Cabin in the woods

How much would I need to live like pic related? A small cabin on the lake. Any financial advice is welcome. Assuming I wanna not have to work and live off of savings.

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This is my end goal, i plan on having a few million to do this with in the next 10-15 years. Currently making $125k per year, i want to be iron clad comfy desu

Where is this?

It depends on your age, location and habits. If you invest your money and it generates 5% per year on dividends then just multiply your networth by 0.05 and see if that's enough for your expenses.
In my opinion, you can have a decent and simple life if you make $25k/yr which requires a networth of $500k.

when you get cut on that rock what will you do? speaking in survivalist terms

I’ve lived off the grid for a few years. You’d be surprised how much you can save, but you will still need to work at maintaining your property (solar,well, firewood) and learn skills like hunting and growing food. If you go to the store in a place like this (your pic) you will waste money on gas and expensive food each time which will really cut into your savings. You will need to buy in bulk. You can live for about 6K a year in a place like this if you try and don’t do much. 12K is more realistic. Also you will have to watch your back in areas like this because the people won’t take too kindly to your type, OP being gay and all. Feel free to ask any questions I’ll follow the thread for a while

is that Utah? Uk user here we dont have places like that apart from scotland really. and its too cold there. Is america really filled with places like this?

Most likely Alaska. Utah is mostly dry. Colorado maybe. But weirdly I think this photo is from Patagonia

Ah that sucks. I want to move to america but everywhere with nice weather there is too dangerous since you have a massive illlegal spic problem and niggers in the south. Safest state is Maine but weather there isnt too good like all the others...

Colorado and Utah don’t have too bad of a mexi-problem. You just have to watch out for the white trash but they’re easy to tell apart since they look like they have the same dental plan you do

Yes. Out west, in Alaska, and in the Appalachians in the East.

Really depends on location, you got me curious myself so I looked at listings near me. There's places so bumfuck nowhere here they're being sold for less then two thousand bucks and the seller didn't even bother to take pics and instead photographed an old map with the property circled out.

spit on it and stuff some spider web in there

Yeah want to recommend you buy unincorporated land that has no building codes. There’s basically no laws and you can build anything you want without an inspector having to probe you

Lake O'hara

Lake O'hara

Thanks I'll look into it

Do not do this. Any time you hear a noise you think it's the Blair witch coming to kill you. Living alone in the woods is scary as fuck, trust me I managed 2 months in my camper van. I still own the land but it's useless to me

Use some antibacterial ointment and bandage it like anybody else


You just gotta go back out there with some psilocybin mushrooms, and come to the realization that you are one with nature and not something separate.

The city scares me a hell of a lot more than the woods.

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I doubt it was actually the witch perhaps you were not as rugged as you thought. I've been out solo camping in the backwoods for upwards of a week at a time, it isnt too bad scariest things arnt the bears it's the mountain lions. Where is the land you own at? And if its somewhere nice would you sell it?


Yes it is scenic and all, but no electricity and smelling like a bonfire all winter does have its drawbacks.

>cabin in da woods
wtf, did you ate gold plated caviar all day. I spend 6K in a capital city in Europe a year and live a fairly comfortable life


you slip on a wet rock and you leg falls on a sharp rock giving you a laceration to big to just bandage up, now do you stitch it yourself or go to the hospital?

>$125k per year
doing what

your're mom

you've never been more full of shit

ur mom gay

350€/month rent, including electricity, heating insurance makes 4800 a year
+-150€/month for food and leisure makes 1200€/year
So yeah in dollar terms it is actually 6.6K. btw, not Eastern Europe, it is Vienna

Its called Idaho, friends.
Safe, white, reasonably priced, and most of the state looks like pic related.
Seriously, look up the Sawtooth Mountains.
I'm a realtor here, I can get you a comfy cabin in the woods for under $300k

Where'd you find that sale in bumfuck nowhere

tourniquet leg and then yes, stitch yourself or use butterfly band-aids, clean daily.

It’s not that hard to go off the grid. I’ve been binge-watching videos of “epic how to”. He really did explain how to fake your own death ( honestly, I just really like the host of the show, Joe Beret. His sarcasm and humor are on point. Hope it works out if you are going to try it. (don’t actually try it!)