Service Agreement Integration Test Done

As of 3 days ago.

Service agreements include all the staking/penalty/reputation functionality of the network:

Expect an announcement next week, followed by a streak of announcements from the high quality providers Sergey mentioned in this video now that the network is fully up and running:

Attached: 1562020690439.jpg (778x1600, 113K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Jannie you better fucking delete this!!!!!

Hurry up!!! I’m gonna…! I’m gonna…!
I’m coommming!!

kek learn to code brainlet, thy haven't started working on any of that. Literally years away (if ever)

I don't get how non programmers like yourself read random code you don't understand and come up with ridiculous deluded conclusions that never turn out to be correct.

If you don't know what you're talking about, stop talking, it's embarrassing

>plebbit spacing
>terrible attempt at FUD
Kek. Go back to plebbit faggot and never come back.

Attached: D570F09A-236E-4AED-8462-41BBC8ADFDC4.jpg (496x496, 134K)

Is this true?

what the fuck do you mean?

How about you click the fucking links and read it yourself?

Click the link fuzznuts

Learn to infer brainlet. They’ve been done with the service agreements for the past three weeks(literally).

It’s dunces like yourself that take everything prima facie and miss the forest for the trees.

If you don’t know what you are talking about, stop talking. It’s embarrassing.

Attached: RoastBeef.jpg (2896x2896, 472K)

Thanks for sharing user
Learn to fud faggot

>Planned Parenthood is a Fetus Farm.


Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 21K)


Attached: 1566435375036.png (604x630, 334K)

Op you're a Retard

I did, but idk if it means it's done or just started or if there's more they need to do. Just answer the question

The times of hand holding are gone
These days its believe us or dyor

Ni me importa; ni vendi

Speak English, bean breath.

Fuck you nigger I've contributed more than you'll ever know for link. Jesus Christ, just fuck8ng answer

nice argument

Attached: AB15CCAA-5A20-4C38-8CA8-A28F244D4B5A.jpg (733x412, 242K)

Nice photoshop


You deserve being reported for that lame FUD. Enjoy your temporary ban.


bagholder cope

Nice FUD, but a bit too early to use it. That video was posted all day yesterday so it’s still fresh in peoples minds.

based as fuck

underrated bait kek
like no shit it's a photoshop, he also said it

fuck off faggot

Attached: chainlinkswiftoracleproj-01.jpg (706x499, 64K)

What does it mean ?
Help a nuLinker, don't be mean.

Attached: 1563286138695.jpg (669x1034, 142K)

Good! Really good! Nevertheless it assume that shit needs to be audited...


Dilate nigger brainlet faggot

1000€ FDA, mis linkies siguen apestando

Checked and cumpilled

Attached: giphy.gif (720x720, 2.83M)

We are all going to make it and we are all going to have QT Asian gfs

*toilet flushes in the background*

>Service agreements include all the staking/penalty/reputation functionality of the network
No, they don't.

There's some real volume anomalies going on these past few days.

wheres my money you assholes

Funds are safu, pinky promise

They provide all that won't be 3rd party

Service agreements have staking deposits, penalties for not responding or responding incorrectly, aggregation is also done through them. Finally it is likely that you'll end up with a few key service agreements where the parameters are just slightly changed here and there in the long run