All in or nothing

I've done my research
I've thinked about this wisely
I've sold all my linkies
I'm going all in on UOS, yep

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guud call user
Lets hope we all go to the moon soon

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Ultra io will disrupt the gaming industry, i’ll just leave it here.

You will have to hope because there are no fundamentals at all suggesting it will do anything but go to zero.

I was thinking of doing the same. Based on supply what would be enough tokens to make up a suicide bag?

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Anyone not holding uos is doing something wrong obviously

Chart looking nice for a entry now

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Nah bro
Link > Goku

So what does that mean?
Buy link you faggots

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Designed to break the market monopoly, Ultra is the next-generation games distribution platform, offering new solutions to both developers and players. Ultra has a blockchain foundation empowered by our staged software download technology, that has reliably served more than 100 million downloads around the world.

Just look at this, do your research. How does any simply missout on this one?

There will be soooo many damn partnership announcements coming out next months, we’ll be on a moon ride

>selling LINK sub $2
Holy fuck talk about ragrats

Dont ragrat again by missing out on this gem

The team has many connections and experience within the gaming industry, ultra io will become so fking big like you can’t even imagine it was possibru

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KEK Khaleesi is Steam

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I don't believe what you are saying but only an idiot wouldn't buy now.

One guy wrote all of these.

Even this

UOS will fuck away steam easy. Steam only got this motherfucking fatass Gabe Newell who is sucking dicks of viet trannies.
Ultra will fucking fuck those niggers to make the x20 in the next months!

i play and have played a lot of video games. Nothing competes with steam, certainly not Ubisofts platform.

Don't invest in these kind of projects. There is not gonna be a "new" steam, or a "new" facebook, or a "new" anything.
No one is gonna adopt anything unless they are in a competition and it would give them a competitive edge if they adopted.

Rankesh you always in the chats?
Missed the pump?

Team is awesome love them.
Nicolas and Edward are in Korea next week. They better make live videos .

this is why your a doing nothing going nowhere guy in life user you dont take risks

Heard that neowiz will also create a game on the Ultra platform. is that the reason why they go there ? to talk with them or what