>Put $10,000 dollars into a money market account in 1999 >Earn compound interest on it for 20 years at 2% >In 2019, you have $14,859.47 >The cumulative rate of inflation from 1999 to 2019 is 54% >Your original $10,000 dollars is now only worth $4,600 >$10,000 - $5,400 + $4,859.47 = $9,859.47 >Over twenty years you actually lose money >You would need an interest rate of 2.19% just to BREAK EVEN
Is this correct or am I retarded? Also, how do we avoid this? Investing in precious metals? Selling my kidneys?
It's actually worse than this. There simply are no shortcuts.
Nolan Torres
you are correct, inflation rate is ideally kept around 1-2% a year but it fluctuates. so it sounds like the 2% interest rate you had did not keep up with inflation. so your original 10k purhasing power now has slightly less purchasing power at 14,859.
even some of the safest investments have a higher than 3% return, giving it to the bank to hold is a terrible idea
Jonathan Sanchez
Parker Clark
They we were right. You are just a brainlet that interpereted it as compound interest from a savings account would make you rich.
Liam Watson
This is why it says in the constitution only congress shll coin money and not a like federal reserve. This is why homeless camps are everywhere in california and 10$/hour cant make ends meet for a young person.
The ONLY way to make it is get a couple hundred ounces of silver and like 5 ounces of gold. Wait for the currency collapse and you'll make out like a bandit.
Remember...lets say you have 5 ounces of gold....and gold gets revalued to 30k/oz to purge all the debt from the system. So now you have 150k. Ok, well 150k isnt that much at all, your thinking to yourself I certainly havent made it. But what will happen in a crash is we will have a deflationary collapse of all asset prices. So a current median priced home in america thats 170k will now be worth 30k after a collapse. So basically the 150k you will have in gold will be like having 150k in the year 1930.
"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by INFLATION (what is happening now), then by DEFLATION (what is coming), the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered.... I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies.... The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs."
Colton Richardson
Buy gold and silver
Kevin Mitchell
No. Compound interest really is a fucking meme to get you to invest in 401k and index funds that leave you no better off than everyone else who is doing the exact same shit.
Depending on compound int is a total meme. You need genuine cash flow. Compound interest let's you keep and grow your wealth but only once you have the base wealth. It is a meme. Have fun waiting forty years for your paltry 1k a month to pay off
Xavier Morales
Thomas jefferson quote. forgot to source.
Jose Campbell
>Thomas Jefferson actually said this You have a link to that video?
Julian Scott
That's crypto not shiny rocks
Henry Scott
It's correct. That's why you should have bought LINK in 1999.
Dylan Torres
>No. Compound interest really is a fucking meme to get you to invest in 401k and index funds that leave you no better off than everyone else who is doing the exact same shit.
I tell this exactly to my boomer dad and boomer moms boyfriend. And they dont get it. And my dad got his MBA from univ of chicago...
How do these people not understand that everyones stock portfolio going up in value is just inflationary...and everyone just gets richer by having all their money in the market.
Jackson Thomas
(Artificial) Inflation is theft.
Mason Walker
Thanks for the in-depth explanation user. I wish this shit was taught to me when I was younger
Xavier Gray
>Compound interest really is a fucking meme to get you to invest in 401k and index funds that leave you no better off than everyone else who is doing the exact same shit. The majority of people are not consistently investing and reinvesting in equities, even in the US, much less in the world at large. If you are a young person and you have a stable job and contribute monthly to equities, you are in the minority. Buy gold, silver, and real estate too. Hold some bonds and cash, sure. But the most reliable way to build wealth and beat inflation has always been high quality equities.
Jaxon Rodriguez
big brain post
Ethan Watson
No problem. Dont fuck around in stocks. Im guessing you dont have much money but do what you can to even get a couple ounces of gold and 100 ounces of silver.
Remember...for most of human history a silver piece the size of a silver dime was equal to a days wage. So for every ounce of silver you buy for a measly 20$ you are effectively locking up 2 weeks worth of wages post collapse. Since 14 silver dimes is equal to 1 ounce of silver.
AND it will probably be 2-3x this too because there are billions more people on the planet now and much less silver available.
Evan Fisher
you dont need much gold and silver. Even the gold bugs are fucking retards. They think its just to maintain wealth. So some dumbass boomer
Wouldn't holding cash be worse than earning compound interest on it in a bank?
Cooper Flores
You dont need that much remember that. Even goldbugs are fucking dumbasses. I go on kitco and these boomers think that gold is just to maintain wealth. So these morons who think they need 1 million for retierment actually buy 1 million in gold.
But in a dollar collapse it isnt like these boomers are going to just maintain their wealth. I mean when there is 10$/gallon gas and roving niggers gangbanging housewives it isnt like these boomers are going to be showing up to the gas station with silver dimes and paying their 2k/month mortgage while main street is burning down.
This is the time that you buy assets for pennies on the dollar. These boomers who have like 5,000 ounces of silver are going to have generational wealth even tho that 5k ounces of silver only cost them like 40k to get pre dollar collapse.
Connor Flores
How could you earn 2% interest for 20 years? From 2009 to 2017 money markets were paying nearly 0% interest.
Eli Butler
if you think the government is going to let you keep your gold during that shit you are going to get fucked. they'll plant CP on you somehow and come take your silver or gold.
Jordan Clark
All I wanted in life was a house and a family. Now I either have to prepare for a dollar collapse apocalypse or earn enough money to not live with 4 roommates and eat bug burgers for the rest of my miserable life. Fucking hell.
Colton Williams
It was just a best case hypothetical. The point I was making was that due to inflation, compound interest will never earn you a profit.
Hudson Lewis
pretty sure having a savings account is what he means by holding cash.
Gabriel Anderson
Zachary Johnson
Well then everyone is fucked and it doesnt matter. Also 2nd amendment faggot.
Noah Cruz
Well at least your super young and can prepare now, and not have to worry about the rat race, and possibly come out way ahead.
Daniel Gonzalez
When the negative interest rates come we will have to pay the bank to have a "savings" account
Joshua Peterson
Amazing what pussies you guys are. Scared of the government.
Gavin Baker
By this logic no point in preparing for anything because the gubmint's just going to rob you.
Parker Parker
Holding gold bullion was literally illegal last century in the USA you ignorant retard.
Feel free to tell me what happened to the price of gold in 2008 while you wait for the next crash
James Garcia
When would the collapse even happen? 30 years? 50 years? 90? Frankly I don't see such a thing happening anytime soon.
could happen tomorrow. point is, better have it before the reset or youll be fucked and priced out like venezuelans.
Noah Robinson
At nevy federal. You can get about 3.5% on a CD
Nolan Mitchell
>could happen tomorrow Wildly improbable. It could also happen 250 years from now. You have to weigh the opportunity cost of investing into gold/silver vs an investment that would reap greater profit.
Isaac Clark
You aren't understanding. Gold is money and not an investment. Stock are investments. The point is if you have 100% of your money in the stock market and you make 20% gains this year... that's just fantasy paper wealth that will crumble in hyperinflation. If you don't convert your fiat or stock gains into a real asset and real wealth - gold. Then you will be eating your dog just like Venezuelans are doing when it implodes
Bentley Richardson
But again.... you don't need much gold and silver. 10 ounces of gold and 300 ounces of silver will be fucking a shit ton after a dollar collapse. So it isn't like you have to cash out your entire 401k or stock portfolio to get massive gains in gold
William Powell
You need to understand that gold is REAL wealth and is a real asset. Every investment you are talking about is a financial asset denominated in fiat. Big difference
Jonathan Young
Just give your money to Vanguard and enjoy life.
Owen Thompson
Let's say you have $5,000. You could buy gold or say, invest it into some shitcoin. That shitcoin does a 5x and you cash out. You now have $25,000 and now can buy far more gold if you choose to. Opportunity cost.
Cooper Collins
>But the most reliable way to build wealth and beat inflation has always been high quality equities True, but one day that will just not be true. The lies will break
Matthew Powell
>that's just fantasy paper wealth stocks are backed by the capital assets of a company. those are physical tangible things like real estate and machines.
William Rodriguez
Sure...with 5k yeah i understand doing that. But what you just said is the same thing my dad says. But my dad has a lot of money. And he says I can leave it in the stock market... make 10% this year and then by even more gold. But he still doesn't buy. The point is you need to have the gold and silver when the currency reset happens or your fucked.
Nobody has a crystal ball to invest fiat in rocks or crypto to ultimately get more gold and silver. It's important to have some. And even 5k is 200 ounces of silver which is a good amount.
Elijah Turner
no because if you are willing to bug out and take your essentials itll be hard for them to find shit but they will look for the gold/silver you have. You really going to lug around fucking heavy ass gold as the military/militia roam around the country side? ya no. what makes you think the 2nd amendment is going to save you? boomers wont defend shit. When they come for the guns boomers will lay them down and so will you. Those who don't will be shamed because everytime a faggot MUH GUNS says they'll tell you to fight it in court by the time itll be all over.
Colton Rodriguez
Why doing "gold get revalued to purge all debt from the system"? What the fuck does that mean? What system?
Jonathan Torres
ZERO people were convicted of owning gold.
Ethan Baker
Bingo. Boomers are so retarded.... oh my stocks are up 10% this year. The Dow is doing great. Yeah but your doing the same as everyone else. Your not getting richer, that's just inflation
Connor Davis
in desperate times the government will clinq so fucking hard to its existance that it will make boomer retards who scream about muh guns give them up without a fight afraid for there family or jobs or whatever it might be. The police/military/boomers and so on will do what the military says to keep there families alive.
Sebastian Moore
And you have to pay taxes on those inflation "gains"
Lincoln Baker
Companies are fucking borrowing money with no interest and buying back their own stock. Everything's pozzed dude. It's all fucked. We are all in the movie Armageddon sitting on the asteroid with a front seat to the end of the world and I'm laughing and waiting for impact and all of you think shit is going to be ok.
Robert Perry
>Yeah but your doing the same as everyone else. bullshit. %60 of the consumer population is living without savings. most of the middle class is just plunking into the 401k blindly, if at all. there is like 2 other "stock guys" at my work and i make over $100k a year.
Wyatt Lee
The world biggest problem is that the world is swimming in debt. Alll fiat currencies are in a race to the bottom. The fix to this is simple 8th grade division. You revalue gold to anywhere from 10k- 100k per ounce and then prices of everything from lambos to toilet paper effectively become gold prices.
Evan Cook
so what? conagra isn't going to stop making food all of a sudden. none of the oil wells are going to stop pumping. everyone still has all there stuff. venezuela didn't have any stuff. america has tons of stuff. fucking heaps mate. we have more stuff than anyone.
Benjamin Hill
now go a level deeper and realise a consumer price index that changes every year is not a reasonable measure of loss of purchasing power
realise gold is the measure of value over time and the dollar losses on average 7%pa against the dollar this is literally the point of Keynesian economic theory they maximise employment by making you poor
central banking since 1913 has been the single most tyrannical political system in human history. if you do not measure prices in gold you are a slave more than anyone in history has ever been a slave.
I won't lay down shit faggot. I don't give a fuck. Also... there's no way now with govt distrust that they will confiscate. What will happen is they'll buy it from you because the gift will in fact need the gold. So you might get fucked but you'll still make out like a bandit. S0 after a deflationary collapse a median priced home is 30k. You have 10 ounces of gold. so you can buy 10 homes, but you have to pay a 50% tax on that gold but selling them the gold for a new currency. Ok that sucks but I can still buy 5 homes
Parker King
I understand I'm talking about boomers with long careers under their belt already with stocks and 401ks not millennials.
My dad thinks he's getting richer along with everyone else in the dow. But they aren't. It's just inflation. The stock market 2x under Obama but so what? Prices doubled too
Ian Smith
You want to hold some cash for buying opportunities in equities, or for a deflationary/liquidity tightening event. Berkshire (buffet) is holding a mountain of cash (well, short term bonds and treasuries). Other people are holding a lot too. The point is to have some juice, or a whole lot, when you need it. The cash itself isn't going to beat inflation for you, it's a stabilizer and lubricant to get more out of your equities
Logan Bennett
reminder HODL gold is not the answer gold standards are not the answer ending the fed is not the answer
the only way to fix this system is mandate that prices be denominated in pure gold. then it does not matter who issues the currency whether it's bitcoin or digital fiat.
Ayden Morgan
How is that not the same as a gold standard? Prices in terms of gold = dollar being fixed to gold
Logan Campbell
Doesn't matter something's going to break. Keep some of your stocks I don't care. All I'm saying is you are fucked if you don't own even just 10k worth or gold and silver.
What you fucking morons don't understand is that there is a difference between savings and investments. How fucking stupid could one be to have 100% of their net worth in the central bank manipulated stock market? It's fucking suicide. Take 20% out and put it into gold and it won't fucking matter if you lose the the other 80% on the stock market.
Honestly... you fucking idiots who are anti gold and silver are actually more brainwashed than the zombies out there marching and chanting for abortion. Literally nobody for thousands of years before the last 2 generations has ever been anti gold and silver like today's generation.
I hate Jews but for fuck sakes you have to hand it to them with how thoroughly fucking brainwashed they made you guys toward fucking GOLD.
David Kelly
What happens to the vast majority of people who don't own PMs? Will chaos insue? This current system we operate within has too much momentum to be corrected in such a dramatic way. This paradigm will continue on for the foreseeable future
Jack Lee
What happens to the vast majority of people who don't own PMs? Will chaos insue? This current system we operate within has too much momentum to be corrected in such a dramatic way. This paradigm will continue on for the foreseeable future
Hunter Adams
This guy gets it.
Ryan Martin
no, you're just layering different monies and introducing an oracle problem to maintain the peg into the economics.
because it is not possible to make the value of piece of paper equal to gold. The same way 1 tether is not 1 dollar. There us risk in the peg
having prices denominated in dollars allows you to change the value of the dollar without changing the nominal price giving the illusion of no change. that is not possible to do with gold
prices need to be denominated in gold and the currency can be what ever the seller wishes to receive.
Gavin Parker
>Also, how do we avoid this?
You have to buy stocks, not just a money market fund.
This is like... babby's first investment question.
Cameron Ross
Your 100k in the bank right now buys you 20k worth of shit post reset. Everyone gets poorer as fuck but life goes on. Your 5 ounces of gold now buys you an apartment complex free and clear and you live like a king. You can even give free rent in a few units each month in exchange for a Blowjob from some housewife because why not? You own the the apartment complex free and clear
Hudson Ramirez
there is no peg. a peg is always a lie just because you can't see the value of all prices changing daily because they are denominated in dollars does not mean they are
Chase Nguyen
>i wont lay down you might but the vast majority will specially those with something to lose. ITs gonna happen unless im wrong about boomers but boomer shitheads will not let tehre comfy life end.
Aaron Reyes
>everyone else who is doing the exact same shit And thats where youre wrong kiddo
Landon Fisher
right, that's the oracle problem.
Eli Taylor
The price of gold can be manipulated and you added an incentive to do that. If you want prices to reflect purchasing power price things in a derivative product based on the same index that's used to calculate inflation.
Jonathan Walker
the price of gold can be manipulated less than anything in reality that is why it develops as money in all civilizations across time independent of contact because it gives an evolutionary advantage in pricing things correctly allowing more efficient use of resource
no it's not. There's no problem in finding exchange rates. There won't be more than one currency in a very short period of time, the properties of good currency are objective.
Josiah Johnson
The dollar price of gold does not matter. It was gold that gave value to the dollar so why would you be valuing gold in terms of worthless fiat?
all the dollar value of gold represents is how unstable, volatile, and lack of store of value the dollar is.
You guys don't even understand the primary function of money which is to measure value of goods exchanged for it. Gold does this perfectly... the dollar does this horribly
John Taylor
which currency?
Ryder Bell
the price of gold changes relative to itself across time
when the economy expands gold becomes more expensive as it divides the total size of the economy until the it is profitable to increase the supply (manifested in gold rushs, asteroid mining new synthesis of gold etc) when an economy shrinks gold losses value and so people spend gold in the economy increasing growth
keynesian economic theory gives you a substitute good for gold (fiat) allowing those who own the money to do nothing endlessly pumping the purchasing power of gold at the expense of human suffering This is only possible because people let happen, because they are not yet motivated to understand the definition of a good unit of measurement and how CPI is the antithesis to a good unit of measurement (by design)
I would bet on bsv as the most superior currency, but it could be anything. It's irrelevant what currency you use as long as things are priced in pure gold
Bentley Wood
welp, i guess the 99% of people who don't autistically horde gold are just going to riot in the streets then huh?
yeah, nah buddy. currency is all just ones and zero's now, they'll push the reset button and everybody is back to work. you literally don't understand how the economy works. PEOPLE STILL HAVE THINGS. PEOPLE CAN STILL WORK. as long as those two things are present, you are going to have a marketplace and nobody is going to use gold or silver because nobody fucking has any gold or silver outside a jewelry box. your entire premise of cataclysm is completely unfounded.
The reason you like gold is because the price represents purchasing power better than inflated dollars. But so does the price of beans, in fact the price of beans is much more important to you since access to cheap beans means you survive. You're not using the long lasting property of gold that separates it from beans so why not just use beans? Because beans might drop in price 10x if for example a new manufacturing process is discovered. Same goes for gold mining. If you want prices to represent real purchasing power you have to price everything relative to an index of purchasing power. That's just a fact.
Connor Powell
Lucas Lewis
Gold is simply savings dude. You can go to the Bible and read a passage from 2,500 years ago saying how 1 ounce of gold will buy you 350 loaves of bread. Take that exact same ounce of gold to a coin shop today you'll get $1,400 and still be able to buy roughly 350 loaves of bread with it.
100 years ago a good weekly salary was 20$ and 20$ = 1oz of gold. So if you worked for 2 weeks in 1920 1 week you got paid 20$ and the next week you got paid on an ounce of gold. And you held both the 20$ and the ounce of gold in your pocket for 100 years... today that 20$ doesn't even buy you 5 happy meals. But that gold ounce, exchanged for fiat will give you 1,500$ and 1,500$ is still a good weekly salary.
So your value was STORED in the gold because you kept it in real savings.
And people to that will say but if you put that 20$ in the stock market you'd have like 300,000$ dollars today. Yeah you would.... but the stock market still isn't savings. Someone might not want to invest in the stock market and nobody is saying you can't invest in the market. But the point is the dollar Jew fiat Keynesian dollar lost all its value whereas gold kept your savings in tact
Joseph Wilson
purchasing power is value. value is a dimension of reality. a unit of value is something that's value does not change with respect to the independent variable (time in this case)
Everything changes relative to gold because its inflation is a function of economic growth. It can not be created or destroyed it does change with time.
gold is the unit of value
Ethan Baker
>it does change with time meant to say it's properties do not change with time
Blake Taylor
thats not going to happen. ever. even if the dollar "collapses".
Christian Kelly
And in Venezuela 1 ounce of silver buys you 3-4 months of food on the black market. Nobody is saying don't prep but you'd be a fucking retard to put 100% of your net worth into ammo and canned food. It's like you fucking morons think that there's a law stating if you buy gold you can't also buy MRE's.
Jose Davis
>consumer price index They substituted chicken for steak and call it good. let them eat cake!
Angel Edwards
I think crypto is better at it though since it can leverage the value of tech.
Brody Sullivan
it doesn't need to happen for any individual to benefit. Nothing stops anyone from measuring price in gold to reveal the true changes in price over time Doing this will make you wealthy, wealthy people have more power to change
haha. they are going to substitute plants for meat pic related
Crypto doesn't and never will solve the worlds debt crisis. Only gold can.
Liam Cook
umm hmmm, i love that good RoundUpĀ® taste
Michael Martinez
>It can not be created or destroyed The rate of growth isn't known. We could discover a pocket of gold with the mass of all previously mined gold tomorrow. Everything would double in price. A mathematically verified product can act predictably which is what all markets want. My post isn't about which is better to hoard in your bunker. I prefer gold, a kg of gold is gonna go further than a kg of beans.
Jaxson Reyes
>it doesn't need to happen for any individual to benefit. which means speculation and just a roundabout way of investing.