Fired for no reason

>fired for no reason
>employer withholding bonuses
>clause in contract that states I can't work for competitors for 12 months

What's my best course of action here?

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Semi auto in at least .223
6 magazines
Go and give the company loses in the Millions by removing their well trained employees and middle management

>fired for no reason

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If you were fired for no reason you should sue

well for what it's worth they say non compete clauses aren't really enforceable, and EVEN if they are most companies won't dedicate the time and resources needed to enforce them

so in all honesty you can probably just go get a job with a competing firm without too much trouble


Can you find information on your boss or colleges and then expose them ?

They found me searching for other jobs.

The industry is pretty niche so maybe they would tho.

Such as?

Woah! That's edgy!

>search bosses name on Google, Facebook, Instagram
>find racist and misogynist things about him
>screencap them
>email him the screenshots
You would be amazed at how much stuff boomers post on social media. They dont know how to set privacy settings

>no reason
>withholding bonuses

apply pressure via a lawyer, maybe get them to waive the non-compete in settlement

They are in my state as long as the terms are reasonable. There was a famous supreme court case and the employer won

>You would be amazed at how much stuff boomers post on social media. They dont know how to set privacy settings

This strategy no longer works (pic related)

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Fuck the contract
Fuck the company
Fuck your former employer
Shit on them
Go right to their competition
Fuck them

Not even.
They are enemies of freedom and traitors.
If no logic, sacrifice, and balls. Then practice bending over because your near useless in the grand scheme.

Just don't shoot the cool(considerate) people. Maybe even just shoot the higher ups that support those kinds of contracts.

if you're in australia or the UK, the courts frown upon anti-competition clauses and practically ignore them for individuals.
also above is not legal advice, but can cite the cases.

Just kill them already

I'm in the UK.


I bet all major companies have insurance for mass shooting.

there are no insurances insuring against terrorism

What makes you say that?

who da slut / sauce

my company offers life insurance to the tune of 1 year salary. 2 years if i die on the job. they cover the cost too, dont think it's very much

Some random girl.

Look it up. Terrorism is too unpredictable, it can't be included in any risk management calculations. I think there are some for very specific market niches where you can insure against attacks by insurgencies but they are territorial and market specific, nothing a run off the mill company can get in case an employee goes Tarrant

Start searching data dumps for their names on places like ashly maddison or other sites that could be compromising . When my manager fired me I took 3 other people down with me and had them all put on the news in Orlando

Looks like I'm wrong. There are very few and they are tax funded. No private terror insurances though

>for no reason
>I was using company machines and company time to search for new jobs
>I wanted to be found out because I didn't practice opsec
>now I am mad how can this be happening to me

Seek legal advice, to be fired for looking at other work is not good grounds.

Also anti compettion laws are not allowed to be onerous so they have to state an area and time frame so you should be able to work out of range, ask a lawyer about that too.

Also will they know if you have gone to the competition, I had a restraint of trade agreement when I bought a business the people I bought from started another business in my area but I didn't know till I saw the guy about a year later and since they weren't poaching my customers and I was flat out, I didn't care.

I'm not mad, I hated the job.

Sounds interesting. Any more details on what happened on the news?

I need sauce now