Found out largest tree (and one of the fastest growing) produces very highly valued wood.
What is keeping people from buying a forest, chopping out the old growth, planting sequoias and grow rich?
How to get into foresting?
try the /out/ career thread. their larp answers will be better.
There’s very little old growth forest left that’s not in designated wilderness.
When aliens look over artifacts of our ruined civilization they may stumble upon this post as evidence for how fucking retarded humans were
Thx crossposted
I don't want old growth.
New growth, chop it out, profit, plant new sequioa's.
Wait till I retire, chop half, profit bigly, give valuable forest to offspring.
Most of our forests are new growth anyway.
We chop it all the time, not all at once off course.
Don’t they take like hundreds of years to grow?
Shhh dont tell him
Issues with soil erosion where sequoias grow
Limited land availability
Tress grown plantation style are worth less than naturally grown trees
Inconsistent supply proves hard to reduce production costs.
I could go on.
me grand pappy owns land and sells the lumber when he can. last time he cleared the land and sold the lumber for 40k, and that was back in the 60s. i reckon it's time for him to clear it again. i wonder what he'll get this time around.
this plan is actually genius. high IQ post OP. the only thing that's missing is time travel. what you want to do is go back in time 100 years first to plant your forest....then harvest.
Picrelated was 42.5 meters tall when it was photographed at 56 years of age.
>Tress grown plantation style are worth less than naturally grown trees
Why? Lumber is lumber
Cool, what does he grow?
Ask him what he thinks of my idea, you can post in the /out/ thread it might still be there in a week.
Thx, either that or you know, massive life extension technology being developed within our lifetime.
Op this could be the dumbest thread ive ever seen on Jow Forums
Bamboo grows like a foot a day. Do that.
>Why? Lumber is lumber.
Spoken like a guy who truly doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about.
they grow slowly
>the only thing that's missing is time travel. what you want to do is go back in time 100 years first to plant your forest....then harvest.
Robo did this in Chrono Trigger so I don't see why this isn't possible.
OP's lil' bro btw
Ya brainlet can you wait 200-300 years for your first harvest? Lmao.
Grow hemp or bamboo you idiot.
Dude everyone needs to stop replying to this poo-loo ID colored faggot.
He is trolling you or a brainlet on a grand scale. Guaranteed waste of effort. Guaranteed.
Right? That is what triggered me to call him out as a retard and/or troll.
Only merely needing to wait 50 years for your new trees to grow, retard.
>mfw bought a large plot of land to clear it off and plant lumber trees
>i know its hard work, costs alot of money upfront, but in 50 years ill live like a king!
>but about 10 years before time to cut them down a wildfire broke out
>call the government to help!
>trying to be more inclusive they send in the south african rain callers who dance and chant at the fire
and people wonder why anyone would buy internet money
Are you fucking retarded do you know sequoias like in the pic take 2000 years to grow that big
Since your are mentioning sequoias I’m guess you are in the US. First of all: sequoias are extremely sensitive. They rely on good native fungus and actually heavily rely on slugs to protect their bark. Secondly, there’s no “old growth” in this country anymore to begin with. We destroyed it all to make room for agriculture. Pic related. Thirdly, they already Farm trees for paper in South America and it’s a pretty big business. I honestly can’t tell if this is bait or not. And like said it takes thousands of years for them to grow to that size. If you ever travel to these forests, they have it diagramed when the tree rings were developed. All the way back the the battle of Hastings and further back to Julius Caesar.
Ofc forgotpic
Can you imagine North America before 90% of the old growth had been cut down for farmland. it's really a big shame in my opinion we have so few forests that are older than 40-80 yrs old.
I study forestry, most foresters have studied forestry. If you don't want to go to school for forestry, but still make a business out of forest management, you could invest money in forest land, hire a consulting forester to write you a plan (usually they get paid 3% of the revenue generated from any timber harvest that they organize for you).