Can ETH reach 1000 dollars but unironically?

can ETH reach 1000 dollars but unironically?

Attached: eth.png (1600x1099, 79K)

It will go to $100 before it ever goes to $1000

Easily, yes. I think it's going to 15k after it flips Bitcoin

Two polar opposite responses of equal retardation

POS will kill eth.

It'll reach $49 first

Was it ironic when it hit $1000 the first time?

yes because it didnt plan to stay there

I want it to stay there so I can stake ETH for annual return

DYOR tard

Eth will be 10k when btc will be 100k that is just the inevitable future we are sll going to make it buy as much as you can fucking sell your mom

looks like the medications are working for you.

Kek, le good post my friend xDD have my upvote

Yes, probably in 2020
can ETH supporters stop with the flipping BTC shit, it does us holders a disservice and isn't based in reality.
ETH is a defi platform and BTC is egold. ETH wants to be more easily spent and used so it's price probably couldn't flip BTC and function
I think ETH will be one of the few to make it through POS but I am a little worried after seeing it tank other coins

>ETH wants to be more easily spent and used so it's price probably couldn't flip BTC and function
"""ETH""" doesn't """want""" shit, the market dictates its price you utter retard.


Attached: crypto predictions be like.png (2368x1086, 2.2M)

it's developers played a key role. Market provides demand but I can't see ETH getting 5 times BTC demand. ETH set supply and inflation rates not the market.
The market also wants ETH to be spent like money, that's why everyone spends it and actually uses it. I would never spend BTC on kitty games but hey I hope ETH does flip BTC, I'm sitting pretty in ETH too.

The left image unironically but replace ripple with Link.

Attached: 1560618796335.png (1765x966, 1.61M)

ripple and link deserve each other
you should put XMR 3rd for being the best privacy coin but choose one like link that no one uses.
BNB, LTC deserve to be up their over LINK

I hope this is bait. BNB and LTC are both memes. I like XMR but it doesn't deserve 3rd.

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Sorry I'm talking about the cryptos being used. XMR is darkweb money, big use case that real users currently use it for.
BNB is crypto's version of a blue chip dividend stock. The worlds biggest exchange guarantees quarterly profits to destroy the supply, plus the minor use cases. Exchange coins are smarter holds than most cryptos for a ton of reasons. They always have new buyers as long as the exchange is growing. Crypto speculators don't mind buying tokens driven up by previous speculators. Won't be true for every platform. Exchanges make profit off the bear and bull seasons, some of them pay it out to their token holders. These things at least are guaranteed initial adoption.

LTC is BTC's testnet/back up network. Merge mining/atomic swaps, first adoption of tech. Lee designed it to be silver to BTC's gold and that's what it actually behaves like

Bitcoin didn't also plan to stay there at 20k. But it will this time and definitely so will ETH

Attached: tZPKSQ0.png (1436x744, 414K)

>Solar cycle

I think I just took a shot of hopium through my screen.

I think it's just a matter of time, i mean the same goes for Howdoo. It will reach $5 perhaps in a year or so looking at the potential it has