Are bond investors cucks? And what's the most chad asset class?

Are bond investors cucks? And what's the most chad asset class?

Attached: Fucking dork.png (629x508, 351K)

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>Are bond investors cucks

No they're for fixed incomes and have their place in a portfolio.

god tier -> businesses bought off craigslist with cash
great tier -> passive income assets like rental property
good tier -> cash flowing debt instruments like bonds, reits, dividend stocks - also precious metals
shit tier -> non dividend stocks, ETFs, derivatives
goy tier -> cryptocurrency, shares in south sea company, tulip bulbs, beanie babies, and negative rate bonds

>what's the most chad asset class

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Such as?

Then why do they all look like dorks and panic about fractions of a percent?

>god tier -> businesses bought off craigslist with cash
Is this code for being a drug distributor?

Crypto has a balance of cucks and chads, stinking with a miasma of pajeets and Chinese gutter oil.

>Are bond investors cucks?
Yes, especially government bonds
>And what's the most chad asset class?
The one that is going up in all currencies...

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and this why never you never take any advice from Jow Forums

Futures traders are the most chad

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I don't think US treasury bonds are so bad. I buy paper US treasury bonds every year with my tax return just in case I lose all my investing money on options like the degenerate gambler I am and end up broke when it's time to retire.

bonds are a guaranteed way to loose purchasing power if you don't sell in the short term
a bond is a scam that relies on people defining value with usd. there are no bonds denominated in anything other than centrally controlled currency

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USD is the defacto world currency. I would like my wealth stored in something that actually has value and will be accepted by almost everyone in every country instead of Zuccbucks or whatever retarded crypto of the day is. Crypto is cool and I have used it both as currency and as a financial instrument for speculation but I'd much rather have all my wealth in USD.

>Such as?
lurk in /smg/. You should be there anyway because it's the only good part of biz now.

you store your wealth in something designed to lose 2% a year. That's where I keep my emergency fund and I feel like 6 months is too much. I'm always tempted to drop it all in BTC every drop more than 30%.

Difference between us is your faith in the FED, I think central banks are ticking time bombs.

>only goes to 2002
fucking moronic image

Yah, ok Satan.

credit cards are your emergency fund. cash out to pay the balance after the emergency.

Its a good way to launder money retard.
Would you rather get negative 1% interest, bonds, or pay a shady accountant 20% who will likely squeal on you when he gets caught?

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It’s all about emerging market debt. PCY has been killing it for me this year. Junk bonds have been having a good year also and will probably keep it the momentum up.

nice ID cuk

PCY and I believe VWOB as well

Wheat (or just buy link)

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How is bonds/negative interst rates related to money laundering?