It's Friday night and you're fucking alone again

Explain yourself.

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im tired of going out every friday night

i have spent everything i own on chainlink, everything

I had plans with friends to go out drinking, then i coomed and realized what a waste of time, money and health it would be to go out and get wasted. So cancelled.

I don't use the Gregorian Calander

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Most based post i have ever seen on Jow Forums + checked.

Going where? To the freezer to get a microwave dinner?

Liking my id too.
it's all looking pretty based tonight

I'm a drilling reservist in the USAF and tomorrow is my one weekend a month that I have to serve.

I watch anime, that's my excuse.

13 days until I'm off probation for drug possession
literally have no friends at this point in my life and don't want to go out

sitting on 20 grams of weed waiting for that day in 2 weeks

I'm watching an anime and have passed out and thrown up from all the booze I'm drinking

Do you live in the American South? Drug war is absolutely insane.

Based and LINk pilled, oracle's are the future of consumer-business relations.

I'm with my wife kids. Gonna read a book now.

USA north east
but I was arrested in the south with some weed
I have my medical card now but can't use it until I'm done with probation

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I am in crypto precisely because I would like to remain alone, and not ever have to interact with normal niggers ever again.

I'm on call.

I always check in on Friday nights, sometimes post throughout the week. Been here a long time, married with a family, decent job with overtime and opportunities for advancement. You guys make me laugh, just recently saw the Hitler shit for hashgraph, holy fuck, better than Bancor

Drunk & no one's responding to you, painful faggot


Lol lol lol look who's a salty fAgggg

Drink another fifth then try spell link on your wall by pissing. Upload the photo to kickstart the singularity.

That’s just the coom brain depriving you of any motivation


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Normal Men have been outcasted. The world under Jewish rule is only kind to chads, thots and minorities

lol this but it'll all collapse soon

Yeah but useless sexual motivation. Not in the direct sense that i want to go out and get off, im happily taken, but still in the urge to party and get attention.

You coom and realize there's nothing to be gained by it. I've stayed in and completely cleaned my downstairs rooms instead with metokur vids in the background.

I should be at a music festival right now near Atlanta. But I decided not to go this year because of my anxiety. I feel really awkward and shy when I'm on drugs around a ton of people. And I feel like my group only wants me to come along to music festivals because I can order party drugs from the dark web.
I've put myself in a box socially but I'm comfy.

there is no hope, i cant talk to woman

Don't order them for them without a big markup. They're just off loading risk on you. Or at least give chad powdered Syrian rue and tell him it's coke so he has a psychotic break whilst you bang his gf.

that's good, those people will get you in trouble eventually
once something goes wrong they'll rat you out faster than you can imagine

Chilling with my dog

didnt wanna do anything but mine a coin and shit post online. also messing with daggerfall off and on. right now music and reading up on low mc coins

Of course I'm
>f u c k i n g a l o n e
I take several coomer pills a day.

The biggest marketplace got shut down by the Feds earlier this year. I've used that as my reason for not being able to order anything. I found another market that's legit but they don't know that.
They're not bad people. Their personalities don't click with mine anymore, so I don't feel like partying with them like I used to.

Tbh anyone taking drugs at a festival is just a degenerate cuckold. Im not against drugs but in that scenario they're just an excuse to act like animals.

The actual week i decide to suck up my privacy concerns and make a tinder my face breaks out..

I just wanked off at omegle, does that count ?

No you fukkin coomer, if it isn't is the flesh or in the ear it isn't genuine interaction.

Well i talked to the girls and asked if they like my big white sausage, does THAT count?

That's not true at all. Drugs like weed, MDMA/ecstasy, LSD only enhance your response to all the lights and sounds.

Cringepilled. Mdma is taken by thots so they have an excuse to get off with 18 guys back to back then let one finger them in the middle of the crowd at a bonobo set then as they queef and fart uncontrollably can laugh and say it's the shrooms. Digusting.


bonobo is so good, but festivals are shit I agree

This. I know some festival going instagram stacey who revealed she enjoyed mdma at festivals because it dehydrated her making her constipated so she wouldn't need to wait in the massive lines for portaloos and bring toilet paper as she could literally just go in the tent and it would be one hard piece with no wiping required. She will absolutely get laid lots at these things so these are the people you're getting. Plus she's good looking but not smart so it will be a tip she got from others.

Unironically just want to be left alone. I've banged my share of Tinder thots, now I just want to eat pasta and watch movies after coming home from the gym

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>It's sunday night and I'm fucking alone again because I have work tomorrow
>It's monday night and I'm fucking alone again because I have work tomorrow
>It's tuesday night and I'm fucking alone again because I have work tomorrow
>It's wednesday night and I'm fucking alone again because I work tomorrow
>It's thursday night and I'm fucking alone because I work tomorrow

Your lifestyle choices restrict your social freedom this much, but I need to explain myself


was with my girlfriend watching a jason genova documentary

pretty comfy desu

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>fox and grapes cringe sheltered mommas boy cope

>le drugs are for thots!! its for the baddies!! not for an incel like me!
>its totally not because i am too much of a pussy to touch drugs
>or ever had the status to take party drugs and have fun with women or friends
>i only take the government approved drug of choice, alcohol (goy drug)

drugs especially LSD / MDMA / weed are fucking god-tier

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>then as they queef and fart uncontrollably can laugh and say it's the shrooms.

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I work 7 days a week, waging my own personal war against the system. Partying or paying a tinderthot's meal ticket is a short term indulgence that works against reaching escape financial velocity. I only hope that when i retire 2 years from now I can learn to feel again.

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you must be getting paid a fair bit then m8

>the status to do party drugs
>weed is got teir

This is a blue board but you should probably still leave until you're 18

No drugs are bad in of themselves, its how you use them. Intoxicating yourself around herpetic sluts at festivals is just pathetic. Using lsd/shrooms for experience and introspection, good. Using mdma with friends at a house party, good. Being embarrassingly stupid at a crowded public place getting off with coalburners you'd hate if you spent a second talking whilst being so vulnerable if some muslim burst in to stab the place apart you'd try sucking him off is just hilariously pathetic.

I have no friends. I suffered from severe social anxiety due to childhood trauma, which carried over, and then I got bullied in college which was the final time I tried to get myself out of the pit.

Now I get by with juggling a variety of anti-anxiolytics which is destroying my body, but I don't see a way out. Signed up for therapy, etc. tried to force myself into social situations but everytime I do this, I just feel even worse later on. I unironically have only one friend outside of work.

Sort out your hair, shower and stop showing people funny memes you found on reddit. No-one goes to college to bully, you'd really have to be asking for it.

ive graduated now and have a job. besides, none of what you typed was true, that guy went out of his way to put me down in front of the friend group until eventually all of them stopped talking to me.

Over what? Non-white country/college?

why does white/non-white matter? but yes non-white college

Sort out your skin, whiten and stop showing people your anime you found on mal. No one goes to job to bully, you'd really have to be asking for it.

Bullying rates vary a lot by race. Blacks bully the most by a large margin, then arabs/hispanics, then whites and asians. I did two degrees and was in all kinds of circles and never experienced any kind of bullying or will to do so. Not saying it doesn't happen at all but it's rare in white colleges anyway.

yeah i can imagine this being true, the culture here sucks

Sorry to hear that then, got to try put it completely behind you. I know i was in a bad depression when i was about 19, i didn't really like any of the people i was friends with and started pulling away from all social engagement, getting suicidal etc. I took mdma once at a house party and it just snapped me completely out of it. Just remembering what it was like to be happy gave me a whole new kick to life.

have sex
>wahh girls bad wahh
just do the drug and listen to music you fag lmao

>Being embarrassingly stupid at a crowded public place getting off with coalburners you'd hate if you spent a second talking whilst being so vulnerable if some muslim burst in to stab the place apart you'd try sucking him off is just hilariously pathetic.

hmm i can sort of agree with you there. its better to do it in private with friends

Most people have only 2 or 3 friends that they regularly hang out with.

Only a few socialites have a lot of friends and hang out all the time.

didnt go to the concert with friends i was invited to cause too tired

I don't have any friends.

But at least I have a job and don't live with mommy anymore, eh? That surely must make me worth something... right?
I am so happy I decided to get my life together two years ago and quit being a neet haha

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I literally have zero fucking friends. I started dating this girl two weeks ago and I think she's starting to realize that I'm a fucking loner autist

Downplay it. Status is what women, all women, look for. Height, money, looks are all essentially only important in so far as they provide higher status. Higher social standing. Jew movies say that women like the mysterious outsider but that's laughable rubbish. At most they'll put up with someone who can have high social status but doesn't bother.

Don't talk to her about being a loner, pretend to be busy if you have to.

You are not supposed to get into a relationship if you don't have any friends or an interesting life to share.
Stick to fwb's and see them no more than once a week. It'll be better for you.