My bank just implemented negative interest rates for people with large savings accounts. People with more than 100k will now have to pay 0.6% yearly to the bank of the amount they have saved up, starting the first of December.
I only have like 15k so it doesn't directly affect me but damn this shit is making me nervous. Is this a sign of the end times?
My bank just implemented negative interest rates for people with large savings accounts...
Other urls found in this thread:,
Also my bank is the same Danish bank that started offering mortgage loans with negative interest rates too a while ago
how does that even work
banks pay you for taking a loan?
dunno if you're memeing or not but either way, this is coming
in eurozone you can already see small shops put warnings the central national bank isn't providing them with 1 cent and 2 cents coins anymore. goal being to phase these out, push more and more people towards credit cards until they can go full cashless and force everyone to accept negative rates
i understand why burgers are skeptical towards crypto, but one has to be living under a rock to be in europe and not see the cliff ahead
Very bad. Learn to buy stocks so you don't have to pay that bulshit. But be careful it is a sign of a last ditch effort to keep the economy going.
global islamic finance when
Those with 100k and up might as well convert their money into a stable coin and deposit it into Celsius Network for 3-12% apr.
Not memeing, look up Jyske Bank
Kinda but you still have to pay expenses associated with the loan so you still end up paying more to the bank than they give you in interest
which bank is that?
How the fuck doesn’t this cause a bank run
You’re lying
I too am skeptical that it has been implemented. It is definitely coming though. Straya just outlawed paying for things >10k with cash. You will keep your money in a financial institution and when interest rates drop below zero, you will be incentivised to spend that money goy, don't think you can save it goy, it will cost you . . .
Half yuropoor countries alrdy have negative interest rates, wakey wakey sweetie.
And in reality every country have them if you add inflation in the maths.
im waiting for this shit to happen
the bank im with (in ausfag land) is giving me a whopping 0.15% pa for my savings account. if the central bank implement negative interest rates they wont pass it on to their loans but will definitely fuck their customers with savings accounts
Time to start a bank. You know with vaults and armed guards for storing cash n gold n shit.
I found a source in English:
There was a big Jow Forums thread about the bank when they announced the negative interest rate mortage loans too.
Belgium has a law that forbits negative interest. So you can always move your money over there
luckily we can buy physical gold and silver
>Executive Order 6102 is a United States presidential executive order signed on April 5, 1933, by President Franklin D. Roosevelt "forbidding the hoarding of gold coin, gold bullion, and gold certificates within the continental United States".
your banks will have higher fees or fail
In my jewed shithole (francistan) the past 20 years the amount you are allowed to pay cash with went as follow :
>1k (currently here)
>goverment pushing for 500€ as limit for cash purchases by end of 2020
At first it was supposed to fight drugs' money laundering, then to fight black market crippling our (((economy))) and since few years of course it's to fight terrorism financing.
This is it fren, the global satanic NWO is about to get implemented, it's the final step before we all get the chip. It will only take them one click to get you out of the banking system, unable to feed yourself, find a job able to pay you but using your bank account, nor rent or buy clothing, or anything for that matter. The ultimate damocles sword above our heads.
>what's this user? You refused to participate to the weekly shoah rememberance prayer? Well, we have to block your accounts and disconnect your RFID. Yes it mean you aren't allowed to put a feet in our Smart Cities™ nor buy at any GoyMart™ franchise.
I don't want to spoop you too much but it was alrdy all written in the Toronto Protocols that Serge Monast leaked in the early 90's. He got himself killed for that.
Toronto protocols ay, I will give them a look in. Thank you user.
>1,000 limit for for cash purchases
What the fuck. And I'm reading that greece has a 500 limit? That's absurd. How the fuck can they tell you how you can spend your money. Does America even have a limit at all? Don't people buy $500,000 in cash?
You're welcome fren, it's 2 documents from the minutes of a meeting with the 6 biggest consortium in banking, agri-food and energy defining their long term plan for a global domination over trades. The first doc is from the 1967 meeting and the second one (the most interesting) is from 1985, keep that in mind when you read it because it's crazy how accurate it was.
>What the fuck. And I'm reading that greece has a 500 limit? That's absurd. How the fuck can they tell you how you can spend your money
welcome in EURRS comrade, enjoy your stay
Very smooth pajeet
Hell, I'm Canadian and we've had negative interest on our bank accounts since forever. It sort of gets offset nowadays if you get a cashback credit card which of course everyone has.
This is good for bitcoin
that makes banks less desirable, so good for crypto
>They are abolishing cash payments in europe and australia.
The plebs will move to the blockchain once bitcoin has lower inflation than fiat or they will be enslaved in a neofeudal cashless society with negative interest rates.
Cryptocurrency is critical for the survival of western civilization.
Storing cash won't help. They already figured out how they are going to deal with the people who dont want to hold their money in bank accounts. Basically the cash currency will be different than the bank currency. Cash currency will devalue the same negative interest rate as in banks. It's a bunch of fuckery.
Do you live in Toronto by any chance?
Not if they ban cash for plebs.
here in portugal you cant go to the bank and withdraw more than 5k euro
>government prints paper money
>arrests you for using it
thats just in the US
Yes they clearly been researching that because it's obvious that the us won't be able to go into negative rates without losing the reserve currency status so they are going to implement an hybrid system in burgerland.
But for the eu or australia it's going to be pure cashless society with negative interest rates and if you are a bad pleb they will deplatform you but of course you will be invited to go to a shitty bank that will be used to contain troublemakers obviously.
we must all moon together or we will hang separately
Revelation 13:16-17 King James Version (KJV)
16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
>we must all moon together or we will hang separately
based but what do exactly?
Pretty redpilled & based fellow here.
Either you are in or out.
I'm a linkmarine though. Bitcoin is nice and all, but it still has scalability issues and the whole blockstream shit. Smart contracts on the other hand will make me insanely rich.
Buy bitcoin unironically , it's the last option for rebellion against the central bank insanity.
They are now trapped in a disaster due to doing quantitative easing for such a long time , we are nearly 50 years since the gold standard so central banks lost all references to reality which is why anything with low supply like housing or bitcoin has been growing non stop.
They don't know how to escape the place they have put themselves in but they are aware the people will hang them if a correction comes and we learn the central bankers have no clothes.
As a result they want to go cashless so they can keep the ponzi by printing money with "no inflation" in reality as india is showing going to a cashless society will only cause an economic slowdown as politicians overtax everyone to hell.
India literally went from growing at 9% levels to 4% in a year , and if they are saying 4% it's probably worse.
But that way central banks move the blame to politicians.
I am not shitting you buy bitcoin and hold , next year it will have lower inflation than fiat.
Once bitcoin starts to grow non stop due to having lower inflation people will start to notice , hell even normies are now aware of the housing bubble , and boomers are starting to wake up as they can't sell their properties and they are being overtaxed due to being revalued at insane prices.
The correction will come as india attempt of demonetization shows but as i said.
we must all moon together or we will hang separately the next 3 years will be hard.
I understand the desire for being rich as an Argentinean bitcoin is a morally position for me , it's the last thing that can avoid a global disaster caused by central banks.
Sure bitcoin is cucked and not the ideal but it acts as a shield protecting the rest of shitcoins , litecoin , dash , monero , bitcoin cash anyone can succeed in the end but if bitcoin falls it's over.
If you study the situation clearly it's clear they have not gonne full cashless due to cryptocurrencies appear , they took them as a joke until 2015-2016 , and 2017 finally scared them.
Now that bitcoin is going back up they are terrified.
All governments are reducing the cash limit at high speed , the central banks are out of tools , the only one remaining is cashless society to tax the plebs to hell.
Crypto is the last chance of humanity to prevent an orwellian future.
buy the real bitcoin
>You have to pay to keep money goy
Unironically put your savings into bullion and crypto.
this. Also mining that new pi coin. Let the banks do their shit. Soon we'll break free
pi will hopefully be a solution. I hope it will be enrolled quickly
Invest in the economy and businesses
This shit will definitely cause a bank run. The rich will get their money into crypto and gold and the poor will be at the back of the queue not able to cash out due to liquidity problems.
During a recession?
Keeping money in bank is stupid either way because every year your money is worth less due to inflation. Most people sont understand this because they dont have much money. But once you get couple of millions, you start to understand how fucked up inflation is and why you HAVE to invest. To beat the fucking inflation. Combine inflation with negative rates and you have a decent monitary policy to force people to spend their money.
Research into reserve protocol.
>filled with nepotism, hr people and overpaid CEOs
user, plz
They will start buying extra stuff and the economy will look good and growing for a while. Then the savings run out and we see the true grimness of the situation
How much stuff can you buy? Another car when you already have a car? Another yacht? Another overpriced house to pay a yearly tax on? Nobody with a gram of common sense will do that.
bruh... they already be doin' dat shit
Only they're not, it's why the Fed is injecting liquidity
We're in the midst of a bank run right now.
It’s a nice idea. But at this end it’s just a shitcoin that will be eclipsed by something centralized that (((they))) issue and control.
You will be surprised how dumb the common people are. Tell them they'll get negative interrest and they start wasting their money on a bigger flat screen. More and expensive cloths and luxury journey. Their are a lot of people who lack a gram of common sense
Then they will push even more negative rates , until the plebs are no longer paid with money but with credits they must spend the same month or are lost.
this scares the shit out of me as it is actually very possible. We might end up in this situation. It would mean so much profit for the big companies.
unironically, invest in crypto so your savings are safe and barter with the goods bought on credits
they will just split their accounts to several banks, solved
It's the logical result of that
>Push negative interest rates
>Economy grows 2%
>Slows down
>Push for more negative interest rates
>Economy grows 2%
Eventually you end up paying plebs with gift cards that expire instead of money kek.
you think that will be possible with capital control in place, look at Argentina
Bitcoin is being traded at almost 12k in Argentina atm , people are escaping fiat as soon as they get their money.
I myself as a freelancer find myself in a funny situation tough , i get my income to bitcoin and then sell it locally.
Now i lost money doing the conversion to bitcoin but then i can recover it with a plus selling it locally since the demand here is massive to avoid the capital controls.
So the invisible hand of the market instead of taking me fees to get my income is now giving me money to use bitcoin instead of other methods.
Satoshi Nakamoto had 200iq and we are heading to full clown world now , at least i will be literally paid to get my money using bitcoin.
you're at the top of the castle, fren
Yes but it's in the titanic.
>real money
buy bitcoin retards
altcoins are shit just like FIAT is
it's forbidden to pay in cash for an amount >1,500 euros in France
If you want to take a big amount from "YOUR" bank account in cash they will ask you why
Clown world
I whished it was more stable
This is the most retartded comeback now. Maybe not 5 years ago, but look around you.
These are subtle forms of capital controls in the fucking developed world. They are incentives or punishments that coerce you to use your money in certain ways.
Bitcoin fluctuations shouldn't be a deal when banks have a boot on your neck
use DAI, bitcoin is for idiots who still live in the past
>muh inflation
I'm getting 8% annually on my dai
I'm using dydx for 8%
there's also, very popular
better buy a bank stock, then.
t. low test faggot
why would you care we are going to 7,000$ during 4 months if you know we are going to 50,000$ in 2021?
Look I'm not falling for this "digital gold" or whatever the fuck meme you bitcoin people call it. If the transactions aren't 15 seconds, I'm not buying it. It's backed up by hope and whales manipulating it. LINK would unironically be a better option for a crypto currency since it will be backed by a decentralised oracle network that is needed for smart contracts(in the future ofc, atm nobody is using it).
Also you buying bitcoin does nothing to help against the bankers and nwo. Might as well get rich and then start using whatever crypto has solved the scalability problems. Also decentralised stable coins might be the future.
LOL what a newfag. i'll give you a little bread crumb......
Lol buy Bitcoin and gold dumb ass
Google imf negative interest rates they've got a plan for cash to have negative rates too
How do I make a lot of money out of this?
monero is going to $10,000
Jews will sell us the anti christ. They are waiting for his/her/xe arrival.
The cucked churches will sell us the jew anti christ. Children of “god” will have their daddy: satan.
I wonder how many people in my church are getting the chip.
Nobody gives a shit about your hash rate. It cant fucking scale people wont be paying $40 fees to send $700. Ridiculous. Bitcoin's development has been taken over by blockstream who just hinders everything.
hash rate follows price and asic development, it means nothing in itself
We carry it with us everyday already I fear. It just needs to go cashless or an extra % to handle cash. Just like some companies are charging an extra % to use snail mail for bill pay.
America has been kind of subtle about this; for years our highest denomination note has been the $100 bill. In reality due to inflation we need $500 or even $1000 bills, but, no, to pretend our money still has value they keep the highest possible unit at $100.
Wanna buy a $30,000 car in cash? You're counting out three hundred one hundred dollar bills.
>inb4 CDO and credit default swaps start popping up again
>the us won't be able to go into negative rates without losing the reserve currency status so they are going to implement an hybrid system in burgerland.
why would they ever have to fuck around doing something that would cause so much social unrest and political upheaval when they could simply buy assets like they did in 2008. powell was asked if negative rates would be considered yesterday and he said the same, that they looked into it in 2008 and decided to buy assets instead, and that it would be the same this time.
Europe sure does suck.
>cashless society with negative interest rates
the six words that saved bitcoin
>The Federal Reserve should get our interest rates down to ZERO, or less, and we should then start to refinance our debt.