Historically, the reason the average man would put with wagecuckoldry was because he had a wife and children to take care of.
In 2019, this doesn't really exist anymore, so what's the point?
Other urls found in this thread:
because he has no other reason to live
>In 2019, this doesn't really exist anymore, so what's the point?
To buy more bitcoin and shorting the system.
Wait what the fuck is this a real graph?
What could've possible changed in a decade to account for a 400% increase?
Have the metrics changed? Is there an elusive Pornhub deal no one has informed me about? Is the copious amounts of xanax this generation consumes causing worldwide apathy?
Virginity is a beautiful thing.
Female hypergamy combined with social media and online dating
Eventually you will have to be a top .1% man to even look at a woman without being accused of rape
Pretty soon the goyim will be banned from having sex
People dont care anymore and stopped lying. The real figure should be around 40%.
>demoralisation thread
Oy vey I wonder who could be behind this post
does that mean i should short women?
You're probably really close to the solution with the Pornhub thing.
>hard data
Cope. Marriage is dead.
High speed internet access is better than sex
Yea I thought about this too but I'm not sure. It might be a part of it but it's still mostly about females getting pickier imo.
holy fuck ITS MOONING
how do i long this Jow Forums??
Long fertility treatments lll.
Making money is satisfying because you can make the numbers on the screen go up, dumbass.
I wonder who could be behind men sitting in their rooms jerking off to porn instead of fucking real women. I wonder who has an interest in FUDing marriage and the family unit. How mysterious.
I don't think Jews invented female hypergamy
>da joos
Sorry faggot signing a marriage contract is not worth it no matter how much you bluepilled tradcuck nazi faggots want me to white knight for white women. I'm not risking my financial health just because Jow Forums will cry if I don't. You fags need to provide better incentives for men to marry or stfu.
Show me a 30 year old virgin male who wouldn't fuck almost any woman if they were willing to fuck them back. I'd probably be down to fuck about 50% of the women I see daily(around university, gym etc) but I'd be surprised if even 1% of them would want to fuck me lol. There's your answer.
Tbf marriage is trash with the majority of 'available' women. You either have to find a one in a million virginal christian qt with strong parents or settle for someone who's so retarded that they can't into modernity.
God forbid we ever hold females accountable.
(((they))) unironically want you to blame porn so that the blame still rests squarely on the males.
>female hypergamy
Get a grip faggot nobody believes anyone thinks this and you cannot make us think “incels” are a real thing that exists just because you role play as as one all day.
We always find you and we always eject you from our societies, except this time, the Muslims are extra pissed and they’re on our side. Good luck.
>incoherent ranting about da joos poster telling anyone to get a grip
>the thing that exists in every sexually dimorphic species doesn't apply to humans because I said so
Holy shit you're fucking stupid.
>you cannot make us think “incels” are a real thing that exists just because you role play as as one all day.
Yes, the falling marriage rate, falling fertility rate, all the stats that show most people are single, are all lies.
All the people on Jow Forums who claim to be 25+ virgins are jew shills as well. In reality everyone here is a Chad with 12 white children.
You are a child. Probably an atheist I bet. Probably play a lot of videogames. You avoid responsibility, the one thing that makes you a man.
It is your duty and responsibility (as a person of any creed) to reproduce and foster healthy offspring in a healthy community. You owe this to god and to yourself, both being one and the same, because it is the purpose of life. Turning away from that so you can spend more time jerking off to anime and smoking weed while you shitposting on Jow Forums might seem like a great selfish trade but if you do this you will die alone and unfulfilled as a human and live in depression and confusion and anxiety without clarity, searching for meaning you refuse to find. You must reproduce, and it is ethical to be faithful, not even in any religious way, secular ethics can easily make an argument for faithfulness; therefore marriage, a bastardised and abused concept, is still relevant and useful for those who choose it.
>It is your duty and responsibility (as a person of any creed) to reproduce and foster healthy offspring in a healthy community. You owe this to god and to yourself, both being one and the same, because it is the purpose of life. You must reproduce
I don't care what you think my duty is and will continue enjoying my single life. How does it feel knowing you can't do a thing about it? Cry more.
What’s stupid is trying to fucking argue that human biology would change this significantly in 30 years. IF that data is correct, it must be epigenetic resultant, that is, culturally forced. Not inherent. No animal evolves this quickly.
I wonder who could be forcing such a thing. Maybe it’s Fijians pulling the strings? Or maybe it’s exactly who we all know it is.
How does it feel being a slave to psychology you don’t even understand and proudly boasting about your ignorance.
>muh psychology
>muh jesus
Give it a rest you fucking boomer, nobody is buying the projection you're selling.
Getting married is for normalfaggots. Imagine being so vapid and soulless you can't enjoy life unless you're codependent on another person.
This. The number is much higher than reported.
This is why.
Not an argument. My suggestion is take 7g psyclobin in a dark room to remember who you are, because you have forgotten or never knew.
Estrogen in water from female pills + Quantitative easing,
I wouldn't. For one, STDs. For two, there's always a chance of pregnancy even if you wear a condom. For three, I want to feel something for the girl, dammit.
If you think men can't be happy without a wife, you are a bluepilled white-knight cuck who has been conditioned into believing the "soulmate" myth by feminine influences. Probably watched one too many Disney movies as a kid.
You are a needy pathetic beta male who gets anxious and depressed because you don't have a girlfriend and then you come in here and project your weakness onto self-actualized men. It's hilarious.
All women are whores.
short condom manufacturers
>In 2019, this doesn't really exist anymore, so what's the point?
First of all: one doesn't need a relationship in order to enjoy the benefits of money.
Second: men can still find beautiful women with good values to marry. It involves not being a pussy. But the rise of men being pussies is what let women enjoy things like voting rights and welfare in the first place. The societal advantage women have is only because men let it happen, so it's as easy as men raising their standards to fix it. If they don't, it's men screwing men over.
For now though, stop being a pussy and just find a woman with good values.
>You must reproduce
You're awfully proud for an NPC
I have a gf, we will be getting married soon, I already left it too long because I was asleep, like you, I avoided my responsibility, and I was “depressed” like all my friends.
You will be “happier” without a wife. You will be even “happier” jerking off to tranny porn all day too. You will be even “happier” if you shoot heroin all day. But you will not be fulfilled. And that hole will grow inside you until you can’t enjoy the things that made you “happy”, because “happiness” is a cope. This is the real black pill. Everything easy and which makes you “happy” and requires you to take no responsibility leads you nowhere, and the only things worth doing are difficult and require sacrifice, discipline, and taking responsibility. You’ll figure this out and become wealthy and fulfilled, or you won’t, and you will die poor and regretful.
You aren't even fucking married yet you naive faggot, you haven't even witnessed how marriage and kids can change a woman's entire personality. So why are you giving advice? You don't know shit, you're a naive bluepilled kid who thinks he knows it all.
>you have to spend money on a wife or yoy'll be poor!!!
Imagine being this fucking bluepilled man. Imagine being such a fucking normalfaggot NPC you are genuinely unable to conceive of the idea that some people are more fulfilled and better off alone. Fuck off faggot, I don't need some woman nagging me until the day I die. Unlike you, who thinks of it as a great honor.
It is an honour to participate in gods great work.
Our boomerposter friend here is correct, even if it isn't what you want to hear.
I am a millenial shitposter but I've worked in enough hospices to see the difference between what death looks like with and without a family.
The ones who pass with their loved ones around do so with a sense of serenity and calmness in the room. There's a sense that they aren't trying to cling on because they've done what they need to do.
Then there's the ones who pass alone except for the nurse assigned to their room, normally primarily consumed with their phones and occasionally checking if it's time to record the time of death. There's a deep sense of work left undone in those rooms, of regret, and they try to hang on until the very end. Nobody wants to go near those rooms, it is a soul crushing experience seeing someone finish their life knowing it was not lived as fully as they wanted.
Do everything in your power not end up like the latter. You don't want to end up like that.
Better to die alone then spend half your life miserable with a wife and kids. The only men happy in marriage are beta males.
I'm 30, single and my last time I got laid was in 2015.
Got comfortable in being alone and have zero motivation left to change it.
Fucking THIS
Better to die on your feet than live on your knees
Kill yourself you morally reprehensible vermin
>so what's the point?
sex robots when?
>muh morals
Beta male cope
Married 16 years with four kids and have a jawline you'd kill for. Life is good.
>FUDing marriage
Divorce law is totally fucked and that's not FUD. Sorry you dumbfuck neonazi, reform the laws and then get back to me.
>muh jawline
yet you've been fucking the same woman for 16 years lmao.
this x100
you win the game by escaping the rat race in your youth
one of the things red pill community was on point was 80/20 rule, which I think more like 90/10.
with constant thoting and social media ego boosts, average women don't even consider dating/marrying their "peers".
They all want 9/10 guy and willing to suck their dicks, bend over when ordered. While asking some incel to give them gifts, attention, listen their bullshits, all chad has to do is call the hoe to himself.
Incels still chase money because they think it'll give them edge over other incels. While chads don't worry about money at all.
Wait, so I'm not the only guy who hasn't actually had sex and is in his 20s?
Everyone chases money because money means freedom to do what you want, women or no women.
>money = freedom
oh boy...
You have more freedom when working as a part time barista than a 45hrs a week wagecuck.
Nope. Although the graph's source is very noisy because of how many people actually take that census survey.
The concept of money in of itself is genius really. Money = perceived value given a physical form. Humans have taken an abstract concept and have given it a physical representation, currency is probably one of the most important human inventions there is and is the cause of all cooperation in a modern civilization.
It's more than freedom, it's power. The ability to make anyone do anything. Want a small personal army? Done. Want a couch crafted by collaberation from the worlds finest craftsmen? Done. Want to fuck 10 women in a row and fetch an LSD tab out of their asshole? Done
As long as you have enough money that is.
>You have more freedom when working as a part time barista than a 45hrs a week wagecuck.
Money generates money so you don't need to work, dumb dumb. And if you're spending it instead, you get more shit and can take more exotic vacations than the part time baristas.
and you have even more freedom when you have 5 million in assets making passive income. It's not a linear function.
>What could've possible changed in a decade to account for a 400% increase?
Women, you dense fuck
unless you born into a rich family or somehow made connections with rich people during your college years, or somehow were extremely lucky or autistic to win lottery or invest in crypto before 2013 and held for half a decade, you won't have 5 million in assets to have a passive income.
Crypto is dead, stop masturbating with the taught of crypto making you a millionaire so you can sell them to buy some boomer house and rent it to zoomers.
I'm actually in a career trajectory where having 5 million in assets is incredibly likely within 15-20 years. I already make 325k.
>crypto is dead
Well, yes. I'm married which means she and I are one body and soul. To commit adultery is an inconceivable corruption of that sacred bond.
It's not that it's just harder to find chicks to sleep with you, it's that entertainment is so rich and fulfilling now that tons of guys don't bother
there was jack shit to do 50 years ago and that meant men were desperate for one of life's few pleasures
>he fucks a dried up 40-year-old woman who hit the wall
>he doesnt have a young mistress
>he thinks this is "alpha"
you aint alpha bruh
marriage is for beta males
there are books written hundreds of years ago talking about how you should keep women in check, even in comedies like don quixote you find shit like that
Based and Inshallahpilled
>I'm married which means she and I are one body and soul
Christianity is so bluepilled on women.
> I want to feel something for the girl, dammit.
lol fag
I'm not particularly religious but the Catholic beliefs regarding marriage are solid.
>marry a woman for life and don't cheat on her while she gets old, wrinkly a fa5
Sounds fucking gay and low T
What's the point in getting rich if you can't fuck hard-bodied 20-year-olds? Sounds really beta
get cucked and lose half of your property already you naive faggot
>want to feel something for the girl, dammit.
You really don't man. Feelings make you do dumb shit.
Women haven't biologically morphed in 10 years you obtuse motherfucker.
Something humungous had to change
Internet dating got real popular leading to increased hypergamey. Wonder who was behind that
I've realized there really is no happy ending for feelings. Either she leaves you (really sad), cheats on you (really sad), or you see her die someday (really sad). In any scenario you've become dependent on something impermanent and non reliable.
The independent life is a little hollow sometimes but at least you don't have to feel that soul crushing sensation of loss.
this sounds p. buddhist
damn, I might try a bar next after bumble ended up being a letdown. Too bad I don't like drinking all that much
shame and fear instilled by the mainstream media... any attempt a guy makes can lead to crushing accusations and legal ramifications that can be difficult to recover from
young women eschewing the idea of sex based on attraction for "what can you do for me" and status/ego boosts, i.e. tinder thots
porn, always accessible, largely destigmatized
+ (bonus!) so called influencers convincing guys to value their simple existence as females so much that they will pay for virtual communication and... bathwater. eternal virgins.
I agree but I wouldn't call the entertainment fulfilling at all. It's addicting short term pleasure. We didn't evolve to live in the world we've built for ourselves and our mental health bears the brunt of the consequences.
you realize spamming crypto is dead is the biggest accumulation signal, right?
ill see you fomoing in at the next peak
I've been seeing this a lot, most of the guys I know irl who don't fuck are always doing vidya shit. I was going to post in this thread about why there haven't been more suicides if more people are lonely, but then I remembered about how everyone's into their addictions now
Found the jew...
I lost virginity when I was 24y old in 2009, year later i fuck hooker do double the number of women i have fucked. Then one of my friends show me world of tanks. Fast forward 9 years I have 38 000 games in wot, and i didnt look at woman since 2012, it was last time i have tried and fail to get some pussy.
get this lookism shit out of here, money gives you freedom period and if you think being a barista gives you freedom then you probably still live with mommy
To take care of yourself.
Beautifully said
do you are tthe pussy meal
Looks like more entertainment for the guys who it is hard to find sex (so making it a less worthwhile endeavor) while those who want sex want the higher tiers given what media presents to us.
Also interesting how today women have more power in deciding sex (for better or worse).
I've got an older brother who is a Chad and women want to sleep with him (he turns down quite a few) while many who have complain about him (yet sleep with him).
Interesting to note how views are a new form of currency. Recently saw a girl within a group who focused on a guy once he talked about having over 100k followers. She suddenly became super interested in him, laughed at what he was saying. Before that part, she didn't have much interest in him. Star power is a crazy thing.
Read some research a while back that when it came to women going after men, whoever were the top/dominant (aka winners) in an event were deemed as most attractive. Seemed to scale from small to larger gatherings. That means the top guys at a tabletop gaming place can theoretically take their pick of the women there. Not sure about men going after women or same sex situations, but I imagine, everything else equal, similar social rules apply.