100k? 1 million? 10 million?
How much net worth does it take for women to be impressed by?
Seeing as the average millennial is fucked having 10k might be enough.
Why the fuck would you think women would be impressed by that? Women are impressed by looks not money. Men don’t give a fuck if a women is rich or not they just care if she’s hot. Why the fuck would women be any different you massive brainlet?
This lol
>I have a car and a house and a white collar job
you need to invest in yourself, good hygiene, clothes, gym membership, do interesting activities
women don't care about money unless you're spending it
impressing women is only relative. You only have to be better than the best man available to them.
because women are different from us. with that being said, you're right that looks are important.
A luxury car, a big house, expensive furniture, a shiny watch and expensive clothes. You didn't think they cared how much money you actually have, did you? It's all about the status symbols and they don't care how much debt you took on to get them.
I would think income level matters more
This desu. 100k is enough if she's trailer trash.
Probably North of 100k, which is hilariously out of touch and unrealistic because there are so few millennials who aren't financially fucked
10 million. Women are extremes entitled whores.
Came here to post this. I meet so many guys in their 30's that have less than 5k in the bank and are still paying off their car and their home with a lot left.
I have 20k in the bank and actually feel like I'm doing well for my generation. Which is insane. I'm 32. I feel way behind. I think if I had 100k in the bank my peers would be mind blown
This changes drastically after women pass age 35
You just need a prestigious title such as millionaire.
Women are empowered and they can make their own money nowadays. They don't care. All of them want Chad only because he has FACE FRAME HEIGHT
pass 35 they are now scraps.
All they care about is how much you're gonna spend on them. It's no good if you are loaded but stingy. They want to suck you dry of your money and move on to the next shmuck.
What you should do is trick them into thinking that you are a spender, but never spend any significant amount on them. That way they'll try harder and harder.
this. look at all the ig chicks who have boyfriends be that guy plus one
What the fuck? Are you guys all friends with losers?
3/4 of peers most likely have 100k net worth and the rest are in grad school or accepted they are going to be poor artists. The ones with 100k are mostly in sales, programming, or one of the good engineering fields. I'm 28.
Because men with no money and status are generally viewed as losers? Everyone knows this
Gets married and has child, wife wants divorce takes half and demands alimony and child support for the next 18 years!!
dick size, race and facial bone structure is FAR more important t b h but to answer your Q $100k will get you most 20 yo american girls, especially if latino or black, even correcting for deficiencies in the previously listed items since burgers are mostly poor and impressionable
200 bucks and you can get a teen to spread her legs.
This desu
What if you want to impress the mother of that girl you like, because she's not 18 yet, so you need her approval?
Depends what no money is. If you are a literal hobo then you are correct.
But you don't need to be rolling in it to get hotties if you look decent and carry yourself well. You don't even need to be able to have awesome conversation skills, just not sperg out.
Money is for whores, who may have a place in your life but you don't need to ask biz. Just look at what they cost and work it out yourself.
That depends on the socio-economic bracket her family is in and where you are. And not for impressing but for providing in the future.
> women don't care about money unless you're spending it
this, lol, having a high net worth shows that you're unwilling to spend every penny you have. If anything it makes you unattractive, unless you're targeting 35+ single moms
If you're waiting for them to be impressed, they won't be, just have enough to not give a shit and not care how impressed they are, then they'll be impressed and if you're lucky they'll wrap their arm around yours and expect their cut
You'll have to make the mother coom a lot to show you're a worthy choice
I have 100k but I inherited it and hold no merits. Therefore no one is impressed. Also the richer the country you live in the less people care how much you make/own. Unless you live in the usa.
Money isn't impressive. Literally anyone can inherit money. Women are impressed by your skills.
yes, they are impressed by your money-making skills. sad, but true.
Apparently, they're lower-middle class. No dad though.
The biggest problem here is that I am like ten years older than her.
No, wait. The correct term should be "working class".
Based and redpilled about age gap
If you can provide prospects of stable white collar income (e.g. engineering job) and don't look like a sperg than single working class moms will praise you in front of their daughters.
Earning potential is way more important than net worth if you want to attract a long term partner.
i think not the whole amount of net worth is relevant but the actual style of living you show her (which is ofc related to the type of moneymaking/ money having you do)
case example: she has no father, mother is walmart casher with fixed schedule.
you work in IT and can crunsh hours at night so you can take her to a Soiree on monday night cause you both can sleep long on thuesday.
also: are you 24 and she's 14 or more like she's 18 at least? the latter i would see no issue.
See: Jean Connery, Jonny Depp...
just my 2 cents.
>are you 24 and she's 14 or more like she's 18 at least?
Uhhh... She's 18-2 (it is legal here).
so back to the OPs question:
if shes 2019-2003
having enough money to buy all what she likes on a dinner-date at CFA would be "enough impressive net worth".
Women don't give a SHIT about net worth. What they care about is DISPLAYS of wealth, not necessarily wealth itself.
They are essentially superficial niggers. I'm not joking. Go to the mall. All of the shops are pretty much 100% catering to women's consumerist obsession.