How do I short the U.S Armed Forces?
How do I short the U.S Armed Forces?
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You dont
The U.S military is a joke and essentially another form of welfare. Every single person I know that joined the military in the last 20 years has been a faggot, I can't imagine it getting less onions anytime soon.
>How do I short [insert noun]
the answer is always silver
Defense contracting.
Ah, the sound of a bitter neverserve.
buying $dag
they are going to war with iran, so a lot of new money is pumped into it, why short it?
how do i short veterans?
>be jew
>control JewSA
>send dumb retard muttoids to die in some shithole
>already know which stocks will pump when dumb fuck mutts get blown the fuck up
>profit off those dead retards
>the dumb retards even defend your comfy scheme on the internet for free
I joined the USAF and I can confirm, all of the decent people were being transferred out during basic for stupid things on an ELS. One guy was too honest and admitted to smoking weed a couple times on his paperwork, instantly sent out. Meanwhile the guy next to my bunk literally grew and dealt drugs, told me about it the first day. The female flights were pathetic, filled with entitled black women and nerdy fat white chicks that couldn't even do a handful of pushups 6 weeks into training but still managed to get through somehow.
And that's just the start. The military has always been a place for the losers in life to try and get started on a better path while doing something with their lives and you know it. The catch just is that most of them disregard the opportunities handed to them and instead leech off of it for years to come.
>The catch just is that most of them disregard the opportunities handed to them and instead leech off of it for years to come.
Then bitch about it when they're sixty years old and their bodies are broken beyond repair, demanding society to pay for it all.
The most annoying part IMO is how we're expected to give them god like status here in the states, discounts on everything, free medical, their own holidays, politicians kissing their asses.
For combat veterans that actually were in the shit I'm all for it but I'm expected to put some nigger who was given a satellite command job because of his skin color the same respect? I knew some really fucking smart people in basic that got the short end of the stick by the system while people who aren't even US citizens got the best jobs out of the general category.
>join the Navy
>spend 5 years fucking off, traveling the world, learning a trade, and drinking beer with bro's
>get out
>go to college on GI bill, NET PROFIT of $35k a year with living stipend and scholarship/grant refunds
>also collect a check for being %40 disabled because i layed my bike down on the PCH and hurt my knee (lol im fine)
>coast into a $100k a year government job
lol, stay mad shitters.
Millitary is good for people until they get called up to war imo. Legal murder will mess anyone up for life who isnt already totally a nutjob.
%70+ of the military is non-combat. Clerks, mechanics, and janitors basically. A carrier has ~35 pilots, the other 4000 dudes are there just to keep those 35 planes in the air.
I mean if you're dumb in general, yeah you'll prob make dumb decisions in the military. Or you could have 2 brain cells and just:
>do intel or cyber
>get paid to get certs and school
>get 100k job otw out and/or use gi bill next to metropolitan area for BAH
>file disability claim within year of EOS
>Use VA home loans to capitalize on housing market.
>have an in for defense contracting through intel connections and profit big off the MI complex.
The list goes on. If you gain a modicum of foresight while in you can 100x your life easy. For as many damunces there are net gains that come from military. What you see while in is just a reflection of society as a whole.
Yes. Do this. I'm 80 percent going for 100. If incan net a passive 3k a month I will dab every morning I wake up that year.
Wrong. All wrong.
>For combat veterans that actually were in the shit I'm all for
This. Society doesn't offer any distinction between combat veterans and deskjob veterans and you're expected to kiss their asses equally.
Us Intel guys have can have pretty risky jobs as well if you run humint collection. Regardless of combat or other high risk the ones who purposely go out of their way to solicit "THANK YOIZ FER YUR CERVIX" are an embarrassment anyway
Long Vietnam
Long the Russian ones.
>they are going to war with iran
If they do they will lose. It isn't the 90s, all their bloated expensive shit is out of date while Iran is on the cutting edge of cost effective fighting.
>still using manned fighter jets
In the first day of the attack AEGIS communication will be jammed leaving every naval asset defenseless allowing Iran to wipe out the fleet and all the military bases at once. A variable density mesh network of drones will circumvent any US attempt at counter jamming. The skies will be covered in sensors so traditional stealth is useless. As the Iranian drone fleet advances towards the US mainland the desperate remains of the burger government will fire ICBMS which will be easily intercepted by Iranian drones. At the start of the war Russian assets in the US activate and feed existing tensions which will lead to civil war.
Short the companies they give defense contracts to
How to spot the Iranposter.
But disregsrded. Vietnamese are still dying to this day, and will likely continue to die by the thousands from cancer, UXO, etc.
Plus China might rape them.
>while Iran is on the cutting edge of cost effective fighting
I am by no means delusional about the capability of the US military, but this post is beyond retarded
short the many military R&D companies and organizations.
It's now standard practice to always maintain a story that you feed US intelligence. They think they know everything so you make them continue to believe that. If a war breaks out with Iran the real situation will be revealed. Every nation has been developing countermeasures specifically against US forces for decades. At the same time US strategy has been dictated by military contractors who just want to sell expensive useless things. The last time your systems were really tested was in the 90s. All the latest technology is only impressive in how expensive it is.
buy bitcoin
This will all occur on a halving event and A leveraged short will be placed. The iceberg sale will kill the chain
And guess what? The US knows you guys are doing this and account for it. Enjoy getting obliterated.
Marinefag here... just want to remind everybody that everyone is a faggot, including me. That is all.
Carry on.
>The US knows
They think they know but even if they have the intel they're dictated by business interests that ignore details like who wins. If the leadership were acting based on awareness of the situation they would be deescalating to buy time. It's in the long term interests of Iran to provoke a war now. Both the aftermath of ISIS and the current tech edge cheap drones have won't last so they should go to war now before the US wakes up.
I made out like a bandit with the Army, but it still sucked. It's a lonely place if you have a triple digit IQ.
wtf, haven't heard the last part before 10:51.