Guys don’t read the Toronto protocols if you don’t wanna be blacked pilled on the economy and to a larger degree the world in general. I wish I never read this shit, all I can think about is the multinationalist bakers and corporations fucking us all over... I can’t sleep and it’s 6AM
Guys don’t read the Toronto protocols if you don’t wanna be blacked pilled on the economy and to a larger degree...
Link plz user
Welcome fren. Once you see the matrix its hard to help those already stuck in it.
Someone tell Jow Forums I am blocked from making threads.
I don’t know what’s worse the first part or the second meeting of the 6.6.6.
>Haha don't read it!!1 ... ... But do read it guys..
>.... but don't read it, haha!
>But do read it plz or else my personifications of malice on the world won't gain enough traction to kill a thread ...
>Being so low IQ as to take at face value a writing by the same guy who wrote up "Project Blue Beam"
OP please remove yourself from the gene pool and further shitting up this already thirdworld IQ board
Jews use the goyim
Damn, those multinationalist bakers are some tough shit. They using hard flour?
Gas yourself
Shits fucked.
It’s not good.
Me too, think some pol anons have seen it before but this shit is new to me and I’ve been on this site a long time
Oh wow, that's a new one, anything else?
Ah so you did read it after the yesterday thread on cash control? Nice, i told you it was blackpill tier, especially the part 2 'red dawn'.
Now the phase 2 of blackpilling : army of MK Monarch slaves with MPD (multiple personality disorder), grown in satanic bloodlines, ready to get awoken via triggers for the finale step of world domination. It's about 1% to 1.5% of the US population.
WARNING : extreme redpilling material
>multinationalist bakers
someone fucking draw this
>Says he read something that troubled him
>Says we shouldn't read it
>It's an article from 2015 bahahahaha
>Posts a screenie of each page
Imagine being such a limp dick cuck that you need to spend your time trying to act out your fantasy of bamboozling people on a Indonesian bathtile enthusiast BBS.
kys cuck
Donut question the baking industry, just eggcept your role.
I saw it in a pol thread forget what the op was about desu. Will check out that video
Kys kike
Kek I just reread my op that’s funny
this thread belongs on /x/ you fucking retarded conspiracy theorists.
>Will check out that video
You wont regret it, but please don't just look at it, download it too. jewtube is (((cleaning))) everything super hard lately, same thing on wiki.
>He calls other people kike while he's trying to jew people into reading his conspiracy theory shit
how fucking ironic holy shit
The 1985 part of the document talks about how they plan to bring down the economy biz related 100%. Also conspiracy theorist is a ad hom attacked created by the cia to discredit anyone going against the good goy narrative
Again kys schlmo
Fuck good point man, I’ve tried going back and finding a few videos to show to frens and they were all scrubbed
there's always a choice user
pretty much everything they've outlined so far requires their target to be wilfully ignorant
Fuck off back to your containment board vyacheslav
You think we don't know this is another faggy FSB psyops campaign?
ITT schizophrenia, get help virgins.
Inb4 Shuddup GoYIm daaaa jewss did disss! Muh black pill
Just look at the catalog man. It's not just this one thread, there's a few Jow Forums-tier threads up already. Coordinated effort by the looks of it; they want to recruit for their Russian-operative-infested containment board (Jow Forums)
>t. JIDF
Muh Russian hackers, muh schizo, incels
You faggots stink of reddit kikery
Also posts like these are how you know the Toronto Protocols are a real threat to their narrative
The state of a business and finance board.
>muh world out to get me
Be honest, even if this shit was real all of you losers will still be sitting in your basements with your hands around your dick coominng, doing absolutely nothing about it.
So basically we are in the final stages of their plan to dismantle western civilization. Currently at step mass immigration and remove weapons from citizens. Next step is destroy farming/food supply.
Good thing I tragically lost all of my firearms in a boating accident.
Stock up on necessities and be prepared anons.
1000 EOY
Somewhere there and before they try to destroy the countries via debt based be prepared user
what's dis?
You have to have a 200+ IQ to understand that comment
pls gib clue sir
Is anybody wondering where Bitcoin plays part in their plan? Or did Satoshi have good intentions and didn’t foresee just how far the Jews were willing to go...
He’s referencing the golf rumours
Im at the ugly frog stage
Wondering this too
Also where are we at in their plan? What’s next?
>where Bitcoin plays part in their plan
Testing blockchain technologies + cashless society. Digital money that just will be numbers u see on screen without feeling anything.
Climate change for crops destruction already happening
Is there any actual evidence to support any of this? It reads like a Jow Forumstard just making shit up as he goes along.
>Sub 80 IQ confirmed
So... nothing?
Yep user it's all fantasy. Go back to jerking it to anime porn and thoughts of your mom naked. Nothing to see here.
>start reading
>see 6.6.6
I was wondering this too, it appears on Wikipedia only under its French name in the article about its author. Note that he was Epstein'd one year after this document was released.
Idk, saw a spelling mistake on my first glance, and video games were a thing way before this paper. The term wasn't invented in that paper by combining the inventions of video and "games which are connected to it".
And the intranet was a thing before the invention of the internet proper too. Sorry, but this paper reads like bullshit lmao
>just a LARP from some old /x/ boomer who likes to "overuse" "quotation marks"
Fuck you OP I thought it was something actually interesting for a moment. Big yawn.
Look at the DEVELOPMENTS IN THE WORLD SINCE publication.
Its kinda crazy that these documents are minutes of 1967 - and 1985 respectively.
Look at the state of the world - in 2019 - and how it relates. The proof is in the pudding, as they say.
Its absolutely Fucked up. Probably the only way to escape is own land, and a farm. Own your own food. And have a family or small community.
look at the vid i posted, it's just audio, you don't even have to look at it. It was recorded during a conference for psychiatrists in 92. The doctor making the speech was one of the most reputed specialist in hypnotic psychiatry worldwide, he open his speech saying
>i'll probably get myself killed for this talk
So you know it's about to be fun.
>Rich boomers have gone full retard
>Poor boomers full NPC
No surprise the time traveler from 2036 said they all be hanging trees in 2028.
What is the date on this
WHich video
This is 1st post of your ID
You must whitepill yourself NOW by reading Bronze Age Mindset
Read Industrial Revolution and It's Future
Those demon trips mean nothing to you?
>Serge Monast was a Québécois investigative journalist, poet, essayist and conspiracy theorist. He is known to English-speaking readers mainly for Project Blue Beam and associated conspiracy tropes
KEK yeah great source you got there user real legit
Do you have archive of that thread?
Or does any1 have it?
So you're telling me you found the "New World Order's" exact plan to ruin the traditional Judeo-Christian family unit through sexual liberation
And you found all of this on a imageboard dedicated to obese Sergey Nazarov memes? wow you are the chosen one m8.
fucking dumbass
the only russian spys are democrats
Congratulations you are retarded, the toronto protocols were written in the 95 by some crazy schizo and everything they said is just a regurgitation of the hippie movement
in the hippie movement there also were identity politics for minorities and other shit you see today
>video games and internet are tools to create slaves
yeah better to be a normie and go to your protestant church lmfao
Simply by sharing this info with people, you'll save the world. Because some of us are smart enough to make changes.
>inb4 "schizo"
I wont. Thank you for the warning.
You know what, you peaked my curiosity, I'll give it a listen while I do my practice problems
Thx mate
the people that say this paper is BS are just blind. they couldnt see the truth, even if it was right before their eyes. *cough* *cough*
IF YOU clicked that link u better of had a good vpn and 3 proxies minimum AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!11
bad larp, chile is already not a good place for cryptos, banks are already targeting people cashing out and closing their accounts
nah only the ones writing these things are needing to worry. most of us are already on a minor "watchlist" already if we have typed anything looking for answers of the deep state. bring it on feds!
Well, Europe got completely fucked just in 3 years.
You know this guy died a little over a year after its publication, right? And you know that his family or something had to push and force for an autopsy on cause of death that was revealed as a 'heart attack?' A guy with no addictions and good health died of a 'heart attack'
He is glowing, user.
I don't understand the point, that chile will become a shithole in 3 years? i think so because the next president likely will be from the left