Just a total coincidence, the shapes, the logo's, no way we've already made it, right?

Just a total coincidence, the shapes, the logo's, no way we've already made it, right?

Attached: libraa.png (1172x1168, 618K)

link is a hexagon, that's a block

How many shapes aren't allowed now? Squares, cubes and hexagons all mean definitely chainlink.

That's a hexagon inside a circle. There is no block to be seen.


There’s a hexagon inside you muppet.

that swift one though...

Every company on the planet has been using hexagons in their marketing when they're trying to spin something as being "high-tech." This is honestly more indicative of a scam than anything else.



$1000 EOY

Attached: 1563318675387.jpg (600x606, 55K)


the only block around here is your head, you blockhead


Hexagons are used by hundreds of tech (blockchain) companies. Don't be one of those brainlets who automatically thinks everything is Chainlink.


Expect an announcement about this tomorrow, cant dox myself but screenshot this

it's not a hexagon, but a cube = the old logo.

I don't think it automatically, but everything is chainlink.

>the graphic artist who made that picture is told about all the secret partnerships

it is quite obviously chainlink
they all bend the knee in the end

Attached: 1560707049394.jpg (1020x1064, 161K)

hexagons has basically been the unofficial generic shape of future tech for ages
honestly the old chainlink logo was so much cooler, though the current one's probably more effective.

This is borderline schizo... Linkies sanity is crumbling

Drop some crumbs for the peasants larper

Not sure why more people didn’t appreciate this block comment more.

1k eoy regardless

Attached: 811D1359-C857-461C-B96A-3EDE8D228E75.jpg (1000x684, 848K)

On a weekend? LARPers get the rope.

>Zuck didn't have enough clout to pull strings and forcefully seize @Libra handle

Zuck more like Cuck lmao

Its a globe
Like earth you know
Fucking retard

Quite shameful honestly.

The absolute state of Chain Stink holders HAHAHA

Based and checked

>Linkies sanity is crumbling

checked, but you can't lose what you never had.

Thats Quant (qnt) though. You're all on the wrong rocket.

nice BAT logo on the left.

Attached: 1563308505672.jpg (882x637, 81K)

That's the Zelda triforce

Are 30800 linkies enough to make it?


Can you live the rest of your life on $3k?
If yes, then congrats you have made it!
If no, then sorry user better luck next scam.

what do you see in the white space inside the chainlink hexagon, user?

these threads make me feel so embarrassed to hold this token.

10/10 bait well done fren

Good bait or legit retarded

I love these threads that act like low level designers know fucking anything about the actual business goals/strategies

idk you tell me

that's a bad team spirit fellow Link Marine!

Attached: 1565224941981.jpg (898x1600, 90K)

Absolute mongoloid community chainlink has now
I blame Twitter faggots

XVG on the left confirmed

Ugh it's off center. If this is the quality we can expect from libra I'm not hopeful

Xvg is how i got started mining. Stopped. Sold all after it tanked. Will never buy another privacy coin again.

17 Trillion should be enough for you, yes.