Which one of you spergs made this shit?
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this fucking board has ruined me
I did AMA
bass'd coom mixer
That’s DJ Cum Brain to you fren
That’s the screenshot I took yesterday
that fucking sucked, I want my lifetime back
Sorry, No refunds
Beat is kind of catchy
Apparently (you)
Here’s a gem I found on Jow Forums yesterday
Kek. It was obvious anyway though its op's.
user, I...
What you want a pat in the back faggot
please make more
I like that the hi-hats are the sound of someone jacking off. I almost want to remix it.
Holy fuck what a masterpiece.
Nobody autistic enough would post to the basket weaving forum asking who made this particular beat. Over the top is the artist replying.
Regardless user, I commend you on this memetic masterpiece.
Fuckin based
Give us the stems OP. Let’s make like 20 remixes of this shit
Yes. Do it OP. Throw up the stems and we'll start the next genre on the scene: coomcore.
needs more autotuned vocaroo shit
Based. What a mad man
No I just want to coom
Will do
I posted the screenshot earlier in a brap thread I’m not OP believe it or not idgaf
Coomcore or coomwave is the genre I created
I could do that, need a couple hours though my pc is currently bogged down with some rendering
Post coom vocaros and I will remix them
you turd
Are those actual fapping noises? Asking for a friend
I used the fap noises from the vocaroo file as hi hats, doubt they’re real but you never know
OP here, he’s right I just copied it from his screenshot
You’re my hero sir
Love this little shoondig
i do not like the implications of where this is going. have we pushed too far? is meme magic actually pandoras box? are we even aware of the power we are toying with? questions lost in the dust of time, it seems.
They’re exporting now, computer still doing some other tasks so it might take a little while.
Actually fuck that didn’t take long at all, looks like it’s done just gonna go over them quickly and make sure it all exported properly the. Upload
Hope a few other anons will also make something with them. Got an hour or two to kill here.
Checked uploading now. Don’t spend too much time on it, I think I made the song in like 1.5 hours max 2
Just want to remix it for shits and giggles, not trying to get on Beatport lol. I'd spend about as much time on it as well.
Durr I spent 2 hours on it. Kys jigger.. Obviously you worked your ass off on it. >I wrote and record with this brand new track in 5 minutes
LOL yeha ok kys
Actually based song, I love the acid line man. With what synth did you do it?
Also don’t forget to send me your remixes I want to hear them. You can message me Dj cum brain on faceberg or SoundCloud
Checked I used VPS avenger for that
Listen here you autist, a song is easy to make if it’s something you do often. I have a generic template set up so it’s a matter of importing sounds and changing the mix and effects up a tad bit. I probably spent more time finding the porno music sample than majority of the work on the song.
More specifically some preset they have in the tech house expansion, changed the parameters up a tad bit
Got the stems! If this thread is archived by then, I'll make an anonymous soundcloud and hit you up with the remix.
what is that scream around 1:40 from?
Based. Tempo is 124 btw
That scream and the voice is from a vocaroo I found on pol
>Based. Tempo is 124 btw
Thanks was going to ask, didn't feel like tapping it out. Also use FL Studio
Pro tip, download a copy of serato Dj, the software is free to download to use in offline mode, you’ll be able to analyze songs for their bpm and key with it. The key finder can be kinda wack at times, but the bpm analysis is spot on(minus old songs that aren’t tempo synced perfectly
FL studio is so good nowadays btw member when this shit was on like version 7 and everyone laughed at me for using it. Should really get around to learning Shelton better too tho.
Shelton = Ableton lol
I got my hands on FL Studio over 15 years ago. Been using it since, cannot be bothered to learn anything else. It's so easy to use. Albeton does have better audio stretching/manipulation and automation settings though. Might download Serato tomorrow.
Yeah I’m kinda in the same camp, if it ain’t broke don’t fix it. You’re absolutely right about time warp/manipulation ableton is god tier for that. All the sjw I know that make quantized redrums of old tunes use it
Kek autocorrect changed djs to sjw
Where is the Jow Forums thread you got the vocaroos from?
Where did you find a decent sounding 303 VST? All the free ones I've found suck
this too
Honestly not sure it was in a bunch of the I had to use 4plebs to find the vocaroo yesterday
I used VPS Avenger which is not a free synth. I don’t use free synths desu, I pay a monthly membership fee for this dj site run by Russian/Eastern European hackers that crack most of the popular synths and have drum loop packs plus new music.
Based I wish I Knew how to do animation, have so many meme ideas all the time but no skills to follow through on them reeee
Why are you shilling your shit videos
I’m attempting a remix
Done and uploading hope you’re still here OP, I think you’ll like this one.
And done. Somewhere between tech house and techno. Used a lot of that 303, the voice, effects and fap noise.
Is this the start of a new genre called COOMCORE?
Off to bed now hope you enjoy OP.
Fapcid House
This is great
It unironically slaps. Nice job user.
I wish to coom
I wish to spin my silk on the loom
Just coom
No gloom
I see that HD PIC and I ZOOM
(Fapfapfap fap fap fap)
I wish to coom
I yearn to bust in an 3D womb
Pure coom
NOT coming out of my room
I need to coom
In a poom-poom
I’ll find one if I follow perfume
Oh the coom
I found perfume
Sweet like a rose bush bloom
I found the room
The staffroom
I hope everyone else leaves soon
I have her in my sights
One of my porn chicks has those tights
I think tonight may be the night that I
“Y-you wanna go out for a drink haha?”
“Ok yeah sure!”
We’re in the cloakroom
No headroom
Basement dweller
No bedroom
Taped consent
No courtroom
Gotta coom in it right
She feeling my jewels
No heirloom
Pearl necklace
Made of coo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oom
Let me coom or face your doom
Your fault for wearing that perfume
No condoms I am immune
-Just coom-
Squeeze that your poom-poom
For my coom
Not long now it’s cooming soon
*record scratch*
“Damn who’s that in the pic on your wallpaper?”
“Oh that’s my mom when she was younger.”
*techno distorted moaning noises into fade*
I made this in 10 minutes and I’ve done an all nighter so don’t judge too hard. I’d actually do this best for recording but I won’t. Needs a simple beat. I’m sure someone could work with this.
This is fucking gold.
What a genius name, I love it.
Very based, if someone sings and wants to record this id be glad to produce some music for it
Guys, what is this coom meme? I've been gone for a month or so and I totally missed it. Video related.
Bump for talent search.
Sample this
Those digits fuck I might have to, not the best sample tho, the background music ruins it
Why don't you hire someone off fiverr to do it arent you balling nigga
Fiverr singers are mostly shit desu
If I knew how to edit videos I'd turn that into a webm.
Coomers and cumbrains deserve to be shamed and fucked over.
DJ Cum Brain - I'm Gonna COOM (Poppers Party Remix)
Not what I wanted to do initially but thought might as well finish it.
jejmao fokin fl studio, vocaroo recording, fokin loop basic unreleased porn lmao
OP here, I can’t fucking believe this thread is still going. Fuckinf LMAO at this ucking board
I was the first guy that suggested uploading stems. I won’t have time till tomorrow to work on it, but will post here and your soundcloud once done.
If anyone has ANY production skills, make a version. It doesn’t need to be good, it’s just funny as fuck to have a fuck ton of these
im gonna play this at the lounge tonight. i will probably get fired for playing this and people will probably leave the establishment.
ill record it for the lulz