What is this physical reality?

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Our whole universe is just a swirl in a fractal. It's fractals all the way up and down.

non-meme answers please

fractals / reptilians/ god/ aliens still don't explain shit

what the fuck is this?????


just more irrelevant words

Emanations from the Theocenter.
Seek the theocenter, user.

Think about what a thought is, or a feeling. What are you? You aren't some thing, no word can actually describe what you experience as all words are within experience. You can never escape experience, it is all a meaningless, mad painting that will extend infinitely forwards and backwards. There is no universe outside you. Your perception, all you see, hear and feel is a flat sheet with you in the centre and nothing else and it will never end.

It's an ancestor simulation. Try not to think and it'll just wash your consciousness away.

Find the one.

I have absolutely no fucking idea. What the fuck am I even doing. Why.

Seeing as your perception receives impulses beyond its control, or at least beyond the control of what your perception defines as "you", there is by definition a universe outside you. Empiricism is a dead end, read Hume.

Why is there something rather than nothing at all? user?

Something instead of nothing, rare

that cant be proved

I have read Hume but the presentation of new information doesn't 1) entail the existence of a greater universe as we understand and 2) necessarily entail any more than us - a shuffling of 5 blocks can produce countless new shapes despite being made of known components.

Don't forget me to thank me sir


The biggest proof of a greater universe is the existence of pajeets. No warped reconfiguration of my mind could produce something as lowly and disgusting as an indian.

for nothing to exist, something has to exist in contrast.
we are the result of that situation.
unfortunately we had no choice in the matter.
and now we are here.
it's at least our duty to do the best to mark our existence, rather than our non-existence.
likely, this means someone else will have to adopt our world after we have gone from it.
if we have done well, they will hopefully have a slightly better life than ours.

Don't you find weird that basically you are free to imagine anything you want, but your internal organs like the heart and the guts work in unison without you intervening? How is that the will itself of the universe wants your heart to beat in sync with your internal status even if you don't want it

We're too stupid to comprehend it, so we toil away in irrelevancy - constantly getting nowhere and tasting the bitterness of failure until we die

At some point it will feel like that most of this shit was autopilot for a while, then some bad experience shaped and deformed your consciousness.
Ever since that nothing really happened, that event is past and all that's left are literally reflections of your thoughts that you have still linked in some way to that original negative experience.

kill yourself you don't deserve the answers to shit

> for nothing to exist, something has to exist in contrast.
That's meaningless drivel linguistically made to sound like it has content. Nothing is just inexistence. If there was no universe there would be nothing at all.

Fucking lmao

but why is there something rather than nothing?
you still haven't answered the principal dilemma.

it isn't a dilemma, if you believe that there is a good way to live then you maybe there would be one, but as that is the question of things is just a trippy one, more artsy and related to forms than an actual purpose of life

I was not talking about new information, only about impulses that are not within our control.

I don't have the answer, i think when you get down to the basic layer, qualia - or the top layer, the universe you encounter the same fundamental lack of ability to comprehend. Really the questions about one are also about the other. Just what the fuck is it, why is it and what will happen to it. It becomes so incomprehensible that are we even sure it is something, is this world some feverish dream of nothing? Is the universe just you, some free existing subjective? Is something the natural state of things and not nothing?

I find when you exist as a subset of something you can't hope to properly define it. Like Gödels incompleteness theorem.

Well Hume questioned if there even was a you, or if life was a passing collection of thoughts with a subjective feeling. In that way things aren't happening to you anyway. You are those things feeling like a person.

Exactly. And he also notes that since we can define a you separate from those things happening to said bundle of experiences, by that definition of you there is something outside it.

I don't recall him ever saying that, as far as i know he left it at some reductive "we only know for sure there are qualia".

> by that definition of you there is something outside it.

not confirmed

I do recall him confirming an outer reality beyond our control, however he starts out saying we can know nothing of it beyond the stimuli we receive. But he then invalidates this line of thought by questioning causality itself, without which those stimuli become meaningless.
He builds the rest of his whole thesis on the premise of rejecting this kind of reason and takes the instinctual passions (such as a belief in causality) as prime concept.
Hume is very misunderstood. If you read the whole book the conclusion seems decidedly anti-empiricist. Whether he realized this himself or not is up for debate.

You've been on 4channel for a long time today, haven't you user? Isn't it time to take a break?

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Asking and answering are functions of the human mind, of language. The world simply is.

Language as a system is capable of producing 'reasoned arguments' or sequences of words that construct a cohesive image of things in the mind. Try to think of existential statements as pretty linguistic artworks rather than vehicles conveying some sort of 'truth'.

just look at this fish trying to climb ashore

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But if words construct an image of things in the mind, and those things are conjured up by the emanations of the theocenter (shadows on the cave-wall), then they will also bear some resemblance of the original.
Hence they very much are vehicles conveying truth.

The answer lies within, not without.

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Unironically just energy and vibrations

means nothing

I've been down that road, but recently become ambivalent or neutral about the theocenter. In some sense, the image of the ultimate divinity is sort of like what happens when you mentally max out the parameters of the worldview to infinity. Like the human mind seeks to attribute a cause to the phenomena it sees, and this necessitates a singularity as the ultimate cause. The theocenter might be a center, it might be everywhere, it might be nowhere, it might be everything, it might be nothing. I feel as though identifying with and believing in a specifc metaphysical model might be barking up the wrong tree as it were.


OP, youre asking the wrong question. What determines if something is even physical or not? That you can touch it? sure. but how can you be sure that it is not just a trick by "your" "senses". What you must realize is that your search for the absolute is pointless. imagine that someone just gave you the answer in this thread. That someone was able to give an explanation of what the physical reality really was. Would you be satisfied? probably not. that is because our reality is neither physical (physical is an idea) or ideological (might not be the right word) because that is also just an idea. The reality of this universe just is. No one can point out exactly what it is. But it is still real. There is no absolute. I'm pretty sure. Just a reality in which we live in and have to accpet. We are men in a world that is not our own, a world that is much older than us and which works in ways we can not ever understand completely. I hope you can find rest even though you may never find a satisfying answer.

However it is still worth to note that you are of this world, a product of it. You are a part of it and your existence is inseparable from it.

fucking magnets, how do they work?


>What is this physical reality?
Physical reality is a story we made up that lines up roughly with some of the stuff that's real.
>what the fuck is this?????
Nobody has the slightest clue. I don't think you can even formulate an answer because it would always be nested in logic. So what the fuck is logic???

I know that feel bro

energy condensed to a slow vibration

4 fundamental forces and a shitload of energy, some of which exists in the form of matter.


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Literally fucking nothing. It's beautiful.

Until you die, there is nothing except mental sense experience. Arguably, nothing outside of your mind can be said to exist, and even your mind has no lasting existence from one moment to the next.

At any moment physical and mental phenomena like they're "here", but they never really are.

My personal dream is to become a full time NEET like Grigori Perelman and make some important contribution to science. Working on it. Need to acquire some bits of extra intelligence more, a better memory, then gtg. The most important aspect will be to deny any faults in my thinking processes.

a big protected experiment by higher more powerful interdimensional beings that we cant comprehend

I think so too, but the thing I struggle with is: how much are we humans involved? Some schools of thought say we chose to be here; some say we are trapped here.

humans are not involved


Your entire reality is a hallucination, everything you see and experience is only due to the way your brain processes sensory data

I'm doing this with theology.
New Age movements of the 70s failed because in part they lacked the global connectivity of the internet

New Age movements of the 70s failed because their followers were retarded drug addicts.

An illusion created by the Jews

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It's a sea of intelligent awareness
You exist outside of space/time
You are the selfless self, then you are born in a vessel
This is an emotional dream

This is just a simulation made by an ancient civilization

you are a monkey in a rock floating around a star , floating around a black hole , floating in an ocean of galaxies, floating in a giant emptiness.

cant be proved


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Causality itself cannot be "proved".
"proved" has nothing to do with it.

who cares lol

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Classical religions are outdated and the devotees brainless tier.
We need an intelligent religion for the 21st century

The documentation you seek , gateway process analysis

conscoious will is an illusion

>gateway process analysis

more science words that mean nothing

is the ancient civilization also in a simulation? This leads to infinete regress, at some point it has to bottom out, something must come out of nothing, the question is why and how

A manifestation of the metaphysical by the metaphysical, aka god.

we are the aftermath of a cosmic rape in slow motion. Primordial matter and the demiurge. A shattered god that forgets why it suffers. two things that were never meant to exist together and are constantly at war with each other. we can either choose to be like sophia and get the indus valley civilization, or the more recently deposed aryan empire - or we can give in to ialdabaoth and get the world we have today. Life is suffering because it is unnatural. one side must win but they exist in balance forever. take some drugs or meditate heavily and you'll start to realize how dense and slow everything is in the world. a fleshy prison.

The brain is an antenna. Conciousness is broadcast to the mind. This is the reason you differentiate and say "me" "my brain" "my body".
Like a drone

Woweee deep dude, did you just turn 15 as well?

>What is this physical reality?
Your giving faggot responses to peoples answers...
just in case
Why and How Consciousness Arises

physical reality is the the stimulus that makes you conscious

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a hologram

thats actually an interesting take. It discounts a lot though, but its probably still relevant

Crystallized dreams painted onto 4d walls of a holographic projection stream/reality tunnel.

you assume to know a lot about what "something" and "nothing" even are. What hes saying is that without something there to create boundaries and characterize them, "something" and "nothing" become one. What that means is up to you


read this

I've been getting the sense that reality/consciousness/whateverthefuck is starting to evolve much more rapidly. like...I don't think I'm witnessing the same thing I was 10 years ago. the organic breath of the universe is starting to feel more and more digital...like we really are living in a simulation. is it just me? might be I'm losing touch

Without even watching i know its nonsense. No objective science or descriptions can have anything useful to say on what the subjective is. They are quite entirely different matters of reality. We might know that we are dependent on our bodies but saying the body's objective processes create qualia is always a totally unsubstantiated leap of faith. It's like saying smell makes the colour black.

Literally just you, maybe step outside for a little bit and touch back with planet earth.

that's what's causing this feeling. it doesn't feel the same to me. I know I've changed. that's all I can say for sure.

desu, there's always been something kind of mechanical feeling about the universe, but in a raw organic kind of way. pic related. organic, but structured.

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>Primordial matter and the demiurge. A shattered god that forgets why it suffers

yeah okay still doesnt explain anything lmao

a fren in need is a fren indeed

Or maybe machines have a slightly organic nature to them. Repeating structures and logical patterns are very natural given nature builds up chemistry which builds up physics.

As for psychadelic experience I never got a mechanical or natural impression from it.

Also I'd say that is true because when you think of the universe you think of space. We know space only through mathematics and simulations, so it will of course feel mechanical. Were you to be adrift in the cold expanse with a monstrously vast gas cloud nearby and stars in the distance it probably wouldn't feel mechanical at all.

Consider, if you will, that the universe is infinite. This has yet to be proven or disproven, but we can assure you that there is no end to your selves, your understanding, what you would call your journey of seeking, or your perceptions of the creation.

That which is infinite cannot be many, for many-ness is a finite concept. To have infinity you must identify or define that infinity as unity; otherwise, the term does not have any referent or meaning. In an Infinite Creator there is only unity. You have seen simple examples of unity. You have seen the prism which shows all colors stemming from the sunlight. This is a simplistic example of unity.

In truth there is no right or wrong. There is no polarity for all will be, as you would say, reconciled at some point in your dance through the mind/body/spirit complex which you amuse yourself by distorting in various ways at this time. This distortion is not in any case necessary. It is chosen by each of you as an alternative to understanding the complete unity of thought which binds all things. You are not speaking of similar or somewhat like entities or things. You are every thing, every being, every emotion, every event, every situation. You are unity. You are infinity. You are love/light, light/love. You are. This is the Law of One.

well to fully understand it is to be initiated. or a dedicated creep

>Without even watching i know its nonsense.
Cerebral narcissism identified
your identity is set to brainlet.
>It's like saying smell makes the colour black.
Your actually just parroting David Chalmers assertions about the "Hard problem of consciousness"

All of these are refuted in the talk and the paper that accompany them...do science faggot listen to a competing hypothesis...
The paper the talk is about is published in the same journal as Chamler's original paper.
I know I know as a "smart" faggot on the board you don't need things like evidence...?

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