How can I ruin this guy's life?

how can I ruin this guy's life?

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Did you get liq'd on a short based on this tard's advice? Kek

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Don’t do anything.

lol imagine listening to someone who said btc was going to $1300

Looking at that hairline, not much more can be done.
Who is he?

sell signal

So he's someone broke cryptocucks take gambling advice from but regular people with money could care less about?

who? oh another scammer

His head is a hair full of shorts

ok that was keky

how much money did he lose shorting eth recently?

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>shorting the bottom
holy kek

Hard kek
Idk man but spamming him with porn on twitter via lots of accounts might piss him off

they say that for every 10% bitcoin goes up.. he loses 5% of his hairline

Smear campaign

I only looked at one of this guy's videos for like 5 minutes and concluded he was fighting a war with the weapons and strategies from the previous war, which won't work

make money with this and than rub it in his face

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All I know about him is he's a Bitcoin maximalist, but I forget which Bitcoin he supports.

cut his bangs

Tone Vays is a fake name. Ask around this was admitted in some private groups before he started making videos

How is this a sell signal I don’t know who this fucking balding loser is either

Anyone who puts their real name out there but isn't rich enough to obscure their identity or have security is just begging to get kidnapped and robbed when btc goes to 100k+

lot of retards still say that even after btc violently refused to stay sub 10k the past 2 months

there is only one bitcoin there always was only 1 and always will be only 1 chain that is bitcoin. and no it's not the streetshitter version 1 or 2.

link? when did the start shorting?

His life is already ruined user

>there is only one bitcoin
And that is?

nvm found it
apparently he shorted ethbtc at 0.0163 5 days ago

it was always btc

And which one is that?

lmao, just sit back and watch?

he set up 3 target prices when btc was about 17k, one at 5k another at 3k and another at 1k.
most of you retards called him delusional for even saying 5k, and he got the 3k right.
keep calling him a retard while you wage cuck for the rest of your life and he enjoys a retired at 30 life with a 4 digit BTC stack. cope harder laggard bagholder

he's just a beartard who keeps making short calls

you guys think youre gonna make it when literal newfag children like this clown is here. the absolute state of biz, youre all delusional

he doesnt short shitcoins
>a random user said so, so it must be true
the state of all of you. cant wait for this shit to break down from the triangle and financially ruin every single one of you. theres no way people like this are gonna make money on crypto. zero chance. youre all just fish for the whales to swallow

there is only 1 btc nigga

Yet you're unable to tell me which one.

Is it one of the ones that basically do what OG Bitcoin did?
Or is it the one with the sidechain thing?

Tone, you'll lose even the little hear you got with that seething.


If that moron has a 4-digit BTC stack I am Napoleon Bonaparte. Just a few years ago he was begging for a few thousand USD to run a BTC/LN node. I'd be surprised if he holds more than a dozen coins.

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So the one with the sidechain thing, got it.

no there is only 1 bitcoin and that has he ticker btc. and yes it's scaling philosophy calls for a lean well distributed trustless and persmissionless mainchain and multiple sidechains (or even a hierarchy of sidechains) allowing for unlimited tx capacity for the ecosystem, so everyone can only download what concerns him. as opposed to putting every fucking thing on earth on 1 fucking big pile of shit heap that can not be moved or even looked at anymore.

It's odd though; the one "bitcoin" you claim to be the "real bitcoin" is probably the least like the original.


hes a kike, hes always begging no matter how much money he has

he could unironically cuck all of you at the same time. cope

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its the only one backwards compatible with the first bitcoin release you retarded piece of shit pajeet scammer kill yourself

That's just a matter of how people who are not Satoshi arranged it.

Satoshi is dead.

it is the original you can try which old client syncs up with which blockchain if you don't believe me.

Why? Should cares? Leave him alone. Teaches normies how to live like kings in the upcoming collapse of fiat system.


i don't get your point. satoshi was clear about this. bitcoin is consensus. anyone can fork the codebase, but what is bitcoin is a worldwide consensus between each resident of this planet. minority forks can not be bitcoin. the btc ticker goes to the majority chain. always.

Let him believe he knows the first thing about trading or bitcoin, he's sure to ruin it himself.

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>satoshi was clear about this
Not about the sidechain part lmao.

>listening to other people's advice on trading
You've only got yourself to blame. Trust no one but yourself and your analysis.

the sidechains are a different issue than what is bitcoin. sidechains are not part of bitcoin. but they can be part of crypto adoption. monolithic systems tend to be rigid stale lacking innovation hard to move.

and no i don1t argue that bitcion blocks shouldn't scale to real tx demand, i just don't want every fucking crap on one humongous blockchain (which is the least efficient form of a database ever invented)

he made at least 200 btc selling "his" TD indicator.

that's not bad