Why does it feel so good to know that citizens' ignorance has led them to suffer the consequences of the 2008 Crisis?
Taking out loans to travel or buy cars... These retards deserve everything that's happened to them.
Why does it feel so good to know that citizens' ignorance has led them to suffer the consequences of the 2008 Crisis?
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a shit tonne of people lost their jobs due to the crisis who had nothing to do with taking on silly loans. i dont think they deserved what happened to them
Sure they did. They defeated nazis, or watched TV instead of making use of their guns. They are lazy subhuman goyim.
Im currently LONG silver and short on GER vs Bitcoin. Actually feeling pretty comfy. Im finally understanding the talmud and why there must be a periodic culling of the cattle.
People will utilize credit to subsidize their lifestyle choices so long as it is made available to them. That's just a sad fact.
It's not a new thing either. People are obsessed with being perceived as a higher station in life than they actually are, and if they can finance that lifestyle with debt they'll do it.
is it acceptable to profit from loopholes in the human psych and lack of moral education (do not take loans, do not flaunt wealth etc..)?
in this case, this actually had reprecussions in the rest of society but people have to take their own responsibility in the end. things cost and there is always someone to exploit your stupidity. if by a certain age you have not acquiered a certain level of critical thinking, shit happens to you. heck, even with critical thinking shit happens all the time.
Do I blame the bankers? a bit.
do I blame the population? to a degree as much as the guys who created these schemes, yes. Do I praise the shorters who shorted during the crash? Yes, absolutely.
Do I find it acceptable that some of these banks were bailed out? no!
consumers failing to repay loans wasn't the problem, overvaluing those loans was
just as we are overvaluing baskets of shitcoins, they put loans together to have more mass. loans themselves are quite stable. normal people do pay them in the end, they work to pay them off.
based on this, they took the security but low profit potential ofnormal mortages and put them together to increase mass, thus profit. maybe that is too simplistic and iam not too deep into the subject.
look, we take shitcoins, get rich quick mentality, people take loans to buy crypto, loans WILL be given, crypto performs, then fucks up, there shorters will short and we are back to 0. the housing market is a million times bigger and the consequences were huge. same stupid bullshit as always though
Yeah, imagine taking out loans for a liberal arts degree. Surely no one does this shit right?
we are in an education bubble. even the shoeshine boy has a masters degree now. kek.
Can’t wait for the debt jubilee. Canada already got one from chase. Once this economy goes nuclear they will have no choice but to forgive debt. It’s the end and you need to play to win frens.
it's not wealth to live in a society that functions like ours. Anyone who hasn't had their fill of consumerism, materialism, hedonism by 25 is a fucking moron.
It's not altruism to try and fix it it's madness to perpetuate it, we're heading to a place where we won't have property rights ffs
>consumerism, materialism, hedonism by 25 is a fucking moron.
I'm one of them
>Do I praise the shorters who shorted during the crash? Yes, absolutely.
That movie was so cash bro
I agree
Honestly I was like in middle school last one but I bet a recession wouldn't phase a absolute money making wolf like me
get dabbed on laggards
the existence of CDOs does not make a housing crisis.
the existence of regulation forcing banks to hold a percentage of their value in housing makes a housing crisis.
same way if there were CDOs of your shit it wouldn't get more valuable but if the BIS mandated investment banks had to hold 1% of their wealth in your shit people would blending other peoples shit together in tranches and selling it to banks like they were 08 sub prime mortgages CDOs. The sole cause of the 08 crisis was regulation
well, yeah bankers will do what they always do as long as it's legal.
combine that will english common law which is based on precedent and you have plenty of room for making money if you are creative enough.
Loved this scene. Didn't realise it was christian bale
Millions of people lose or get jobs each year, recession or not. The problem is that the majority of people are retarded for not having any backup plan or buffer money in case they lose their job and even worse, they don't understand that they are fucked if they take loans and they lose their job, which isn't as unlikely as many like to think.
Not possible without a living wage + 50 % tax, after that 80% of possible saving goes to rent, health insurance is mandatory but I'm still forced to pay, some months I can't afford my water bill and have to steal it from my neighbors hoses. Everything is unethical, I should be too. And we wonder why mass shootings are a thing now lol.
And no one even understands that shootings are a total blessing compared to IED's. Way easier to acquire/make too you cowards who disagree.