HONEST question, why are people still interested or invested into crypto? Its been about 2 years since the end of the bullrun, nothing in crypto has proven itself or made any useful product at all since then, I'd believe most people that was in crypto are no longer interested or have pretty much forgotten about bitcoin?
HONEST question, why are people still interested or invested into crypto...
50/50 mix of hope and cope.
It's not a matter of how, it's just a matter of when.
>HONEST question, why are people still interested or invested into crypto?
Because link is necessary. Also it's more convenient for transferring money cross-border. Inconfiscatable, immutable, etc. etc. etc.
You have to go back
a lot of cool stuff has happened since then, you just havent been paying attention
because markets move in cycles, and the next bitcoin cycle will send it to $100k+. there will be a day when plebs will wake up and it will be at $1mill. the decent projects should follow bitcoins lead. and all the haters will die of starvation cus they didn’t invest and their fiat will be worthless. those that hold long enough will be rewarded.
like what
because I believe crypto backed by precious metals is the future, so I invest in that while I watch the world burn
you don't need to short the fiat, just long the competitor
>200 sma
>50 sma
Change it to weekly bars and you've got yourself a chad chart
link did a x20 2 months ago. The fuck are you talking about?
because its fun and keeps me occupied and one of the few things that makes me feel alive these days. everythings so boring and same ol same ol so the chaos of it at times really appeals. And I think I can make decent money at it
Where are you from? I'm in burgerland, and here it's basically techie interest with emerging companies and price speculation. The average normie doesn't need or want it yet. Just like the average normie didn't need or want the internet back in the early 90s.
However. Take a look at Venezuela. Argentina. Bitcoin isn't just a speculative hedge there, it has absolutely proven itself useful as a way to retain wealth in a collapsing economy. I've heard multiple interviews on NPR about people in Venezuela storing wealth in BTC, then whenever they need to go buy bread or milk they convert a small amount to bolivars and then use that at the local grocer.
And that's WITH the militant regime crackdown on the exchange/ATM on-ramps. They couldn't and can't stop it (Tor/VPNs), not without completely shutting down the internet countrywide, which they couldn't do without effectively shutting down the entire electrical grid. And even then there are ways around it with offline mesh import/export.
And it's still the early days like the internet in the 90s. Imagine a future state where cryptocurrencies/blockchain are abstracted with multiple layers to the point where it's idiot-proof and even your grandma could use it the way that she can use e-mail today (pic related). When that starts coalescing into real products that the average consumer can look at and say "that's cool, I want it", that is where the real bullrun starts.
Doy you remember Amazon after dot dom bubble crash?
i hide beeg amounts of fiat in monero and dero
no authorities will ever seize my crypto cash monies because without the private key in their filthy grabbers they got no access unlike cash or bank account
fuck government kikes and their failed attempt to seize my property one time already
cant put me in jail either as they lack evidence of me having money
fuck tax jews fuck fake debt from useless worthless fake insurance jews
But if it goes to 100k literally everyone’s going to cash out and lock in their profits in USD. You know, a real currency that you can actually buy groceries and pay bills with.
I made $30k with crypto this Year. Unironically the best thing what ever happened
Started with $1k.
Dumbasses asked the same question in 2012 and 2015
bitmex casino? shitcoins?
Stay golden, Ponyboy.
Hey mang, which NPR stories? Any podcast? Want reassurance about south America using it plz&thx
DAG landed a contract with the fucking USAF.
Won't put another cent in, but won't well either.
I'm in the black still, just want to hold for now.
Because it’s still profitable , or no one would be here. There’s still pump and dump scams gaining and then losing 20% in a day . If you can get in a good entry, you can still make good money
Many alts came and went for the 2013 bull run as well, lots of it is garbage. Obviously BTC has been doing just fine. People actually use BTC - to facilitate international drug trade, unlike useless shitcoins. This is what always keep a base level natural demand for btc imo , among other things
Oh this meme. Its an SBIR grant for $50k, nice try pajeet gtfo. Why you stupid niggers still trying to tell everyone you have a contract with the USAF? Get back to DAG TG where you all lie to each other and manipulate your thin books pretending to moon your PnD scam
Get out