Big fat value bet for my frens

Hey my Jow Forums friends
Remeber how we got trolled a few days ago from this nigger with the "australian bachelor insider info"?
Well, here is something of real value for you:

Thór Akureyri - Magni
Bet on X @4
Start is in 3 hours

The reason behind it:
It´s the last match of the season, it´s a match between neighbours. Even though some matches were rough, the teams have a pretty good relationship with each other, and so do the players of both teams to the other team. They even exchange players between the teams on a regular basis.
Now Magni needs one point to stay in the league, and it is very unlikely, that Thór will shoot them out today.
But at the same time, Thór doesn´t want to lose at home if it isn´t necessary.
Thór also doesn´t have two regular players in the rooster today.

It basically speaks a lot for a X and it is a fantastic odd. You can nearly bet at every bookmaker.
Will post my betting slip in second post

Attached: cashcow.png (1920x1080, 1.37M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Sports betting is a great way to become poor. Love it when morons think they've "beat the system" after a profitable first couple of months or a single big win. Everyone of these people eventually end up losing everything and getting depressed.

Just stack sats, moron.

I did my bet on betfair.
bet365 has odds around @4 for example
Yes, I didn´t bet a hell a lot. I am a poorfag, but I speak Icelandic, so I know what I am talking about.
I hope you can profit from it as well frens.
It isn´t a safe bet or insider shit though. But I see it as a very likely scenario today though

Attached: myslip.png (674x214, 7K)

You are an absolute fucking retard.
Odds around @4 for something like that is great and a better bet than 90% of your shitcoin scams in here. Read my explanation.
I am not some gambling addict, you retard

Bet 50$ on it.
I hope you're right OP

I need that money

Ah fuck it.
Let's have some fun together. I'm in OP


I'm American, does my freedumb prohibit me from online betting?

Check out
You can bet there with Bitcoin or Ethereum
All they wanted from me was an E-Mail and a username.
Worked fine when I tried it

Also I'm suprised how less replies this thread has.
Jow Forums really is retarded. This is a proper explanation of mine and nearly nobody cares, while the other user lied to everybody about "insider info" and everybody went crazy.

I did it OP, pray my dick will be sucked tonight

Ill monitor it, OP
If you are right it’s gonna be impressive
If you are wrong tho, dont make excuses

I pray my fren. I'm on it as well

>If you are right it’s gonna be impressive
It wouldn't be a big suprise. I've seen so many fucking shady games in Iceland already, this would be still considered normal.
>If you are wrong tho, dont make excuses
I won't. As I said, this is a great value bet. Nobody should go All in on this or anything else. There is a risk involved. And you should only risk what you're willing to lose in any case. No matter if it is a shitcoin or a bet.
However I see the risk/return ratio here as extremly good.
Godspeed to all anons who are with me on this one!

>Wahhhh I'm a no balls poorfag

I'm up about 5k this year off simply picking faviortes get dabbed on bitch

Sports betting is more lucrative than holding shit coins

I placed also a small bet
Gonna buy more Link if you're right on this one, OP

I put 5eur on this event. id go all in but my bookie wont let me place single bet.
i have bayern mun to win against koln (literally spee team) and i have draw on these fisherman 2nd league
18 eur to win
i would unirnonically go 50 eur if i could place single

15 minutes till kick off
Fingers crossed anons, that this shit goes through.

Post some more tips. Also, are you in any discrod/telegram for this shit? There's no such threads on spee anymore.

So far so good op
Live X odds dropping as score is 0-0 so far
You might be onto something here

fuck sad i missed this one, literally free money

Yeah, even though stats speak a lot for Thór. But as I said, I can't imagine that this will turn into a shootout.
pic related

>literally free money
Well it still isn't over. We can call it free money if it plays out as expected.
Halftime now and still 0-0
Bet365 gives you still a 2,87
You can bet if you want, even though you missed out on a lot of value. However, it isn't a 100% safe bet and I am no insider

Fingers crossed for second halftime, bros!

Attached: halftime.png (1043x1019, 85K)

Also I told you three hours in advance

wew lad
bayern is 4:0 ahead
now only for iceland 2nd league fisherman to finish their game

Now live X odds are in favour
Looking good

>Post some more tips
There doesn't seem to be need from other anons, they rather want some "I know a fixed match" shit to lose their money . Also I don't bet a lot. Just on shit like this where I am very certain that it will go right and when it has a lot of value.
>Also, are you in any discrod/telegram for this shit?
No, I am not. Fuck that shit. Betting other people's bets is nothing I would ever do myself. I am a poorfag and only risk money when it seems worthwhile to me.

Also most people bet on Top tier leagues with a lot of betting volume. That isn't how you beat the bookies, because all info is public and well known to bookies.
But they for sure won't ever dig so deep in some small ass league dynamics in some small ass country with some small ass volume. They make their money with your average Bundesliga, Champions League, Premier League, etc weekend better.

5 more minutes to go now

Good job OP
One of the best threads i saw on Jow Forums that actually was valuable

I read about sportsbetting on 2+2 forums but was too much of a brainlet.
Yes, sometimes bookies are so butthurt they even annulate events that didn't go their way.

You're welcome, fren


Enjoy the Blowjob friend

Only retard in this thread

Enjoy your money, whoever was on board with this one!

If anybody want to thank me in some way, then please use my code to sign up on for free 50$
I don't expect it tondo anybody, but just asking, because I am a poorfag

Jow Forums3rqbrxsh4d

Attached: op_delivered.png (659x141, 4K)

Thanks Iceland user. I will think of you as I get my bj. No homo.

lol tnx op, made 15eur

Lol, OP seriously delivered
Thanks fren!