“$5 waiting room”
“$5 waiting room”
im selling at $2 and the shorting it back down to $1.50. It's not going to $5 or anywhere close.
How much did they pay you to post this fud? $16.7 EOM, faggot
I can see the future and this guy will be a millionaire by shorting LINK, listen to him.
Do you faggots really think someone is getting paid for FUD when you can simply short LINK and make 500x more ? COPE
you deluded retards think a 10x is possible with this shitcoin? it cant even hold $2.
i would short link too if I werent in commiemerica where they ban margin trading outside of kraken
it x20 2 months ago
Neither could bitcoin, which is exactly why I'm so bullish on chainlink.
Compare both coins' supply retard
Don't make me laugh. Look at the supply of gold and your puny limpdick little excuse for an """"""argument"""""""""" is eternally btfo'd. Now compare what chainlink does compared to bitcoin or gold.
It's ok, I understand if you want to commit suicide at this point. In fact, I want you toas well. As do your parents I'm sure.
wen lambo?
you should treat it like a stok....what is the maret cap of a stock that does what Chainlnk does?
What is a company that provides oracle centralized solutions? What is its maret cap?
Martin luther was a jew and worked for jewish religion, He's nothing more than a jew doing what he does best and that is stirring up lies. Jews created the myth of jesus.
sub 50 iq everyone
expalin why sub 50 iq.... chainlin provides oracle it's a start up as any startupproviding oracles... but decentralized...it's the same at the end of the day... so tell me why it should be worth more than the maret cap of gold
Should buy into Band while it's pumping until Link starts to do something.
>the eternal waiting room
Yeah man, everyone should join our BAND
expalin why sub 50 iq.... chainlin provides oracle it's a start up as any startupproviding oracles... but decentralized...it's the same at the end of the day... so tell me why it should be worth more than the maret cap of gold
Dubs checkem.
How to spot a newfriend: 101
just stop posting
I hope this is trolling for your sake.
stocks =/= crypto
Dubs checkem.
We're never gonna approach $5 again, are we frens?
$5 is easy, for UOS yea
because it will disrupt the billion dollar gaming industry and replace steam in just matter of time