
The more I ponder about it, the more ancap starts to make sense.
I literally would support that over the current corrupt democratic systems.

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Anarcho-Capitalism is the most logically consistent system, yes, but consider how we have billions of NPC retards who can't handle themselves without the state nor let anyone go against the state.
That is a lot of socialists to throw out of helicopters.

well ancap system would weed out the weak.
And cull the ones who are unwilling to progress.

Aka win-win

AnCap is a good ideological framework to work toward, but like an asymptote you will never quite be able to reach it in its purest form. The best we can hope for is a night-watchman state and if we get that far then, maybe, we can talk about actual Anarcho Capitalism. is right, the normies are not equipped to operate in Ancapistan. It must be phased in gradually.

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Babbys first time watching fight club

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>It must be phased in gradually.
or just caused by the lack of any and all governmental bodies, so a nuclear war could do this pretty well.

Good man.

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Minarchism is cancer, literally. All government is a tumor that doesn't stop growing; we have the history of American government to show us this.
Ancap can exist in a bubble; the outside of it being the statist NPCs. Anything these statists do is a NAP violation to us, and we must defend ourselves. That is all there is to it.
If you think about it, the NAP has been violated against you since the very moment you were born. We need people to understand this (at least the people who are able to understand) and start acting like it. Every single currently operating institution around you is illegitimate.

Unironically anarcho-capitalism would make us all 10-20x richer. The more you dig into any single intervention that the government does, you realize how poorly it is done and how much poorer we are because of it. This ranges from the FDA on restricted drugs/billions for drug approval, to the CIA and the billions spent to brainwash and murder people both domestically and overseas, to the EPA being extremely incompetent and overbearing, to the entire military wing wasting trillions to kill brown people, to the FCC, SEC, Fed, and others regulating our finances and having been bought out by Wall Street, to public schools being a prison for children and brainwashing them and generating worse results every year, to the housing bubble of the aughts, to the student loan bubble of today, to every fucking aspect of the economy and social life. Realizing that your true enemy is the government is the ultimate red pill.

ancap can exist in a bubble, lets make it big enough to include this whole planet.


Any ancap bubble will be 100x as prosperous as it's neighbors, and so will naturally grow to encompass basically the whole world.

Why else do you think (((they))) trash it so hard and ignore it completely?

ancap may seem attractive now but you bet people would love what we have now during the middle ages
no sides are perfect, balance is key

I wouldnt bet that people would love it, I bet that the people who survive and prosper because of it will love it, aka anyone who is alive after 5 years of its implementation.

I would support it over anything else. Once you think about it, you realize everything corrects when supply and demand runs uninterrupted.

>you bet people would love what we have now during the middle ages
Besides being awe-struck by the technology we have, they'd think our society is being run by the devil.
You think a medieval father would like his son cutting his own dick off and dressing like a woman? Our society has been going nowhere but downhill. Even technologically, progress has been stifled by Government Science™, where "scientists" mutually jack each other and fabricate results because they are guaranteed public money as so long they have the mere appearance of doing something productive. Which is contrary to the scientists of the Middle Ages/Renaissance period who were funded by private patrons and arguably had been much more productive.

rate my mobile wallpaper
fuck statists and fuck the (((oligarchs)))

Attached: m.wallpaper.png (900x1600, 185K)

Minus some points for phoneposting.

I don't even know if you guys are being sarcastic anymore.

You think that in a world a la mad max you would be the overlords but actually would be sex slaves to some kind of degenerate kike faggot that will rape you every single day, because that's the kind of people who have all the money.

>actually would be sex slaves to some kind of degenerate kike faggot that will rape you every single day
This happens all the time, state or not.
The problem is, the state claims it's the only entity that can handle criminals, and it does so in the slowest, most inefficient manner as possible.
In Anarcho-Capitalism, that degenerate kike faggot would be dead in a week, because nothing is protecting him from the entire populace (who are armed because no gun control) lynching him. Hell, that would be the case a la Mad Max. Even in shitholes like Africa, people like that get burned inside of tires.

It's a bullshit system.

How the fuck can Capitalism still exist when AI replaces all labor and creative processes? Iv'e still to get an answer to this. And don't bother with 'AI is a meme' bullshit, it isn't. The shit iv'e seen advance in my lifetime is fucking insane.

>thinking ancap would happen with kikes being alive

ancap will only happen if a nuclear war wipes out the governments and the rich people, because most rich people are only monetary type of rich, not material rich.

Kikes only hold money, companies, buildings.
Nothing of real inherent value after a nuclear war.

I recommend you The Problem of Political Authority by Michael Huemer, probably the best current ancap theorist.

This makes sense until corporations are brainwashing the kids, hiding secrets, and killing the browns. These things are elements of human nature and cannot be extricated with policy. Rule by corporation, rule by government. Rule is rule. Shareholders, voters. The mechanisms change but the game is the same.

>AI replaces all labor and creative processes
Reading posts like this make me understand better why people like the Luddites existed back in the day. Some people really are irredeemably stupid.

When you realize the globalist Illuminati depopulation plan was a good thing after all.

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>brainwashing the kids, hiding secrets, and killing the browns.
>none of these is your business or for you to control
>none of these is bad
also how do companies brainwash kids when they dont go outside of your property?

>and killing the browns

This is a feature, not a bug.

>this makes sense until corporations do things that are already being done by the state
First of all, that will never happen. But let me indulge your ridiculous fantasy. Even if that is true, at the exact same massive levels that the state does it today, is that not preferable for at least two reasons? First, at least they aren't robbing you to do so. Second, won't their lifespan be limited by the number of people willing to fund such actions? At least corporations can't tax the population to pay for things nobody wants.

Then don't do business with those companies, halfwit.
With the State, you must do business with them, because they have a monopoly on force. Corporations do not (or at least they shouldn't, but since the State subsidize our current corporations, they functionally do).
Good for them, not for us. If you aren't a part of the Jewish Yahweh™ matrix, you are basically fucked.
I'm looking into assimilating in the (((Tribe))); I'm not going to fight on the losing side if I don't have to. Plus, khazar milkers.

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This is an ancap system. I don't why you think this isn't what capitalism looks like. I don't know why you think this isn't what anarchy looks like.

All parties beginning equal and agreeing to maintain their autonomy, eventually someone WILL amass more influence, resources, and power than other parties in a so called "anarchy" and then force the people around them to play by their rules or else. That's what governments are, they're guys who won the game of anarchy. So this is what anarchy looks like, you're looking at it. If you don't like the guys who are winning the game of anarchy then feel free to undertake your duty as an anarchist to prevent authority, by attempting to overthrow the government and restore harmony to society.

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Ancaps are mental retards and are NOT anarchists. Capitalism requires the state. Anarchy and capitalism are mutually exclusive. This video sums it up perfectly.

What is NAP?

How the fuck can Capitalism exist when cars replace all horse driven carriages? Iv'e still to get an answer to this. And don't bother with 'cars are a meme' bullshit, it isn't.

Consider suicide you massive faggot

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What a terrible analogy. Horse driven carriages and cars are just different methods of transportation. Without a sufficient safety net, AI could conceivably eliminate wage labor and leave everyone unemployed.

You do not know what will happen after innovations are made. What you do know, however, is that if the work being replaced requires low skills to complete, that there is then less or no demand for said low skills. What this causes is a baby boom for high skilled (read: highly intelligent) people and naturally a baby bust for low skilled people.
>but muh eugenics
The current experiment of our existing society is one of dysgenics. We are paying women to not have husbands through the welfare/nanny state, we are giving low-skilled blacks and hispanics high-paying jobs through affirmative action allowing them to afford more children, we are paying people in general if they decide to sit on their ass and do nothing, which allows them to have children too.

Basically if AI existed in a truly free market, you would see the average human IQ rise extremely quickly.

>What this causes is a baby boom for high skilled (read: highly intelligent) people and naturally a baby bust for low skilled people.
Forgot to include that the reason is because low skilled people would have less money to support more children.

kill Soros and this little autistic slut

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they would be slaves, nbd

You're relying on far too many assumptions. I can guarantee you that it won't play out that way. And AI is going to replace skilled workers, too. Boomers like you seem to think only fast food jobs are prone to automation.

They would probably just die. Many hundreds of millions of people exist today solely due to foreign aid.

>I can guarantee you that it won't play out that way.
You cannot guarantee if it will play out any way at all. Neither can I or any single person in the world. You simply do not know what new industries will be created after an old one becomes automated or vastly innovated.
>And AI is going to replace skilled workers, too.
When I said low-skilled, I meant relative to the job market as a whole. Low-skilled worker 100 years ago meant something different from today, because back then the average job required less skills.

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The labor market isn't going to expand as a result of AI. It will undoubtedly contract. This isn't difficult to understand. We're talking about the end of wage labor. AI can conceivably do just that.

Assuming you'd be right, there would be a baby bust as a whole. There's nothing wrong with that if it just happens naturally thanks to a new innovation.

human labor will continue to be preferable to robots for many applications. sex and emotional work, entertainment, some forms of engineering. we will still be a valued connective tissue between the machines and have a large say in how resources are allocated. there is no reason capitalism would go away. why allocate resources to non-functioning people when we could build cool skyscrapers and spaceships etc?

dilate tranny

this is just a myth perpetuated by people with aspergers so they can steal venture capital money to play with rubiks cubes all day

Not an argument, that video made by some faggy kid obliterates your shit fucking ideology you fucking retard, you should kys lmao

>They would probably just die
In a slavery scenario with efficient food and housing I probably need no more than a dollar a day of resources to continue working. Hard to imagine a bot beating that so that I'm not worth keeping alive

not watching a tranny video posted by a tranny sorry

okay fine let me fucking rub it in since you are niggerbrain

>capitalism is anti heirachy which is authoritarian
>capitalism requires employment
>capitalism requires labor
>both are heirachal

Are you feeling gay yet?

>me hate dad
dilate tranny

gain height

>capitalism requires labor

Idk about that, capitalism has been needing less and less labor ever since the industrial revolution and it's only going continue as automation lowers the need for labor even more

>capitalism is anti heirachy which is authoritarian
hierarchy will always exist, it just isnt centralized hierarchy, because hierarchy is the lack of equality, there are people who have more power than you and there are people who have less.
In Ancap, this is made so that anyone can do anything in their power, meaning those who do not have the power to keep their power, are not actually that powerful.

I like how there was a message from a swedish person but it was hidden

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Whoever made that chart clearly wasn't aware that China is currently attempting to send hundreds of millions of chinks to Australia and New Zealand

>In Ancap, this is made so that anyone can do anything in their power, meaning those who do not have the power to keep their power, are not actually that powerful.
What the fuck are you saying that's just the current system. Currently, anyone can do anything in their power. Currently, those who do not have the power to keep their power, are not powerful.

What is your plan for preventing "centralized heirachy" from forming? Every time someone gets a little more powerful, we stop him? You won't though. You didn't. That's why you're mad at the government. The people didn't stop them from becoming the government to begin with. So how would people stop it from happening if you reset the Earth? You can't stop it. A private army will form and kill anyone who doesn't agree to live by their rules, and that is a centralized heirachy, and there's nothing you can do to stop it.

>Currently, anyone can do anything in their power.
I can own a gun in Mexico without being sent to prison for 10 years?

>A private army will form and kill anyone who doesn't agree to live by their rules
simply put, it wont, non-aggression pact that is universal will make sure of it.
Meaning, if make an act of aggression on anyone that is not justified by the majority, will mean that you are free game for EVERYONE.
You will be dead before you could even complete that act of aggression.

and it seems you dont understand what ancap means, it is the lack of power over others.
Everyone is free or a slave aka a person who didnt secure his/her power well enough, aka they deserved it.

You attack someone un-provoked
>you die because the majority of the humanity will go against you
You offer a "job" aka slave contract for 5c/h wage
>nothing happens because its a binding contract and there is no law outside of NAP that is enforced by every single living human that isnt a slave.

>simply put, it wont, non-aggression pact that is universal will make sure of it.
It already did though. That's why we're here. That's how we got kings and kingdoms and governments, who engaged each other in wars, for the resources and land that one another have. How can you look at literally all of human history and then say "nah won't happen". It literally did happen every second of every day for thousands of years and that's why we live under authority.

it wont happen because of technology and the speed of information.
>who engaged each other in wars, for the resources and land that one another have.
they wouldnt, because attacking without being provoked first is considered an act against humanity and thus silenced(read, "brutally and swiftly killed") by the rest of the world, unlike in current system where maniac and corrupted shitholes like the US are allowed freely to attack any country without retaliation from every other country.
Of course such a system wouldnt come to existence without this shit system of democracies being wiped out first.

Mexican here.
You can get a gun easily, high caliber guns are for exclusive use for the army but hand guns are issued by SEDENA.
Even then, you can also get guns by illegal means.

>it wont happen because of technology and the speed of information.
But it is happening, it's happening right now in Africa and the Middle East, where people have great technology and communication, which are just weapons to help them wage war for power.


nigger, there isnt a single area on earth that has something even close to ancap.
Fuck off baiting

Yeah because it's impossible.
>"A world where literally nobody hurts anyone because if they do then they get hurt".
>That's what we have now.
> "No but it will be different because people will just all agree not to hurt each other"

Yeah sure thing, that's fucking make believe. I understand what ancap is, I understand how the contract is supposed to work, my point is, it literally doesn't ever work and hasn't ever worked and your answer is "yeah but it will this time". Look, your opressive government that hurts citizens, the whole world could just stand up to it and stop it, no nation could ever stop the might of literally being attacked by every other nation on Earth. But it's not happening. It never happens. Nobody stood up to the kings except other kings. Nobody stood up to the village bullies when it was villages of 20 people and two alpha idiots harassing everyone. There is always a more powerful group in every species which lords its power over every other group whether you are talking about birds or fish or whatever. You have blinded yourself from common sense and history, you are living in a complete fantasy world with unicorn humans who have different biological drives that don't include fear and tribalism or desire for wealth or power.

>>"A world where literally nobody hurts anyone because if they do then they get hurt".
never said that, there will always be people who try to break it, and will succeed in it, but not so far as to get the control current governments have over currencies, wealth, and livelihoods of other people.

I dont care if people hurt each other, I only care for myself and my freedom, which is absolute I will terrorize every known government and country until they are all abolished

McAfee's boat

and the difference with ancap is that there will only be "kings", rest are slaves that could have made something of themselves but they were stupid.
Different from now is that there are no jews who control most governments through controlling banks and thus controlling ALL the currencies, except cryptos. That is the reason why most governments are fighting so hard to make cryptos illegal, so that the power they have over the people would stay.

Ancap will work better than any democracy, because of cryptocurrencies being the medium of wealth, which cant be controlled by banks.

he is a libertarian, not ancap, but you are correct in saying that he is the closest ancap person or a person capable of enforcing his individual right to freedom because he is filthy rich.

a pretext to invade

Ancap IS pure democracy.
Who upholds the NAP? The answer is EVERYONE and ONLY EVERYONE.

>That is a lot of socialists to throw out of helicopters.
Under an ancap system, they would just starve to death.

>there is no voting in ancap
>democracy is literally only voting

>he thinks a vote is just a piece of paper with a name on it

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well in a democracy voting is only done via pieces of paper.
in ancap the "voting" would be done near instantly, globally, through information outlets of individuals choice on how to react to that information.

Ancaps are retarded braindead fuckers who want to magically press redo and start civilisation from a blank state. They are no different than religious zealots who believe everyone will awaken and follow their ridiculous dogmas. Kys you cultists faggots

Right. So they are voting by upholding the system.

not really, ancap is basically removing the people who are regressive in tech and progression.
Ancap gives a choice for that, those without morals will always fare better than those with them, because lack of morals makes you stronger than anything else.

capitalism has never and can never exist without the state you paint drinking mongoloids

When is UBI?

and ancap promotes those who are stronger, that is why it is the best choice until we can travel FTL.

Technological progression has been nearly halted because of the lack of testing on humans, we could already clone people, but "no we cant do that it would be immoral!!!" or "humans arent meant to play god!!!1!!" fuck off dude, I will do what I want when I want. killing the likes of you is justified.

>as long as we purge all our detractors, we will succeed

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>Ancap gives a choice for that, those without morals will always fare better than those with them, because lack of morals makes you stronger than anything else.
Do you live in reality? Or do you just choose to ignore how these ideals will be perverted? Literally a cult

I used to subscribe to the NatSoc worldview but when you think about it AnCap would fix so many problems more efficiently.

I said those who oppose progression and the implementation of a system that gives more freedom to the person than any other system.
if you oppose this you oppose your own freedom and thus should be categorized as someone who far too mentally ill to be allowed to have that freedom and thus terminated from using resources any longer.

if you still see it as a cult, you will be more than likely in the 95% of humanity that gets wiped out eventually.

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ancap is basically why trump was elected... the worst part is his ability to maximize employment has led to a shortage of labor... combined with making it difficult for immigration... and in a short time.. we've hit peak labor and workers are now walking out... and we should make labor unions and shit iillegal... we already have.. certain industries can't do that... you walk out of the military and spread secrets.. that's treason... we can't let labor unions do this., we can't allow unions to do this.

the ones who oppose progression should be culled.
Not my problem your inferior brain cant handle it, I bet you are a nigger or a minority as well.
Because being a minority correlates well with not supporting right wing ideologues

>you walk out of the military and spread secrets.. that's treason...
no that is freedom of speech, there is only one form of freedom of speech and that is absolute.
ANYTHING else is just censorship at the cost of YOUR freedom

You're just not intelligent enough to analyze power structures beyond the state. See how libertarians have never produced a single intellectual who cannot be understood by a fifth-grader

My point was that no, "anyone can do anything in their power" is not a true statement. You go to jail for a lot of stuff.

Mods pls. Jesus christ. Take this shit to pol you retarded fuckers

well, then it should be ok for private companies to press charges to recoup training and such when some one walks out of a job and goes to a competitor...

No, kings and governments receive(d) their money by force. A private military company relies on customers to employ an army.

How are they going to build a military without people inside the company or from other companies knowing? They would need parts to make missile launchers, they would need guns, ammo etc. and if it was said to be for the purpose of defense, it would be obvious they had ulterior motives just by the sheer amount they'd be buying. Defense is far less expensive a strategy than hostile takeover. The idea that they would have the gall or the ability to do that despite having loyal paying and trusting customers is absolutely ridiculous.

this is purely economical debate.

I made aprediction 3 or 4 yeard ago that the first large ancap genuine landmass would be around 250 years from then.
So don't hold your breath. Way too many normies around, even in future generations.