dirty slags.
I too like to LARP on the internet.
so many incels itt
this. if you're not black-out drunk at least once a week and hooking up at least once a month you're a faggot, undeniably.
Based. Imagine being an incel. I personally can't because I don't understand how someone can not have sex, but try to imagine not being able to.
I'm 28 and haven't gotten laid since I was 22, and I don't even care. I could never be attracted to a guy, but I lost my taste for women pretty quickly. Once you've had a few you've had them all and they're really nothing special. They have at most 10 years of mileage on them before they turn to shit, and even in their prime it's nothing special. It's annoying how much the world revolves around them when their whole game is to TRICK you into desiring them, hence the makeup, sexualized clothing, doing their hair, etc. I had one girl who didn't dress up or wear makeup and she was fantastic, but I stupidly let her go not realizing it was one of a kind. If I could find that again maybe, but when I see women 99% of the time the first thing on my mind is like "I don't have time for that hassle"
Jfc have sex dude
Nah, I'm good. Ridding my country of Jews seems like a better persuit