No one talking about this?
markets pumped to all time highs again today. if this was bad news why havent institutions began dumping?
Where else would you put cash if the place you normally put your cash is possible out of cash?
Cumbrains are too busy talking about their shitcoin of the week.
why isnt there enough liquidity in the first place?
Buy gold if you want to bet against the Fed but you'll lose
look at your usual suspects of banks to find the answer. My guess would be Wells.
who gives a fuck OP
200 billion .
even 1 trillion wouldnt get me worried.
Little payouts here n there. Even people cashing out don’t really want to lose their positions whether it’s stocks, real estate or whatever it is.
It feels like a crash is coming, But there should be liquidity in the market, I hope Bitcoin moons
>institutions never sell
Yeah bro its not like they dump every other bad news event
they dump months in advance of bad news events so that normies and boomers get fucked, and also they never go to prison for inside trading
It will be a trillion in no time. Then 2 3 4. Faggot.
If they don't take this shit off their balance sheet pronto this is an absolute disgrace.
It's almost October. Financial crises always happen in October. Are you ready? :^)
Can someone tl;dr on what a repo is?
It's like QE except they do it all in 15 minutes.
Then they invent a bunch of words so nobody pays attention.
Quarterly corporate tax payments, large government and corporate bond auctions in the past week or two, treasury rebuilding cash on its balance sheet due to debt ceiling fuckery.
No one's talking about the repo spike because it's weird but won't cause anything and is going to be forgotten in a week.
I loaded up on prepper gear because of that kike faggot. I almost hope the economy collapses so I have a chance to use it.
>haha it's nothing guys, don't worry, it's just a little hiccup, nothing to see here, you can go back to sleep, buy more coca colas, everything is fine.
Overnight lending is fundamental to the financial system, that segment is drying up.
Banks are losing trust in being able to loan to one another. Rates spiked like a fucking moon mission, it has continued for days, more repos will come, the fed has to intervene.
Someone big enough in the segment is fucked enough to be on the edge of insolvency, and it's sending shock waves rattling the literal blood line of the financial system as a whole.
But yeah, there's absolutely no reason to be alarmed, surely it's not a reason for concern, it's completely normal and it happens literally every other month.
>literal blood line of the financial system
Not a big deal. ZeroHedge and Peter Schiff are just grasping at straws and blowing this way out of proportion.
everyone is hoarding $ expecting a crash, from Google to the US treasury.
These are warning signals of market shifts, they don't cause all markets to crash immediately.
most people don't care what the FED does, just let the bankers run things, they know what they're doing
only about every 10 years
either banks aren't liquid enough to lend or are too leveraged in debt for lenders liking. It's not a good sign
This seems like QE but if I understand it right, it's all paid back with interest every day. It's actually removing $ from the market at the same time they're unwinding their balance sheet.
A conspiracy theorist might say they're drying up liquidity before a crash to keep competition low when we bottom.
I think they're trying to squeeze the money supply because they won't be able to lower rates in a recession. They want the next QE to be more effective and think this will help.
No one really knows what it means.
Not even the Fed.
Definitely not Jow Forums
yeah it's all magic beyond our comprehension,
you guys think anything you don't understand no one does