Did you use the past couple weeks of the dip to buy? We warned you the dip wouldnt last. Big moves are coming. Anti PMers btfo
Gold and Silver moving back up
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i got 2 ounces of gold and 11 pounds of silver. will i make it?
You don’t try to make it...you just need to keep the money you’ve earned. You need more, user. Bitcoin made the crypto market explode and gave people hope their meme coins moon...they might but it’ll never be sustained.
What exactly are you trying to do to make it? A counter to a shit hits the fan scenario? You need more than just money. You need the know-how and skills to survive when the grocery stores shut down. This scenario will happen when the banks allow it to. People say it's stupid to think such a scenario will ever happen. It's called being prepared just in case.
Stock up ammo, guns, canning, grow gardens, raise cattle, stockpile can goods, and different supplies necessary in case of an emergency. Know CPR, have a big medical kit with band-aids, gauze, scissor and other utencils.
It's nice having gold and silver, but what if nobody offers to trade with you for them? Chances are most will want something that can keep them alive if it gets that bad. Gold, silver, and bitcoin are hedges against inflation. That's all. Bitcoin is new and is seen as better to hold because of how scarce it is and that it can be transacted electronicalyl from person to person. But what if an EMP goes off? Then you're shit out luck trying to trade someone Bitcoin for eggs or something like that.
live in apartment, will i make it?
enjoy your corridor toll
no, the nogs will get u
Im going to buy 20 silver eagles on monday to start my stack. Not going to make it just wanting to start.
ur already ahead of like 95% of the population, fren.
Picking up a tube of maples this weekend since they are on sale. Will go nice in my stack.
Thanks fren.
Ive just started a new job which pays well so every fortnight im going to have enough dpare cash to dump 300 bucks into silver. How long before it moons and should i bother buying any gold?
Noob here what should I buy?
Would like to know as well
Buy bars by 500g or 1kg and sit comfy
You can trade btc by radio.
I feel like buying gold is a normie thing to do, but at $1,600 an ounce it's now more rich person thing to do.
Before 2008, gold was about $375 an ounce and fucking went beserk and has been at this ceiling since then.
I would buy one ounce just to have it.
But yeah definitely go balls deep in silver before it jumps up to $49 or some stupid level like that.
This time tho, I don't think valuing PMs in USD is going to matter after the next Depression 2.0. Either you have it or you don't.
You buy coins. Easily recognizable coins. Eagles, Maples, Philharmonics, etc. This way you can easily sell them again if/when the time comes whether in a financial collapse or otherwise.
you can buy fractional gold like the ducat on the left.
it contains 3,44g of gold and you can stil buy it relatively close to spot. It is not like fractional silver, which is kind of useless for staking.
So just go for uncirculated silver eagles then? What about silver rounds?
Normally I’d say but whatever is the lowest over spot but eagles and other “legal tender” coins are more reputable so may be worth the little bit extra you have to pay. You make the call.
buy whatever*
Alright cool thanks
Think of it in a practical sense: If someone puts a piece of metal in your hand and you can immediately tell without a second thought that you are holding , that is the shit you should be stocking up on.
>he doesn't have $1600
How are the decorated coins this one's 65$
>electronic ponzi requiring a computer and internet is safer than 6,000 yr old money you can trade with your neighbor face to face off the grid completely
You crypto fags need to join the democrats in the mental hospitals
You’re in the UK you’re fucked regardless. Better accept allah as your savior ahead of the curve now.
retard faggot
I already have accepted Islam retard, the only thing which can save the white race!
wow bro great argument! uve convinced me
i will now purchase 0's and 1's
imagine when silver goes higher... Eho are you going to sell that brick too then... the smelter? fine if you have one nearby. Otherwise just buy 1 oz gov bullion. In the US I would buy "junk silver" (government issued coins pre 1960s, they have 90% silver and can always be traded . Plus, they have legal tender statute, so everybody has to accept them (although you´d be stupid to trade them for the fiat denomination.
During the next global downturn there won’t be any shortage of buyers for PM’s Everyman and his dog will be looking to protect purchasing power exactly like last time
Amerifat here but from what I know about what you guys are going through, you probably don't want to buy in the UK since you guys have a hefty VAT. I have heard of people using a certain strategy which is probably void now with Brexit looming, where you would order from EU countries without a VAT and then use a courier system to ship to you.
You could try online dealers that ship to you but I don't know how the whole mail security works in the EU but if it is anywhere near what we face here, you might not want to do that depending on where you live and how you feel about it. The other way is to Google locally and see if there is a local coin shop near you. Try not and go to a pawn shop as they usually are much more iffy in my experience. In any case, you will need to research prices. Hope that helps.
Or, buy and store in a duty free terminal in switzerland. Pro: no VAT and Switzerland has valued private property through all world wars and since its inception.
Con: storage fees.
Sorry, I forgot you are one of those countries that allow this, you can buy directly from the mint itself if you just want the latest stuff and not care about different variety. Australia does this too. The US mint doesn't sell directly to the public except for ceremonial/gift/proof coins that are way over spot.
Yeah, if you are a millionaire or something. For an average person, you might as well buy paper or ETFs stocks with gold silver exposure so you don't need to do that and you are still invested with still enough sufficient liquidity.
fug should i cop an once of gold before it moons or it going to hang around in the low 1500s for a while longer? already started a silver stack but no gold
Never ever buy a fucking slab.
not really. goldsilvershop24.com
I don’t need to convince (You) you stupid fucking faggot.
BTC is worth 0 sorry lad
BTC will go to zero. BitCoin however will live on. The economic reality is that it is a an asset with a fixed supply. Exept for the missing "physicality" it has many properties of Gold....actually it has more properties that can make a likeness to silver. BTC is shit and the gametheoretical economics will surely send BTC to 0. The demand for BitCoin will however rise organically and a satable price will be reached which is going to be much higher than now.