What biz think about it???
Some things are better left unsaid...
that story got progressively worse, i thought it was the woman in the picture than i realized it was a guy telling it.
then the buttplug thing.
jesus christ people died in ww2 for this shit lol
imagine being the organisms and people that lived through out time just to eventually make that dead end.
>with a brother and sister
LARP. Eurofags do not have children.
He got exactly what he deserved for his generation ruining the world.
Actually it was the boomers who ruined the world.
lol in this world i cannot see why people just can't laugh about there son being a fucking toilet slave. World is fucked world is clown world and they just get angry? Id laugh my ass off .
STFU faggot....everything he said is true. This newer generation of kids are fucked hard in the head from the media and their peers starting about kindergarten age. Fuck niggers kikes and feminists....kill them all.
No it was also the great generation along with the boomers. They raised the boomers to be pieces of shit like that it is only natural.
DUMBASS spotted u are the perfect kike puppet
you god damn queers are the problem along with boomers
they inherited a lap of luxury built on hardwork
You so many nu/pol/ faggots that don't understand what is going on at all. We live in a sick society fuckhead. The only thing you can do is laugh its fucking clown world guy. Getting fucking angry is pointless.
THEY RAISED THE BOOMERS! THEY FOUGHT AGAINST THE NAZEEE CAUSE JEWZUZS! Who gives a fuck about them. They also STILL rejected white people even into the fucking 70/80s where they had complete power in voting you dumb nigger faggot.
pretty based if ironic
>.t zoomer
just kys so we can also have a laugh
Thanks for thinking I'm a zoomer m8
>implying older generations weren't as fucked up
>just enjoy the show goy, no need to get upset or interfere
Fuck off you useless dead end reject.
ill try anything once,
even being a toilet slave for some beautiful brapper
whatever you are is faggot and you need to kys
no thanks reddditor
AS IF you could do anything of effect besides shitposting on an anonymous board LOL. Coping idiot.
lol ok kid, but seriously not joking at all
im not kidding around
i really mean it
it'll be the only thing you ever did to make the world better
you actually have an opportunity to do something to significantly improve society
thank you for another (you) reddit faggot.
Hitler was 80% right about everything. The problem is he got more and more extreme over time. Especially with the amphetamine usage. He would have gotten more cruel and power hungry over time. When you read Mein Kampf the first 1/3 is very agreeable, but by the time you get to the end he's talking about global domination, forcing nationalism attitudes and exterminating people that weren't Chads. Shit would have gone crazy if Germany had won the war.
His criticism of Jewish control over media, politics and finance was warranted.
There are worse fetishes.
Still not as cucked as findom.
I would try this if the girl was hot
Top kek
Vidt moon mission
Seething braaaooo
What else we can expect from you Rajesh
Ranjeesh not Rajesh
Are those false teeth?
>tfw my Jewish grandfather stormed the beach too
Fuck all of ya no one escapes clown world, if I could stop this shit I would.
>my brother just laughed
based brother