>qnt mooning like crazy
>not a single thread on Jow Forums
This board is truly beyond salvation
>qnt mooning like crazy
>not a single thread on Jow Forums
This board is truly beyond salvation
>mooning like crazy
Bizlets dont have the brain capacity to understand quant yet. Muh link
it was $5 last week
shhhh. Still accumulating like crazy before Sibos 23-26 september.
Based and checked. The absolute state of current biz. In 2017 it would be all over the board
Checked user.
Imagine not investing in the next big thing.
>Sir, price is already too high
>thx just bought more xrp
>Still accumulating like crazy before Sibos 23-26 september.
So you can't just buy in with your 10 ETH portf and leave it at that? You have to "accumulate like crazy"? Does it take a lot of work?
Bullish AF am I right guise?? 1000x eoy, screencap this post
Wrong coin retard.
Yes. I cant just throw 400 eth at quant at once. I dont use more than 30/40 eth at each buy/day, so this process has been time consuming.
>Yes. I cant just throw 400 eth at quant at once. I dont use more than 30/40 eth at each buy/day, so this process has been time consuming.
Why not? You can very easily get that amount into QNT, many of us have.
>8 fucking dollars
>mooning like crazy
kek. nice trips tho
because I want to buy QNT as cheap as possible?
> wants to buy it cheap
> thinks that buying slowly = buying cheap
> misses the bottom completely
So many people are going to miss out on Quant for some weird fucking reason.... it’s beyond comprehension for me, it’s possible to own Quant and Link believe it or now.... no quanters are literally retarded
Haha Jesus. Thats why I have 17k qnt´s and not 14k. Please try again
> thinking 17,000 is a lot of QNT
please try again
When did I say 17k is a lot?
>When did I say 17k is a lot?
> Thinking it matters if he said it or not
jeez, why are you guys so cringy?
> ever replying to me
hello sir im from the IRS come with me please
Im not from murica. And I always pay taxes from my gains like you all should do!
hi ghost, how's the manipulation going?
I only have 25
It’s 2019... if you don’t own any quant you don’t even deserve to make money