Currently holding LINK and ONE. I know I should buy Bitcoin and Ethereum. I'm looking at MITX. What coins should I buy?
What coins should I buy?
Dump your unmovable ONE and get on VIDT. Poised to at least 5x after the imminent exchange listing
Short term gains I have to pay 35% tax
I love you Maya.
Also I have $500 a week to invest because I moved into a tent in the woods
Dude, you should totally join my BAND
chainlink, dont buy coins that are all competing
I just came to the sad realization that no one on Jow Forums actually helps each other anymore. What happened to the 2017, and 2018 shill threads that made people 100x? Well I'm here to help ya brainlets out.
The volume on this coin is pretty nice - OKeX shines the most here with a whopping 100K USD / day. Still with me CUMBRAINS? This is your LAST chance to make it in 2019. Also just a side note - this is an arbitrage chance so don't even try with less than 1 or 2 ethereum. No point ~ too slow, and too long to make anything signifient. I mean if you're that much of a poorfag go ahead but it'll be slower obviously.
The price differences is phenomenal from forkdelta compared to OKeX - CHECK your self if you think i'm trying
to "off my bags" or what ever. Just check your self. Forkdelta CURRENTLY has TRUE going for 0.000740 eth / TRUE and on OKeX it's sitting at (as of right now, maybe not in a hour) 0.00159 eth / TRUE.
Honestly - do I NEED to do the math on this one for you,
or google the "ETH = USD RATE" for ya ? HINT: it's a 70% DIFFERENCE! Doesn't take too bright of a light bulb to turn on for this one. I jumped straight into this shit anyways, you can DYOR.
The exchange links can be found below because I'm not THAT much of a bully.
and OKeX you can find your self pretty easily - better fucking say thank you too Jow Forums because I'll probably regret sharing anything valuable with you shitlords but I honestly miss the good old days when yall helped each other instead of tearing each other apart. Enjoy the rest of your year.
Delete this senpai senpai before its ruined. This board is too greedy!!!!
We all know the Chinese exchanges all fake their volume and trading activity, just as bad as the Koreans. At least the Koreans make the trades look legitimate lmao
Dropped 3 eth
The satoj has been revealed in Craig Steven Wright. Do the needful or die poor.
That is all.
Hey nigger i play the accordion can i join?
It's honestly the best arb I've seen lately
The great meme war had many casualties frend, the few of us who survived the great nuclear dip of 2018 were forced to wonder the desert and with our few remaining shekels have been able to sustain ourselves
Literally free money
Okex kyc is actually easy to exploit too. Just Google."Korean ID" and use any....kek
Wow can't believe this worked. Nice exploit LMAO
Pretty nice scam, thanks
This actually worked hahahaha
VIDT and DAG are the Chad coins for sure.
>the I moved out into the woods just to have people shill me literal shitcoins.
No thanks. I want actual use cases. No some shitty ID coin or some dead coin. I'm not pumping your bags pajeets so you can afford a knife so you can rape some/murder some tourist who came to your country just to get diarrhea and hepatitis
Ty coin
No yard. It will never be adapted. Peter Thiel is delusional
>Peter Thiel stoopid
>random loser on Jow Forums smart
Uh uh
You must be new. He backed this currency as well. Guess what happened? Absolutely nothing. The man is absolutely delusional.
He thought the cryptocurrency developed by them and backed by him would be used to buy shit on the floating island. Nope! This isnt Thiels first scam.
UOS is pretty fresh and has good potential
I will look into it. Thanks
Wouldn't advise ONE to be honest, their token release schedule worries me.
LINK is medium risk, medium returns. If you forget the meme's, I can't really see it beyond 10$. Possible, but not likely.
RSR low risk, good potential. Is a looong term hold though. Probably value wont rise much until 2021.
SHOCK is another one, look into it yourself. I myself consider this a low cap gem. Look what happened to BOMB. This is deflationary AND with staking. Good things on the horizon as well. I guess you could call it high risk - huge return. You don't really need to put much in to see huge returns.
Imagine not being all in on MITX BRAP or TRON.....
sell ONE for BAND.
Link is a scam
>ponzis that don't hide being ponzis
You are evil
Unironically this is the best suggestion
Based tron
Even your ID is ‘nigger brown’ you fucking street shitter.
Kek you mad he called /your/ coin out for what it is
$soul phantasma chain
Mainnet soon :)