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Why is no one talking about this? user, am I right in assuming that this means a straght cash injection of the same size as QE1? (At least 600 Billion dollars?)
If so this means the stock market will continue rising, not crashing: this is setting up for the greatest dragon king the world has ever seen.
i'd bet this one is a lot less effective than the last one
They aren't buying stocks this time
Give me a quick rundown on QE
>consumer confidence in banks won't be affected by banks having no confidence in each other
The absolute state
Doed this mean i can stop paying off my debts?
Also curious about this
Based thread.
He’s right you know
Not quite yet user. If the dominoes start to fall and all the major banks become insolvent, that will be the end of all debts in their current form.
i'm all in. the fed will keep this clown fiesta market going forever to keep it stable.
Jews print money and give it to Jews, this devalues your money.
this. the can isn't getting kicked, this is lierally just to cover insolvency so people don't panic and make a run on the banks. reality is that it is already over banks failed. next step is hyperinflation.
reminder that hyperinflation causes stocks to surge as people buy anything they can to get out of the worthless papers they hold. Though best would probably be gold. But stocks can outperform hyper inflation. e.g. Weimar and Venezuela.
QE lvl 100
Pump my fucking boomer stocks, Mr. Shekelstein !!!
It is just 1s and 0s !!!
Retards, it’s the same 75bil being recycled. The banks pay it back every day with interest. The utter state of you morons, this is odd but it’s not 600 billion being pumped in.
It will be a mild recession like 1990, not a once-in-a-lifetime crash like 2008. Screencap this post.
there's always some loq IQ idiot that reads something and HAS to go make doomsday end of the world posts like OP just did. look at what happens everytime chainlink goes down or up.... 25threads from low IQ retards that think 26threads isnt enough to share their retard thoughts in
These faggots are printing 1.25 trillion? Why can't they give us $75 billion to Wipeout college loans?
Term repo is longer term
But how will this benefit Jewery in any way?
Just start maxing all your credit out. It's getting close
>next step is hyperinflation.
oh good
You people are idiots if you think the jews would let the news report this if it had any real impact. This is fear mongering to keep the goyim in check. They can inject 60 trillion dollars and it would mean nothing. Money is just an illusion.
Gonna try to make my weekly article assignment for economics class about this can you guys spoonfeed me on why this is or isn't going to lead to inflation? It at least inflates the economy to some degree until those terms are paid out right?
And how will this solve the liquidity crisis
>Just start maxing all your credit out. It's getting close
Unironically been considering doing this and going all in ETH, but im concerned our future dystopia would try to collect on those debts somewhere down the line, using the debt as a slavery contract of sorts.
>You people are idiots if you think the jews would let the news report this if it had any real impact.
What if their ducks are already in a row and they stand to benefit from a currency catastrophe? Just google "netanyahu" right now. Theyre desperately trying to get us to fight iran and trump wont do it.
>user, am I right in assuming that this means a straght cash injection of the same size as QE1? (At least 600 Billion dollars?)
No, this is like those retards spazzing out last quarter about Deutsche Bank's 500 Trillion!111! in derivatives exposure.
Here's a hint: To compare the various QEs with Repos, multiply money by circulation time.
It will be, because the money supply is 3x what it was in 08' IIRC. So basically that just means they'll print more after this round fails to have the effect they want, and so on.
To sum it up, Hitler did nothing wrong.
Meaning my money has no value either. If 10% of the population maxed out their credit in a month's time and refuse to pay even 1 penny's worth, wouldn't this accelerate the bank collapse (they cant jail 10% of the population)?
Money so devalued you can walk in broad daylight with an easily thieveable amount and not even thieves bother to steal it.
08' should have been worse than it was. They used (((tricks))) to prevent a full on depression, which fucked us even harder in the long term.
A recession like the usual ones would only bring the market to about 2015 levels. How's that even a recession!?
Another nothingburger meant to cause panic among the stupid and create a recession by talking the market down.
Literally no one was talking or thinking or worried about a recession until about a month when the fake new media started predicting one. They realized Trump is gonna get reelected so they need to convince the sheep that his policies have created the conditions for recession when EXACTLY the opposite has happened.
Won't be*
>(they cant jail 10% of the population)?
isn't 10% of the US pop alrdy behind bars?
Yes for commiting 50% of the crime.
man you ppl are so fuking stupid.
You really think there's 38 million people in jail right now?
>another retard that doesnt realize this is good
>refuse to pay
do you even have that option? Where i live they just straight up steal your paycheck before you even get it if you avoid paying them for too long.
plus you get slapped with a missing payment remark, which disables your card for any kind of big purchase, and you get fined insane amounts, which they also just subtract straight from your paycheck
10% of the population that
>have a job
>quit their job after maxing all their credit cards and opwning as many loans as possible
>spend the majority on non-perishables and water to attempt to outlast this so debt is nullified as hyperinflation occurs
>attempt to turn some of it into fiat earlier when they can garnish wages for
>buying fresh foods as required
Im not advocating this though.
>Approx. 380 million us citizens
>10% would equal 38 million and only if theyre employed
>approx. 150 employed
> 20% maxing out their credit and then quitting to avoid wage garnishment
If that happened i can see a collapse happenong real quick or some sort of martial law with forced labor
You fucking retards think Capital One won't come after you for your credit card debt after an economic collapse?
Guess what? It'll still be there, revalued in jewbucks plus applicable interest.
>I'll just pay off my mortgage with hyperinflated dollars hurr durr!
No you wont. The Citibank representive will be in your driveway when all this blows over wanting his money.
And the local sheriff will be there with an MRAP too.
you guys they are not even garnishing wages anymore .
i have been sued by wells fargo in 2015 still havent payed em,
15k credit card debt.
20k link stack
what do you mean you people?
if you're serious about knowing more about this issue, listen to this podcast
skip over the intro/bs talk in the first 15 minutes to the main interview
Shhh. Let them piss their chance away on gold and internet meme coins.
In Weimar Germany thieves would dump the money and steal the wheelbarrow.
>gold and internet meme coins
pic related is (You)
How dare you think they give 2 shits about giving you a single penny. Now get back to work like a good slave.
what will it be?
one bread, please
>QE is bad for the market
What the fuck market are you talking about?
Are you talking about bank stocks or something?
QE has historically rewarded stock holders tremendously. What the fuck kind of stupid FUD is this?
Check out what happened to the European stock market 2 years after central bank Dragi said he’d do “whatever it takes”
>stonks going up is inherently good for the market (real economy)
Just print trillions of dollars everyday then amirite
You’re talking about the economy?
Lack of liquidity seems like a real problem, cash crunch would not be good for the economy.
Fuck off Asian avatar kike
Excellent contribution
The money is not for dirty goys.
>it's paid back the next day
Cant tell what is more criminal, printing trillions or artifically suppressing precious metal prices. All seriousness though the market might tank within the next couple months when they realize this $1.6 trillion over the next couple weeks is not enough. Only high IQ based responses.
inflating asset price while decreasing purchasing power is basically condemning millenials and zoomers to a life of serfdom as companies like blackrock scoop up all residential real estate in the country
If I were a conspiracy theorist who thought everything revolves around political parties... I could point at this to say the Fed was trying to undermine the presidency.
Bitcoin at $1,000,000 will equalize the playing field. (((They))) owe it to us.
Lack of liquidity from malinvestment or some other fuck up is suppose to be punished by market forces. Having a central planner bail out his friends with my money isn't going to fix things but make them worse in the long run.
This whole system is fake and gay.
It won't. They need to print 3x the amount they did in 08' and when they do they'll inflate the currency to retarded levels.
Trump has literally been begging the Fed to print more money. Qboomers get the gas.
You mean the treasury?
How the hell does the Fed “inject money” into the repurchase market, they just buy the things others aren’t willing to?
Oh, I meant because the balance sheet was shrinking for most of his presidency, not because it’s just starting to spike up right now.
No I mean he's literally begging for money printing and negative interest rates and retarded qboomers think this means he wants to end the Fed because trust the plan.
Student loans 75 billion haha
I don’t know about that conspiracy. I dont trust pol-tier anything.
Pol has not given me any tools to make my life better or make sense of the world around me, just confirmation bias and a horrifying video of Mexican gangs using pit bulls for torture.
In Weimar Germany decadence and perverse sexuality were the norm as well.
There are lot of parallels to the current US
Finally someone understands. This isn't the same as QE.
here is why the FED cant keep this shit show going on forever.
Banks earn money through loans. lowering interest rates to zero or negative creates a lot of trouble for banks. Everyone legit already has a loan and invested it.
giving out loans to people who can only repay it during good times or with another loan is dangerous especially when banks have to increase fees to cover their losses. Taking away money from people who would have spend it.
Additionally rent and house prices soar because of low interest rates. Again less money for consuming.
There will be a point in time when the recession can't be avoided anymore. a lot of people are going to default on their loans, banks are already in trouble and now face huge additional losses
Open for discussion, where am i wrong?
>Open for discussion, where am i wrong?
I don't think anyone here is willing to argue against the fact that a recession is overdue. But there's that quote:
>The market can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent
Right now, we're just trying to hedge our bets against this irrational fiat market with crypto. It's really anyone's guess as to whether we go to negative interest and when and whether the FED keeps printing money and when.
This user gets it. Buy gold and silver.
So $1000 EOY then?
Truly Weimar-pilled
Is USDT and stable coins a safe bet?
Every now and again this site gives good advice. Thanks user.
What does this have to do with Bitcoin?
Unlesssssss you go bankrupt And can wait 7 years at familys....
So are we gonna make the Holocaust real this time?
>Literally no one was talking or thinking or worried about a recession until about a month when the fake new media started predicting one.
They started talking about it when the yield curve inverted.
>retards, this hasn't happened in over a decade but now it's happening every day but it's totally normal lol idiots
damn this is too good
so are getting a global recession far worse than 2008 or what?
>Theyre desperately trying to get us to fight iran and trump wont do it.
They've been at this for a while now. Trump needs to retain an iron grip on isolationism for the next 5 years.