Hey guys I’m gonna kill myself thanks for all the laughs

Attached: B2093D97-0E46-4186-82BC-3D5426BD49FC.jpg (500x500, 162K)

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Plz dont, i heart you.

Kinda have to, thanks though. I am fucked completely at the moment thanks to a piece of shit.

No way man. Dont make permanent decisions over temporary problems.

Was that piece of shit god? I'll visit you in hell soon. I'll be dead before turning 25 most likely.

*permanent problems
*temporary solutions

The thing is, this problem is the opposite of temporary. I’d prefer not to get into too many details, but it is fucked. Not being melodramatic in the slightest.

Well I guess I might be by posting this but oh well.

Hey, you get it.

I used to edgily say that exact thing. Turns out, it was more like 26 than 25.

Hope you have longer left than I do. I just wish I could at least enjoy dying, but nope. That possibility got fucked along with everything else.

OP There's a lot of good music out there.
Think of the times music made you feel happy. Find a jam you want to listen to. Listen to it.

Dead people don't get to hear good music anymore, they're dead.
Even if you can't think of another reason to stay here with us, think about never getting to hear good music again. That would suck.

Oh look, another attention whore

Why would you care about sharing details if you're going to kill yourself?

user pls gib me your linkies before you go. I'll take revenge for you or live a full life in your stead.


Attached: images (6).jpg (500x339, 36K)

Maybe OP wanted to talk, gtfoh.

why did he preface with "im gonna kill myself!!!" instead of actually talking about it then? That's literally the staple of attention whoring teenage women you absolute retard. Not only that but I'm pretty sure I've seen OP posting this exact thread a while ago

1. Retarded BASELESS assumptions
2. You might be referring to my posts

How do you profit from your death? Can you monetize it?

Jake paul

Lol, you definitely haven’t seen me post this before. I’ve never even made a thread in this shit board.

I didn’t go into the details because it’s truly a pathetic situation. But I genuinely do like this place, even in spite of the people like you. Actually because of the people like you, just as much as the others.


>BASELESS assumptions
"Hey guys I’m gonna kill myself thanks for all the laughs"

Why do people feel the need to post this if not seeking attention, and why are they seeking attention on the business board? This is where we discuss how to scam normies. Seriously why are there so many faggots from r9k invading this place. These aren't baseless assumptions that's LITERALLY what OP was saying jesus christ

I wish. Well not really because I’d be dead, but then I could leave something useful behind.

Actually, if somebody were to somehow make the death painless, I’d give them access to a recording or hell, even my corpse for them to profit off of instead.

I can help with that. I know many methods. Contact me on telegram @niggeranon

>Why do people feel the need to post this if not seeking attention
Called venting. Also, using the words "attention seeking" is fucking retarded since you could literally say the same about every fucking thread. Another thing, attention in itself won't do shit since "attention" isn't magic. People just like to vent.

Also, retard, the baseless assumption is the part where you said he was "attention seeking for posting about wanting to kill himself". Again, it's called venting. What op wants is to let out steam, not to become the most popular girl in school.

Good luck bro. Never could bring myself to do it, always back out before i fully commit because, 'what if things turn out okay.' It hasn't yet for me, in over a decade of chickening out.
If your life really is as fucked as you say it is, do what you need to do. Godspeed, hope you don't get reincarnated as a slime mold.

Well it helps that this board has a higher amount of intelligence/users with some form of measurable success, it’s always been my favorite.

Basically my body is fucked and has been for a while. Now my bones along with connective tissue are degenerating to an insufferable degree. Life is a gift I know, but kinda not like this. Eventually my heart will stop.

And that’s not even the whole thing.

Ok? What was the point of this thread? If you don't even come to this board enough to make a single thread until now why is your first thread some attempt to gain attention?

Either kill yourself or don't. What are you expecting here? You won't give any details and you won't fuck off so the only assumption left is that you crave attention

>Playing semantics games
Fuck off ledditor, venting is the same as seeking attention. Do you complain to walls or inanimate objects?

Ok now fucking finally we're getting somewhere. Why didn't you just start out by saying that instead of leading everyone along? Probably would have had a much better reception

I guess you're an attention seeking faggot too for posting in this thread since you want other people's attention.

I come to this board a lot, just don’t post threads ever.

I didn’t specify since it was an emotion hastily written post, and I just didn’t feel like it. But for some reason I wanted to defend myself to you.