>muh prophecy
Where’s the fucking news
in about 3 hours, screencap this
>I spent real life money on internet memes
Time to kms
Don’t fuck with me, Sergey.
oh it's coming
Insider here, it was delayed to next month, just lets you have more time to accumulate before the moon.
This is the final shakeout user.
A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones
Nothing will happen and in 2 days all the posters from the Link awakening threads will be back pretend nothing happened ignore everyone calling them out and start saying how it will happen "later".
Human nature never changes and humans hate admitting they were wrong more than anything else in the world. Such is the nature of our species.
Don't pajeetsplain to me you savage little monkey.
What if I told you that when you do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself around that’s not what it’s all about
Pajeets and Pacos are some of link biggest bag holders user. Its ok to be wrong about that too
The only thing that awakened was my crippling depression realizing I'm entirely invested in shitcoins with no future and still working at mcdonalds at 27
the price is the same as a cup of coffee, the prophecy is fulfilled.
>days all the posters from the Link awakening threads will be back pretend nothing happened ignore everyone calling them out and start saying how it will happen "later".
And it peaked at the price of a cup of coffee in australia.
whosoever shall pervert the oracles of the lord to his own lusts and say that there is neither resurrection nor judgment that man is the firstborn of satan
>believing schizos
shiggy diggy
>not realizing the discord tranny Twitter shill groups are full of schizophrenics with no jobs that spam the board all day with psychotic LINK memes
>investing based on schizo psychobabble
i shiggidy diggidy.
you Have to wait
Yep, only 10-15 more years of waiting left
Until all linkies kill themselves lol