99% of link “investors” didnt even read the whitepaper. It fucking flopped at sibios, Nazarov was presenting to a crowd of a dozen visibly vegified mongrels and 1 obese women, they all sat right next to toilets. Entire presentation was a laughing stock on the stream, word was Nazarov shit himself on stage near the end, looks like that in the VOD. ICO whales bought up cheap links at insanely low prices, they probably hold as much as Nazarov does. Entire dev team and Nazarov plus whales hired a bunch of legitimate nazis off of Jow Forums to make link infographs and memes like they did with the whole jewish question propaganda. Using the work of these convincing Jow Forums propagandists, Nazarov hired a handful of paid discord shillgroups and gave them exact hand written textual propaganda. These shills them used the most elaborate memes and infographs coupled with the wordplay of a philosophy major and commenced the largest high effort shilling campaign ever seen on Jow Forums. Some user who was apart of one of the paid shillgroups posted proof and then the entire board went down for a couple minutes and the post was scrubbed completely even on warosu. It’s undisputedly true that the mods and jannies are in Nazarovs back pocket hence why the entire fucking board can be nothing be link shill threads and not a single thread will get purged. Couple months back sergey was presenting at some no name convention, with about 10 people, hilariously enough he sat by himself at a table for 30 minutes, not a single person asked him a question.
Let me help you newfags
Priorhand to the coinbase listing insiders and nazarov hell pumped the fuck out of this shit. Made them the easiest 50x of their entire lives, off over literally no investment or liabilities other than a couple shill groups and pseud devs. Word from an insider said Nazarov legitimately shit himself again, just like at the sibios event, but this time not in fear of failing a con job, but in absolute disbelief this shit would get anywhere close to $4. Nazarov like other whales has been selling a fuckton since the all time high, Nazarov somehow even deluded holders to the point where they actually believed his daily 700k link dumps were for the better of not only the company but also holders themselves. Shit almost hit the fan though as link continued to drop. Like i said earlier, the mods and jannies are 100% in nazarovs back pocket. Shit hit the fan when some retarded PR guy working for link tweeted out about a chainlink sponsorship with MOAB, a known ICO scamcoin by the entire cryptosphere. Coming from a dev i know, he relayed to me that Nazarov personally beat the shit out of the PR guy for tweeting the tweet. The tweet was the deleted minutes later. Couple of high IQ anons capped the tweet and it was posted here on Jow Forums. Corrupt mods/jannies instascrubbed any thread coming close to talking about the MOAB partnership. Legitimate caps were debunekd as “shoops”. Inevitably, Nazarov became even more psychopathic knowing full well the mind control capability he has over his unpaid shilling bagholding linkmarines. This was tried and tested when his daily link dumps didnt even drop link below $1.
Using a different trip this time uncle oldfag/detectiveanon? lol
Honestly coming from a guy thats been following this shitshow from the beginning ive got to say Nazarov is probably the leonardo dicaprios of scam artistry. He’s unparalleled in his craft, fucking makes bernie madoff look like a preschooler. Let me just put this into perspective to you guys not in the linktrance. Get this, he actually convinced link holders to keep buying this cliffdrop in price to provide liquidity for his dumps. These conmen have so much room to keep dumping on you guys and still be in profit its insane.
Inb4 the omegacope of DRNS
This is the truth whether linklets like it or not
Ya that is accurate. This is the biggest con game in crypto. Everyone technical knows there is really no product and no use for it if there was. They will keep dumping on you retardant until $.25 then exit scam or the project will just “not catch on”
Team Liquidating; Dump Rapidly; Nazarov Selling?
idgaf if it's a scam or not. it's a volatile asset and even if it goes to zero at this point anyone who was smart enough to collect gains at the coinbase listing should be in profit. the risk/reward is way better than most other alts imo.
damn thats crazy, i guess ill sell after it hits 1k eoy
Based, Chainlink pumped based on extremely thin "parnerships" with Swift, Arie Jewls, Google and Oracle.
It was truly masterful of Sergey to write all his announcements, press releases and tweets in a way that makes it seem like they are actively working with all these companies, when in fact they were all off the cuff meaningless collabs that lasted less than a week.
A masterful scam that still fools low IQ Jow Forumsraelies to this day that still cling to these "partnerships".
But in the end, developer usages (abysmal adoption) has been slowly exposing the scam, and will continue to do so in the following years. When the "mainnet" has been out for 3 years and still no one uses it (because it's centralized vaporware), whatever new larp "partnership" they announce won't have any credibility anymore to pump the price.
>same tripguy
Me and uncle are different anons but both of us know the truth about link
High IQ
Pm fags are now fudding link
This is the most bullish sentiment thus far
Yeah what a scam. He gained access to the twitter accounts of dozens of other companies, including Google so he could post articles (which he wrote of course) shilling his own company. Oh wait
Reminder that this in uncle's alt account.
Thanks you subhuman nigger, just bought 100k
No we are fudding crypto, we’ve out for a long time. Next true moon mission is metals
>He spent an hour typing
Sergey shitting himself onstage is what made me go all in. That's how a true alpha asserts his dominance over a crowd.
>writing a serious reply to an obvious troll post
Link a single actual article written by and hosted on the official company site of any of those companies, that mentions anything that a rational person would understand to mean there is an active partnership on a real world actual thing between that company and chainlink. I'll wait.