Is this a fucking joke?
Is this a fucking joke?
Other urls found in this thread:
Biggest basket of shitcoins I have ever seen in my life.
kek what the fuck even are these
Insider here
A lot of those projects (Chia, Polkadot, Oasis Labs, etc) are sick projects. Don’t be a fagget
Nice logo's, expect movement.
holy shit i own pretty much all of those
I thought same thing.. really only one I are considering (even before this) TON
All VC scams
>zero pajeet shitcoins shilled on Jow Forums for months promising 'coinbase listing soon sirs'
Coinbase intern is trying to pump his shitcoin bag.
>thinking coinbase is relevant in 2019
Not gonna make it
This lol I don't think Brian has seen this yet
I literally have no idea what any of those are besides telegram. Is that like their social media links?
Chia is a project by the inventor of BitTorrent. Filecoin is pretty interesting. Polkadot... Uh... Another ethereum killer. Telegram: wow is it still alive?
How in the fuck do any of these pass the SEC requirements?
Telegram is based
I don't recognize a single one of those shitcoins
Might recognize more of these if it wasn’t 100 link post every day
these will all dump just like HBAR. at least the VC scam ones will, not sure what all of these are.
Yeah it really gets me down
>Not Harmony
Yeah, I don't see why we should care.
This. Mods must do something and control the shilling here.
I thought so too, what the fuck
They already have coins with less than 10k volume daily
They’re going to turn it into something similar to a chink exchange
Not a good look
They actually have the most legit project on there in crypto outside of bitcoin. It’s called Handshake. You’re welcome.
Have you considered that you're wrong and LINK is actually just that good?
Nobody knows about any of these coins because they aren't listed. Coinbase is trying to hop into the IEO space to ride that wave on whatever shit they can find.
N I g g e r there literally should two chains max if “blockchain” becomes what it’d supposed to be. Bitcoin as gold and one chain that does everything else, really bitcoin is a shitcone but it’s there for settlements or whatever you wanna call it.
>inb4 we need a market
Wanna gamble go Bitmex or soon Bakkt
wow, so surprising some of these picks....its not like, completely unethical and probably illegal to list a coin that YOU ARE BAGHOLDING AS A VENTURE CAPITAL BACKER.
A good chunk of them aren't even released
Super interested in Filecoin since the Winklevoss Twins and a bunch of crypto investment firms have bags.
Lol basket of VC bags lined to dump and anal rape you wtf?
KEKINjej a fokin Celo!
man i cant even tell the fuck those coins could do based by fokin pajeet tier name and logo
>taking Jow Forums serious
all VC scams
the era of making it is over
It's sad that Coinbase doesn't list privacy-focused Crypto. I'd say just list Stegos and support anti-surveillance. Just change the narrative and benefit from other Exchanges delisting privacy-focused cypto
They seem absolutely desperate, exit scam when?
Listed Dash today
are these guys having IEO soon?
hope you cucks realize that Telegrams GRAM will be in the top 10 soon
stop holding coinbase in such high regard.
brian armstrong has said they would list every token they could. they don't give a fuck.
>Not doing the opposite of the opposite of the opposite of what Jow Forums says.
This. Polkadot logo is aesthetic and probably has r3 partnership, buying for the moon mission. I'm not even going to research it, Im going in
VC cum rags. Hey you little shits, wanna buy some used cum rags? Come, come, we have a lot of them to dump on you.
>Over time we expect our customers around the world will have access through Coinbase platforms to at least 90% of the aggregate market cap of all digital assets in circulation.
From conbase blog. Those fuckers literally want to sell every shitcoin under the sun now. Don't buy into pump and dump.
yes, no even remotely similar to the pinterest logo, highly creative minds must behind this, buying 10k right now
It's hilarious to me that people try so hard to discredit Jow Forums, even though it having been overrun with retards is the true reason that Jow Forums supposedly shouldn't be trusted.
CB is turning into shitcoin exchange.
Is CB getting in on partnering with hundreds of literal whos now too?