Time to go gemhunting Jow Forumsbros!
What is the equivalant to ETH in 2019 ?
Which coin will be there in 10 years ?
Time to go gemhunting Jow Forumsbros!
What is the equivalant to ETH in 2019 ?
Which coin will be there in 10 years ?
Other urls found in this thread:
bump it
Vidt & ocean. Vidt will do 100x and ocean 50x.
i remember when gemhunting threads were actually good
but i suppose the gem is obvious by now
whats chainlink?
This place is ridden with pajeets like you. Way to ruin the board
>What coin will be around in 10 years
If you don't know it's ONE, you're awfully far behind.
>not buying TRUE for 61% cheaper than other exchanges
>Doesn't know how to use real decentralized IDEXs
>Not shorting OKeX
No wonder you're poor
Any guidance on learning how to spot good arbitrage opportunities? Any good tutorials / guides on this stuff you'd suggest?
shitty script, bruv
because it's more guaranteed than gambling shitcoin that the IRS will tax you for
nice. dropped a eth
Dont share shit like this with biz
Beam. DYOR
you guys are fucking assholes for responding to the bot
Flipped 6eth absolutely based desu
I'm already doing this for 45+ large scale exchanges + smaller unheard ones too. Both CEX and DEX. It's surprisingly saturated still, and there are not good arbs unless you're watching it & stressing 24/7. Using automated trading is always NO for arbing, because of symbol mismatches (& other reasons), but still, it's not a long-term solution to riches. Currently, you can find ONE good arb per day if you're hustling.
absolute legend
flipped 3eth so i aint complaining desu
newfags retarded
i guess you gotta keep brainlets away somehow
but still, you're an asshole.
Wtf whole team looks like my local asian restaurant workers
Imagine actually buying into this shit because you chose to listen to deceiving incels who’ve never had sex before. Topkek
Who they are doesn't matter. Who they're connected to is what matters.
Try again, brainlet.
its a middleware software that uses a decentralized oracle to feed data found outside of the blockchain into a smart contract.
The thing is, you can be a virgin and not be a bitter, demoralized cuck.
The low-T and low-dopamine resembles a sharp hue radiating about them.
ampl isn't a speculative "price go up" type of currency. if you're buying it for that you're in for a rude surprise.
perlin will do extremely well in Q4.
There he is again. Don't trust this faggot ppl. He has been spamming this shit for months. He stopped for a while only to tweak the replies. If you don't believe go to warosu and search for buzzwords used by this faggot
Nick white has left the team retard. Another member left a few days ago. The project is in shambles. Delay after delay, they lied for their mainnet and more to come. Did they forget to update you pajeet?
You mean that PnD scam I heard about on the nooozeeee?!?
Based aspergers user
Fyi I am just saying this as a hypothetical but if I created this copy pasta and scam years ago just assume newfags learned to do it too and copy paste all my previous ones and now its other people doing it. I'm only saying this because it's kind of funny. Hypothetically ofc.
yep... dumb kids gambling with there computer coins
>1 post by this ID
shoo shoo increasingly nervous Indian
You're a newfag then
He didnt leave dumbass I just checked his Linkedin
ETH is the equivalent to ETH in 2019, because it's ETH, in 2019.
Vidt and Holo ironically
Ultra UOS has at least a 4x in it I think. Only available on Bitfinex so getting in pretty early on that rocket before it becomes more available would be relatively comfy
omg it's QNT you idiots
mfw constellation is unironically in this phase right now